Past Award Winners

Year Recipient Name Institute Award
2025 Hector Menendez South Dakota State University Young Scientist Award
2025 Juliana Ranches Oregon State University Extension Award
2025 Taylor Andrews New Mexico State University ASAS Young Scholar Award
2024 Amanda N. Bradbery Montana State University Young Scientist Award
2024 Jennifer L. Hurlbert North Dakota State University Young Scholar Award
2024 Mark E. Branine Zinpro Corporation Distinguished Service Award
2024 Shelby L. Rosasco University of Wyoming Extension Award
2024 Timothy DelCurto Montana State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2023 Austin R. Brown University of California, Davis" Young Scholar Award
2023 Brenda M. Alexander University of Wyoming Distinguished Teacher Award
2023 Jameson R. Brennan South Dakota State University Young Scientist Award
2023 Mackenzie M. Smithyman New Mexico State University Young Scholar Award
2023 Rachel L. Gibbs University of Nebraska-Lincoln Young Scholar Award
2023 Shelby J. Filley Oregon State University Extension Award
2022 Caitlin N. Cadaret Colorado State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2022 Glenn C. Duff New Mexico State University Distinguished Service Award
2022 Jesus Joaquin Figueroa-Zamudio New Mexico State University Young Scholar Award
2022 Rodrigo S. Marques Montana State University Young Scientist Award
2022 Ryan M. Knuth University of Wyoming Young Scholar Award
2022 Victor V. Flores New Mexico State University Young Scholar Award
2022 Whit C. Stewart University of Wyoming Extension Award
2021 Connie K. Larson Zinpro Corporation Distinguished Service Award
2021 David W. Bohnert Oregon State University Extension Award
2021 Kelsey M. Harvey Texas A&M University Young Scholar Award
2021 Renae L. Sieck University of Nebraska-Lincoln Young Scholar Award
2021 Thomas W. Murphy USDA ARS Young Scientist Award
2020 Chad Page University of Wyoming Young Scholar Award
2020 John Campbell New Mexico State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2020 Megan Van Emon Montana State University Extension Award
2020 Rebecca Swanson University of Nebraska-Lincoln Young Scholar Award
2020 Robert Ziegler University of Nebraska-Lincoln Young Scholar Award
2020 Travis Mulliniks University of Nebraska-Lincoln Young Scientist Award
2019 Adam Summers New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
2019 Elizabeth "Betsy" Greene University of Arizona Extension Award
2019 N. Andy Cole USDA ARS Distinguished Service Award
2018 Amelia Tanner Colorado State University Young Scholar Award
2018 Clint Löest New Mexico State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2018 Dustin Yates University of Nebraska-Lincoln Young Scientist Award
2018 H.A. (Bart) Lardner University of Saskatchewan Extension Award
2018 Hannah Cunningham University of Wyoming Young Scholar Award
2018 James G. Berardinelli Montana State University Distinguished Service Award
2017 Jack C. Whittier University of Nebraska-Lincoln Distinguished Service Award
2017 Jennifer Hernandez Gifford New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
2017 Kelsey Schubach Oregon State University Young Scholar Award
2017 Kendall Samuelson New Mexico State University Young Scholar Award
2017 Matthew Crouse North Dakota State University Young Scholar Award
2017 Reinaldo Cooke Oregon State University Extension Award
2017 Russell Hovey University of California - Davis Distinguished Teacher Award
2016 Amy Abrams University of Wyoming Young Scholar Award
2016 Douglas R. Tolleson University of Arizona Extension Award
2016 Michael L. Galyean Texas Tech University Distinguished Service Award
2016 Reinaldo F. Cooke Oregon State University Young Scientist Award
2016 Rodrigo da Silva Marques Oregon State University Young Scholar Award
2016 Ryan Ashley New Mexico State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2016 Stacia Prosser New Mexico State University Young Scholar Award
2014 Bryan T. Welly University of California Young Scholar Award
2014 Eric J. Scholljegerdes New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
2014 Hannah C. Cunningham University of Wyoming Young Scholar Award
2014 Leticia E. Camacho University of Arizona Young Scholar Award
2014 Mark L. Nelson Washington State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2014 Rick Funston University of Nebraska Extension Award
2014 Timothy T. Ross New Mexico State University Distinguished Service Award
2013 Kate P. Sharon Montana State University Young Scholar Award
2013 Kim A. Vonnahme North Dakota State University Young Scientist Award
2013 Kristen A. Johnson Washington State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2013 Melanie K. Beckman Zinpro Young Scholar Award
2013 Patrick G. Hatfield Montana State University Distinguished Service Award
2013 Scott L. Lake University of Wyoming Extension Award
2012 Douglas L. Hixon University of Wyoming Distinguished Service Award
2012 James Berardinelli Montana State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2012 Rachel L. Endecott Montana State University Extension Award
2012 Shanna L. Ivey New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
2011 Daniel C. Rule University of Wyoming Distinguished Teacher Award
2011 John A. Paterson Montana State University Distinguished Service Award
2011 Shawn L. Archibeque Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
2011 Steven. I. Paisley Extension Award
2010 Charles T. Gaskins Washington State University Distinguished Service Award
2009 James M. Thompson Oregon State University Extension Award
2009 Joshua Bret Taylor USDA-ARS Young Scientist Award
2009 Michael D. MacNeil USDA-ARS Distinguished Service Award
2009 Terry E. Engle Colorado State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2009 University of Wyoming, Laramie Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2008 David R. Ames Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
2008 J. Benton Glaze University of Idaho Extension Award
2008 Min Du University of Wyoming Young Scientist Award
2008 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2008 Paul A. Ludden University of Wyoming Distinguished Teacher Award
2007 Daniel J. Drake University of California - Davis Extension Award
2007 James R. Carpenter University of Hawaii Distinguished Teacher Award
2007 Lance H. Baumgard University of Arizona Young Scientist Award
2007 Noelle E. Cockett Utah State University Distinguished Service Award
2007 University of Wyoming, Laramie Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2006 Anita M. Oberbauer University of California - Davis Distinguished Teacher Award
2006 James E. Sprinkle University of Arizona Extension Award
2006 Terry E. Engle Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
2006 University of Wyoming, Laramie Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2005 C. Chris Calvert University of California Distinguished Teacher Award
2005 Clay P. Mathis New Mexico State University Extension Award
2005 David W. Bohnert Oregon State University Young Scientist Award
2005 Mark K. Petersen New Mexico State University Distinguished Service Award
2005 University of Wyoming, Laramie Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2004 Denny H. Crews Agriculture Canada Young Scientist Award
