

Western Section Committees

Awards (2024-2025)
*S. Archibeque - Colorado State University (2025)
D. Bohnert - Oregon State University (2026)
J. Hernandez Gifford - New Mexico State University (2027)

Beef Symposium (3 year term)
*C. Gifford - New Mexico State University (2023-26)
S. Arispe - Oregon State University (2023-26)
J. Beard - Zoetis (2023-26)
E. H. Hay - USDA-ARS (2023-26)
J. Ranches - Oregon State University (2023-26)
C. Reichhardt - University of Hawaii at Manoa (2023-26)
M. Van Emon - Montana State University (2023-26)

Advising and Coordinating (3 year term)
*Z. McFarlane - Montana State University (2024-27)
C. Wilson - USDA-ARS (2023-26)

Paper Competition (3 year term)
J. J. Figueroa-Zamudio - Beef Northwest Feeders (2023-25)
M. Fonseca - University of Nevada, Reno (2023-25)
F. Mezzomo Giotto - New Mexico State University (2023-25)
C. Wilson - USDA-ARS (2023-25)

Academic Quadrathlon
*M. Kennedy - Oregon State University
 S. Archibeque - Colorado State University
 J. Boles - Montana State University
 B. Bowman - Utah State University
 M. Colle - University of Idaho
 M. Dredge - BYU-Idaho
 E. Greene - University of Arizona
 Z. McFarlane - Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
 D. Rule - University of Wyoming
 S. Soto-Navarro - New Mexico State University

Necrology (2024-2025)
*S. Archibeque - Colorado State University (2021-25)
 D. Bohnert - Oregon State University (2023-26)
J. Hernandez Gifford - New Mexico State University (2024-27)

Nominating (2024-2025)
*K. DeAtley - California State University-Chico (2022-25)
S. Archibeque - Colorado State University (2023-26)
D. Bohnert - Oregon State University (2024-27)

Young Scholars Program (3 year term)
 *D. Bohnert - Oregon State University (2022-25)
 J. Hernandez Gifford - New Mexico State University (2023-26)
 R. Marques - Virginia Tech (2024-27)

Undergraduate Poster Competition (2 year term)   
*P. Doyle - Colorado State University (2023-25)
M. Fonseca - University of Nevada, Reno (2023-25)
N. Mast - Texas A&M University, Kingsville (2023-25)
F. Mezzomo Giotto - New Mexico State University (2023-25)
C. Reichhardt - University of Hawaii at Manoa (2023-25)

*Designated Chair

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