2004 Janice G. P. Bowman Montana State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2004 Martin Vavra Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
2004 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2004 Wayne F. Gipp Montana State University Extension Award
2003 Bret W. Hess University of Wyoming Young Scientist Award
2003 John A. Paterson - 2 Montana State University Extension Award
2003 Temple L. Grandin Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
2003 Timothy T. Ross - 2 New Mexico State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2003 University of Wyoming, Laramie Zinpro Institutional Graduate Student Paper Competition
2002 Dennis M Hallford New Mexico State University Distinguished Service Award
2002 Raymond P. Ansotegui Montana State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2002 Stephen B. LeValley Colorado State University Extension Award
2002 Thomas W. Geary USDA-ARS Young Scientist Award
2001 Bok F. Sowell Montana State University Distinguished Teacher Award
2001 Dale R. Zobell Utah State University Extension Award
2001 Dean E. Hawkins New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
2001 Peter R. Cheeke Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
2000 G. Eric Bradford University of California - Davis Distinguished Service Award
2000 Ronald L. Hathaway Oregon State University Extension Award
2000 Thomas R. Famula University of California - Davis Distinguished Teacher Award
2000 Timothy DelCurto Oregon State University Young Scientist Award
1999 Ann M. Swinker Colorado State University Extension Award
1999 Dale W. Holcombe University of Nevada Distinguished Teacher Award
1999 Keith E. Belk Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
1999 Robert E. Short USDA-ARS Distinguished Service Award
1998 Donald E. Johnson Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
1998 J. Daryl Tatum Colorado State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1998 Jack C. Whittier Colorado State University Extension Award
1998 Noelle E. Cockett - 2 Utah State University Young Scientist Award
1997 James W. Oltjen University of California - Davis Extension Award
1997 Janice G.P. Bowman Montana State University Young Scientist Award
1997 Jerry J. Reeves Washington State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1997 M.W. McCullough Moorman's High Plains SMA Distinguished Service Award
1996 Mark A. Mirando Washington State University Young Scientist Award
1996 Rodney W. Kott Montana State University Extension Award
1996 Ronald D. Green Colorado State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1995 Cheryl Nockels Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
1995 Mark B. Judkins University of Nevada Young Scientist Award
1995 Norris J. Stenquist University of Utah Extension Award
1995 Thomas G. Field Colorado State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1994 Dale W. Weber Oregon State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1994 Kelvin Koong Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
1994 Mark E. Wise University of Arizona Young Scientist Award
1994 Rodney C. Torrell University of Nevada Extension Award
1993 James S. Brinks Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
1993 Johannes E. Nel University of Wyoming Extension Award
1993 Joseph D. Tatum Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
1993 William A. Schurg University of Arizona Distinguished Teacher Award
1992 Doug L. Hixon University of Wyoming Extension Award
1992 Joe Wallace New Mexico State University Distinguished Service Award
1992 Mark Peterson New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
1992 Mel Riley University of Wyoming Distinguished Teacher Award
1991 C. Brent Theurer University of Arizona Distinguished Service Award
1991 Dennis M. Hallford - 2 New Mexico State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1991 Les J. Krysl University of Nevada Extension Award
1991 William J. Murdoch University of Wyoming Young Scientist Award
1990 Don C. Adams University of Nebraska Young Scientist Award
1990 Leon E. Orme Brigham Young University Distinguished Teacher Award
1990 Mack H. Kennington California State Polytechnic University Distinguished Service Award
1990 Tim L. Stanton Colorado State University Extension Award
1989 Alfred R. Menino, Jr. Oregon State University Young Scientist Award
1989 C. Walter Newman Montana State University Distinguished Service Award
1989 Chad C. Gibson University of Idaho Extension Award
1989 Everett L. Martin Washington State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1988 Conrad J. Kercher University of Wyoming Distinguished Service Award
1988 John A. Froseth Washington State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1988 Michael L. Galyean New Mexico State University Young Scientist Award
1988 Roger M. Brownson Montana State University Extension Award
1987 David C. England Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
1987 James M. Sachse New Mexico State University Extension Award
1987 Robert E. Taylor Colorado State University Distinguished Teacher Award
1987 Ronald E. Allen - 2 University of Arizona Young Scientist Award
1986 James R. Males Washington State University Young Scientist Award
1986 William N. Garrett University of California - Davis Distinguished Service Award
1985 Gary B. Anderson University of California - Davis Young Scientist Award
1985 Robert L. Blackwell Montana State University Distinguished Service Award
1984 Edward L. Squires Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
1984 Verle R. Bohman University of Nevada Distinguished Service Award
1983 George E. Seidel, Jr. Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
1983 Robert A. Bellows USDA-ARS Distinguished Service Award
1982 David C. Church Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
1982 Peter J. Burfening Montana State University Young Scientist Award
1981 Raymond W. Wright, Jr. Washington State University Young Scientist Award
1981 William H. Hale University of Arizona Distinguished Service Award
1980 Robert J. Raleigh Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
1980 Torrance M. Nett Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
1979 John K. Matsushima Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
1979 Peter R. Cheeke - 2 Oregon State University Young Scientist Award
1978 Perry T. Cupps University of California - Davis Distinguished Service Award
1978 Steven L. Davis University of Idaho Young Scientist Award
1977 Jerry J. Reeves - 2 Washington State University Young Scientist Award
1977 John Patterson Bowland University of Alberta Distinguished Service Award
1976 Colin C. Kaltenbach University of Wyoming Young Scientist Award
1976 Glen P. Lofgreen University of California - Davis Distinguished Service Award
1975 Gordon D. Niswender Colorado State University Young Scientist Award
1975 Irwin A. Dyer Washington State University Distinguished Service Award
1974 James E. Oldfield Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
1973 Howard H. Stonaker Colorado State University Distinguished Service Award
1972 Lorin E. Harris Utah State University Distinguished Service Award
1971 Ralph Bogart Oregon State University Distinguished Service Award
0 Ray A. Field University of Wyoming Distinguished Service Award

Recipients of the Competition Paper Award

1. A.A. Howells. Washington State University
2. G.L. Richardson. Predicting Bull Carcass Cutability as Retail Values Colorado State University

1. D. Wideman. Subcutaneous Implants for Control of Estrus. Colorado State University
2. C.P. McCann. DES Implant, MGA and Genetic Effects on Heifers. Colorado State University
3. G.F. Arije. Age and Weight at Puberty in Hereford Heifers. Colorado State University

1. R.L. Quaas. Cow and Calf Weights in Colorado Hereford Herds. Colorado State University
2. G.J. Mears. Glucose, NEFA and Insulin Relations to Intake. University of California, Davis
3. L.M. Slade. Nitrogen Metabolism in Rabbits and Guinea Pigs. University of California, Davis

1. A. M. Booren. Carbonyl Analysis of Antelope Fat. University of Wyoming
2. G.H. Scales. Nutritive Value and Consumption of Range Forage. Colorado State University
3. R.L. De Lay. Performance of Background Feeder Cattle. Colorado State University

1. P.V. Rattray. Net Energy Requirements of Ewe Lambs and Net Energy Values of Feeds for Lambs. University of California, Davis 2. C. Burrell. Ear Implant (SC21009) for Estrous Control in Heifers. Colorado State University
3. T.M. Nett. Plasma Estrogens in Pregnant Mares. Washington State University
Honorable Mention, H.H. Meyer. Comparative Response of Finnish Landrace Cross Ewes to Variation in Feed Intake. University of California, Davis
Honorable Mention, B.F. Craddock. Factors Affecting Lamb Carcass Yield Grades. University of Wyoming

1. Carol Shreffler. Dominance Relationships in Ram Lambs. Oregon State University
2. C.L. Ferrell. Continued Recycling of Cattle Manure. University of California, Davis
3. B.F. Craddock. Effect of Protein and Energy Levels on Lamb Carcass Composition. University of Wyoming
Honorable Mention, E. Riquelme. Determination of the Protein Content of Lamb Meat by Dye Binding. Washington State University

1. Tammy M. Bray. The Effects of 3-Methylindole on Hemolysis, Transport of 22Na, and ATPase Activities of Bovine Erythrocytes. Washington State University
2. J.E. Roberts. Quality Characteristics of Portion Controlled Steak. University of Wyoming
3. Philip B. George. Estrus and Early Pregnancy of Gilts in Confinement. Oregon State University

1. C.C. Calvert. Waxy Vs. Normal Barley in Rat and Pig Diets. Montana State University
2. W.E. Beal. Effect of Energy on LH Response to Consecutive Gn-RH Injections. University of Wyoming
3. Hunter A. Horvath. Induction of Pulmonary Edema and Emphysema in Goats. Washington State University
Honorable Mention, J.E. Roberts. Quality of Pressed Steaks from Stored Tenderloins. University of Wyoming

1. Sylvia R. Becker. Competitive Binding of Iodinated vs. Unlabeled LHRH Analog. Washington State University
2. Bruce J. Bradley. Effects of 3-Methylindole on Goat Lungs: Electron Microscopy. Washington State University
3. Andrew C. Hammond. 3-Methylindole Metabolite Excretion in Goats. Washington State University

1. Cindy A. Hildebrand. Effect of Maturity on Salt Soluble Protein Content of Beef Muscles. University of Idaho
2. M.Q. Mayar. Ovarian Growth and Uptake of Iodinated D-Leu6des GlyNH210 - LHRH-ethylamide in HCG Treated Prepubertal Rats. Washington State University
3. J.H. Williams. Nursing Behavior of Young Hereford Calves. Montana State University

1. M.K. Petersen. Nutritive Value of Kentucky Bluegrass Straw Ensiled with Alkali, Molasses and Protein Sources. University of Idaho
2. Russell B. Muntifering. Effect of Monensin on Nitrogen Utilization in Beef Steers. Univesity of Arizona
3. R.E. Rosiere. Voluntary Forage Intake of Beef Heifers Grazing Three Introduced Grasses. New Mexico State University

1. Cathy L. Griffin. Effects of Stimulation on Hot-Boned Pre-Rigor and Chilled Post-Rigor Industrially and Microwave Cooked Biceps Femoris Roasts. New Mexico State University
2. Dave W. Forrest. Serum LH Response to Estrone or Short-Term Calf Removal in Postpartum Beef Cows. University of Wyoming
3. Lynda Luiten. Effects of Packaging Type and Atmosphere on Staphylococcus Aureus, Mesophilic Organisms and Shrinkage of Beef Loin Steaks. University of Arizona

1. J.C. Throckmorton. Evaluation of Meadowfoam (Limnanthes) meal as a Feedstuff for Rabbits and Broiler Chicks. Oregon State University
2. Michael J. Potchoiba. Metabolism and Pneumotoxicity of 3-Methylindole, 3-Methyloxindole and Indole-3-carbinol in Goats. Washington State University
3. Joseph G. Schimmel. Genetic Aspects of High Mountain Disease in Beef Cattle. Colorado State University

1. M.U. Marcano. Feed Intake Patterns of Growing Pigs Under Various Combinations of Nutritional and Environmental Conditions. Washington State University
2. R.J. Steiner. Effect of Sodium Hydroxide and Phosphoric Acid Treatment on Pepsin and In Vitro Digestibilities of Steam Hydrolyzed Feather Meal. Oregon State University
3. Steven D. Lukefahr. Milk Production and Litter Growth Traits in Straightbred and Crossbred Rabbits. Oregon State University
Honorable Mention, R.Y. Niino-DuPonte. In Vivo and In Vitro Digestibility studies of Several Tropical Browse Plants and Forage by Goats (Capra hircus). University of Hawaii
Honorable Mention, T.E. Platt. Effects of Photoperiod and Exogenous Estradiol-17ß on Tonic Serum LH and FSH in Ovariectomized Ewes. Washington State University
Honorable Mention, D.J. Harris. Utilization of High Alfalfa Diets by Rabbits. Oregon State University

1. D.C. Honeyfield. Dietary Sodium and Chloride Levels for Growing-Finishing Pigs. Washington State University
2. Elizabeth Burritt. Phenolic Acids and Xylose: Their Relationship With In Vitro Digestibility in Maturing Reed Canarygrass and Russian Wildrye. Utah State University
3. Mark B. Judkins. Rib Bone Phosphorus Levels in Range Cows. New Mexico State University
Honorable Mention, M.Y. Saiady. Utilization and Digestibility of Rain Damaged Alfalfa Hay by Lambs. Utah State University
Honorable Mention, M. DeSilva. Serum Cortisol and Progesterone Following Administration of Adreno-corticotropin and (or) Prolactin to Sheep. University of Wyoming
Honorable Mention, S.R. Lewis. The Effect of Grazing Intensity on Forage Selectivity of Cattle on Great Basin Wildrye Plant Communities. University of Nevada

1. J.L. Brown. Absence of Specific LHRH Receptors in Ovine, Bovine and Porcine Ovaries. Washington State University
2. N.E. Muggli. Inheritance of Maternal Immunoglobulin G1 Concentration by the Bovine Neonate. Washington State University
3. H.M. Schoenemann. Pituitary LHRH Receptors in Ovarietomized Cows After Challenge by Estrogens Alone or With Progesterone. Washington State University

1. M.J. Garber. Effect of Intravenous Carnitine Administration on Palmitic Acid Oxidation in Fasted Neonatal Pigs. Washington State University
2. A.J. Roberts. Induction of Ovulation in Proestrous and Anestrous Ewes: Identification of the Ovulatory Follicle and Functional Status of the Corpus Luteum. University of Wyoming
3. D.G. Morrical. Performance of Goats Grazing Creosotebush Dominated Rangeland and Their Affect on Canopy Cover. New Mexico State University

1. J.S. Caton. The influence of Cottonseed Meal Supplementation on Cecal Fermentation in Sheep Fed Prairie Hay. New Mexico State University
2. R.C. Cochran. Evaluation of Internal Markers From In Vitro Fermentation Followed by Acid Detergent and Neutral Detergent Extraction. New Mexico State University
3. P.F. Taylor. The Effect of Cultivar and Growing Season on the Feeding Value of Barley for Growing Swine. Washington State University
Honorable Mention, C.K. Clark. Influence of Amino Acids on Branch Chain Organic Acids on In Vitro Fermentation of Winter Range Forage. Montana State University
Honorable Mention, S.P. Dahlquist. Effects of Vitamin A and ß-Carotene on Milk Lactoferrin and Citrate and Incidence of Mastitis During the Early Dry Period. Washington State University
Honorable Mention, S.D. Halterman. Ovarian Function in Ewes Treated With Antihistamines During the Periovulatory Period. University of Wyoming
Honorable mention, L.J. Krysl. Relationship of Total Phenolics and Condensed Tannins to Forage Intake, Digestion and Botanical Composition in Cattle Grazing Blue Grama Rangeland. New Mexico State University

1. Jess M. Miner. Metabolic and Body Weight Responses of Range Beef Cows to Winter Protein Supplementation. Montana State University
2. Patricia E. Cserny. Effect of Light Sequence on Performance, Physiological State and Feeding Behavior of Early Weaned Pigs. Washington State University
3. Christopher J. Roeder. Modeling the Effect of Nutrition Level on Age at Puberty and Productivity of Beef Heifers. Washington State University

1. Mark R. Flood. Glucose Metabolism of Preimplanation Porcine Embryos. Washington State University
2. M.H. Poor. Passage Rates of Individual Diet Components, NDF Digestion and Rumen pH in Steers Fed Diets Containing Three Levels of Concentrate. University of Arizona
3. Janice M. Willard. Ovine Pregnancy-Specific Protein B Concentrations in the Sera of Early Pregnant and Peripartum Ewes. University of Idaho
Honorable Mention, D.L. Rankins, Jr. Toxicosis of Rats Fed Kochia Herbage and Alleviation by Supplemental Vitamin Mixture, Zinc, or Parenteral Acetylcysteine Plus Trans-stilbene Oxide. New Mexico State University

1. David M. Grieger. Sterilization of Beef Heifers Immunized Against Luteinizing Hormone. Washington State University
2. Robin A. Spoon. Growth and Reproductive Responses of Ewe Lambs Treated With Ovine Prolactin (oPRL) Before Breeding. New Mexico State University
3. Laura Lewis. The Effect of Fat and Lysine in Sow Gestation Diets and Body Composition of Neonatal Pigs, Pig and Sow Serum Carnitine Status and Pig Liver Succinate Dehydrogenase (SDH) Activity. Washington State University
4. Laurie L. Lancaster. Effect of Rapeseed Silage Variety and Dietary Level on Digestion and Growth in Beef Steers. University of Idaho
Honorable Mention, Michael G. Ward. Influence of Energy Supplementation and Monensin on Rumen Fermentation and Fluid Passage Rates of Steers Grazing Northern Great Plains Summer Native Range. New Mexico State University

1. D.L. Rankins, Jr. Effects of Intra-ruminally Dosed Sacahuista Inflorescences on Serum Bilirubin and Digesta Kinetics of Lambs Fed Alfalfa Hay. New Mexico State University
2. K.F. Middaugh. The Effect of Chemical Composition on Barley Digestibility: Conventional vs Mobile Nylon Bag Technique. Washington State University
3. S.E. Bachman. Effects of Nitrogen Supplements on Voluntary Intake, Digestibility, and Serum Metabolite and Hormone Profiles in Lambs Fed Barley Straw. New Mexico State University

1. M.A. Lane. Sperm Transport During the Puberal Transition in Ewe Lambs. Montana State University
2. B.A. McCracken. Steers Grazing Non-irrigated Fescue Pasture Throughout the Year: Effect on Nutrient Quality Forage Intake, Digesta Kinetics and Serum Metabolites. University of Nevada
3. S.E. Bachman. Influence of Estradiol-17ß Implants on Serum Insulin, Glucose and Free Fatty Acid Concentrations in Response to an Epinephrine Challenge in Lambs. New Mexico State University

1. T.W. Geary. Relative Importance of Vision and Olfaction for Detection of Estrus by Bulls. Washington State University
2. D. Lalman. The Effects of Ruminally Undegradable Protein, Propionic Acid and Monensin on Puberty and Reproductive Efficiency in Beef Heifers. Montana State University
3. V.M. Healy. Investigating Optimal Bull-to-Female Ratios Required for Estrus Synchronized Heifers. Colorado State University

1. M.J. Guthrie. Effect of Method of Corn Processing and Roughage Source on Feedlot Performance and Ruminal Fermentation in Beef Steers. New Mexico State University
2. S.L. Truelson. The In Vitro Penetration of Lipid Treated Bull Sperm into Bovine and Zona-Free Hamster Eggs. Colorado State University
3. C.J. Belfiore. Regulation of the mRNA Encoding Cytochrome P450 Side-chain Cleavage (P450scc) in the Ovine Corpus Luteum (CL). Colorado State University

1. K.A. Naivar. Interferon-specific Regulation of a Secreted Bovine 12kDa Uterine Protein. University of Wyoming
2. D.C. Eckery. Superovulation is Not Enhanced in Ewes Treated With Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rbST, Sometribove). Colorado State University
3. G.D. Smith. Cellular Morphology of Normal-lived and Short-lived Luteal Tissue. Washington State University
Honorable Mention, D.L. Fernandez. Effect of Prostaglandin F2a-Induced Luteal Regression During Either the Early, Mid or Late Luteal Phase of the Estrous Cycle Upon Subsequent Estrous Cycle Length and Luteal Function in Beef Heifers. Montana State University

1. S.I. Paisley. Effects of Different Levels of Dry-rolled Corn or Barley on Utilization of Medium-quality Meadow Hay with Steers. University of Wyoming
2. M.D. Gambill. Abomasal Nutrient Flow in Postpartum Beef Cows Receiving Different Sources and Quantity of Dietary Protein. New Mexico State University
3. K.L. Haugk. Extracts from Crushed Murine or Bovine Muscles are Mitogenic for Mouse Muscle Cells. University of Idaho

1. L.M.M. Surber. Ruminal Digestion of Corn or Barley High Concentrate Diets by Beef Steers with or without Monensin. Montana State University
2. S.D. Zimmerman. Are Extracellular Matrix Properties Linked to Muscle Development? University of Wyoming
3. C.J. Ackerman. Pretanned Leather Shavings as a Protein Supplement for Steers: Organic Matter, NDF, and Total Tract Digestion, and Site of Digestion. University of Nevada-Reno
Honorable Mention, W. Gwayumba. The Effect of Enzyme Treatments on the Ensiling and Feeding Quality of Barley Silage. University of Saskatchewan

Honorable Mention, L.J. Zak. University of Alberta

1. T.M.M. Bernardini. The Effect of Scours on Calf Weaning Weight. Montana State University
2. K.G. Carnahan. Does Oxytocin Up-Regulate its Own Receptor in Endometrium of Pigs? Washington State University
3. B.L. Roeder. Effect of Short Term, Prepartum Feeding of Level and Type of Protein on Subsequent Lactation. Montana State University

1. T.E. Ludwig. Control of Endometrial Responsiveness to Oxytocin During Diestrus and Early Pregnancy in Pigs. Washington State University
2. J.B. Taylor. In Vitro Effect of Swainsonine on Bovine and Ovine Lymphoblastogenesis. New Mexico State University
3. L.A. Appeddu. Different uses of protein supplements by two-year old range cows during a drought. New Mexico State University

1. L.R. McMahon. Effect of Sainfoin Supplementation on the In Vitro Digestion of Fresh Alfalfa and on Occurrence of Bloat in Steers. University of Saskatchewan
2. M.S. Brown. Effect of Ruminal Glucose Infusion on Dry Matter Intake, Urinary Nitrogen Composition, and Serum Chemistry. New Mexico State University
3. C.P. King. The Use of Melengestrol Acetate (MGA) and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) for Synchronization and Early Induction of Estrus in Sheep. University of Idaho

1. L. Brokaw. Soybean oil or corn supplementation of heifers grazing summer pasture. University of Wyoming, Laramie
2. C. C. Rasor. Preliminary evaluation of pituitary responsiveness to growth hormone releasing hormone as a tool to predict growth traits in bulls. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
3. B. W. Alderton. Effects of supplemental undegradable intake protein on productivity of primiparous beef cows. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

1. M. Bertolini. Appearance of giant cotyledons in the Large Offspring Syndrome. University of California, Davis
2. A.D. Schleicher. Windrow grazing versus feeding baled meadow hay to beef cows. University of Wyoming, Laramie
3. J. Gould. Effect of ethanol and oil supplementation on site and extent of digestion in wethers fed forage-based diets. University of Wyoming, Laramie

1. D. J. Denniston. Effect of an endothelin-1 receptor antagonist on serum progesterone levels in the mid-luteal bovine corpus luteum. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces
2. M. R. Bolte. Dietary safflower seeds influence 18:1trans-11 and conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) of lamb carcasses. University of Wyoming, Laramie
3. L. Canales. Effect of the progesterone receptor antagonist, mifepristone, on progesterone secretion from the early and mid cycle bovine corpus luteum. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces

1. J. A. Morrison. The influence of cow age on grazing distribution and utilization of mountain riparian areas and adjacent uplands. Oregon State University, Union
2. G.A. Perry. Effect of follicle size at time of gnrh-induced ovulation on luteal function and fertility. University of Missouri, Columbia
3. J. K. Ahola. Evaluation of hemogram values and pulse oximetry as predictors of pulmonary arterial pressure (pap) score in yearling bulls. Colorado State University, Fort Collins

1. E. J. Scholljegerdes. Balancing supply of essential amino acids to the small intestine in cattle consuming restricted amounts of forage plus supplementary ruminally undegradable protein. University of Wyoming
2. C. S. Schauer. Influence of protein supplementation frequency on cows consuming low-quality forage: performance, grazing time, distance traveled, distance from water, and distribution. Oregon State University
3. S. L. Lake. Effects of feeding high-linoleate or high-oleate safflower seeds on production and lipogenesis by adipose tissue of postpartum cows. University of Wyoming

1. S. L. Lake, "Effects of supplemental high-linoleate or high-oleate safflower seeds on adipose tissue fatty acids, apparent mobilization, and potential uptake and storage in postpartum cows", University of Wyoming
2. J. S. Nelson, "Effects of in vivo infusion of a nitric oxide donor on progesterone secretion by the bovine corpus luteum", New Mexico State University
3. C .A. Gifford, "Effects of short-term propylthiouracil and melatonin treatment during gestation on serum thyroxine, postpartum reproduction, and lamb performance in fine-wool ewes", New Mexico State University

1. T.M. Thelen, "Supplemental methionine and uterine infection alters essential amino acid metabolism in nulliparous ewes". New Mexico State University
2. C.M. Murrieta, "Evaluation of milk somatic cells as a source on mRNA for study of mammary gland lipogenesis in lactating beef cows". University of Wyoming
3. R.L. Atkinson, "Effects of ruminal protein degradability and frequency of supplementation on nitrogen retention and apparent digestibility in lambs fed low-quality forage". University of Wyoming

1. Justin W. Waggoner, "Growing beef steers do not require supplemental dietary methionine during an endotoxin challenge". New Mexico State University
2. Charles M. Murrieta, "Body condition score at parturition and day of lactation affect lipogenic enxyme messengerRNA abundance in milk somatic cells from lactating beef cows fed supplemental fat". University of Wyoming
3. Rebecca L. Atkinson, "Effects of supplemental RDP versus increasing supplemental RUP on visceral N flux in lambs fed a low-quality forage". University of Wyoming

1. Platt L. Price, "Duodenal flow and intestinal disappearance of fatty acids in lambs fed safflower fatty acids in the form of whole seeds, cracked seeds, or oil extracted from seeds". University of Wyoming
2. Devori W. Beckman, "Heterogeneous variance of docility scores in Limousin cattle". Colorado State University
3. Rena M. Stohrer, "Expression and distribution of urea transporter-B in lambs fed increasing dietary protein". University of Wyoming

1. Sara A. Kuykendall, Effect of supplemental energy on post-ruminal utilization of methionine by growing lambs. New Mexico State University
2. Frances D. Niemela, Traditional and self-fed cull cow feeding programs: Evaluation of performance and economics. University of Wyoming
3. William E. Pohlmeier, Reproductive abnormalities in omega-3 fatty acid desaturase transgenic mice. University of California

1. M. McAllister, Genetic parameters for intramuscular fat percentage, marbling score, scrotal circumference and heifer pregnancy in Red Angus cattle. R. M. Enns,Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
2. P. Moriel, Camelina meal and crude glycerin as feed supplements for developing replacement beef heifers. University of Wyoming, Laramie.
3. J. L. Peterson, Metabolic and physical effects of psyllium supplementation on Quarter Horses. Montana State University, Bozeman.

Applied Animal Science Awards


1. D.D. Kress. Calf weight/cow weight ratio at weaning as a predictor of beef cow efficiency. Montana State University, Bozeman
Sharing 1. R.L. Hathaway. Selenium supplementation of beef cattle via fertilizer amendment. Oregon State University, Klamath Falls
2. W. Poland. Effect of nutritional management for either constant or stair-stepped rates of gain on subsequent breeding performance of beef heifer calves. North Dakota State University, Dickinson

1 H. H. Patterson. Effects of water quality on performance and health of growing steers. South Dakota State University, Brookings
2. D. J. Patterson. MGA® select improves estrus response in postpartum beef cows in situations accompanied with high rates of anestrus. University of Missouri, Columbia
3. B. M. Rainey. Effect of age and grain processing method on diet digestibility of beef cattle. Montana State University, Bozeman

1. H. H. Patterson. Effect of total dissolved solids and sulfates in drinking water for growing steers. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
2. T. L. Lawler. Effect of feeds naturally high in selenium of performance and selenium concentrations in various tissues of finishing beef steers. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
3. R. C. Waterman. Methionine improves nitrogen retention of young gestating beef cows consuming low quality forages. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

1. E. H. Ward, "Effects of Thiamin supplementation on performance and health of growing steers consuming high sulfate water", South Dakota State University
2. M. L. Merrill, "Effect of Flunixin Meglumine on early embryonic mortality in stressed beef females" Montana State University
3. B. M. Rainey, "Effect of light test weight barley vs. wheat middlings on adg and carcass characteristics or early-weaned calves", Montana State University

1. R.R. Salverson, "Evaluation of performance and costs of two heifer development systems". South Dakota State University
2. J. Sawyer, "Efficacy of a self-fed small supplement for prepartum cows grazing dormant pinon-juniper rangeland". New Mexico State University
3. L.A. Stalker, "Effects of pre- and postpartum nutrition on reproduction in cows and calf feedlot performance". University of Nebraska

1. J.J. Martin, "Effects of dam nutrition on growth and reproductive performance of heifer calves". University of Nebraska
2. T. Geary, "Performance of early weaned (˜ 80 d) vs normal weaned (˜ 215 d) cows in the northern great plains". USDA-ARS Miles City, MT
3. D.G. Landblom. "Effect of early weaning and retained ownership on cattle performance, forage disappearance, and annualized net return in a spring-calving beef system". North Dakota State University

1. C. P. Mathis, "Low-input pasture backgrounding system is more profitable through harvest than high-input drylot system". New Mexico State University
2. E. E. Snyder, "Sheep grazing wheat summer fallow and the impact on soil nitrogen, moisture, and crop yield". Montana State University
3. M. L. Merrill, "The ability of a yeast-derived cell wall preparation to minimize toxic effects of high-alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle". Oregon State University

1. Andrew J. Roberts, Assessment of insulin-like growth factor-1 as an indicator of competence for rebreeding in first calf heifers. USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, Miles City, MT
2. John T. Mulliniks, Cow Nutrition impacts feedlot pull rate. New Mexico State University
3. T.L. Meyer, Estimating livestock forage demand: Defining the animal unit (AU). West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE

1. J. T. Mulliniks, Increasing glucogenic precursors in range supplements improves reproductive efficiency and profitability in your postpartum range cows in years 2000 to 2007. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
2. A. J. Roberts, Implications of going against the dogma or feed them to breed them. USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, Miles City, MT.
3. D. M. Larson, Estrous synchronization increases early calving frequency, which enhances steer progeny value. D. M. Larson, University of Nebraska, West Central Research and Extension Center, North Platte, NE.

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