ASAS Young Scholar Award
New Mexico State University
Section Awarded:
Taylor Andrews, ASAS Young Scholar Award
Sponsored by: Zinpro

Taylor Andrews earned her B.S. in Agriculture at The Ohio State University (2019) and M.S. at South Dakota State University (2021) where her research focused on nutritional changes before and after breeding on uterine mineral histotroph concentrations in beef heifers. Taylor is a Ph.D. candidate in the Animal and Range Sciences Department at New Mexico State University. Taylor’s Ph.D. research has focused on growth promoting implants and different supplemental protein levels on ovarian-follicular development in beef heifers grazing native rangelands. Additionally, Taylor has conducted research on the influence of source and level of rumen undegradable protein on growth, ovarian-follicular parameters, and uterine histotroph in heifers developed on rangelands and in a dry-lot. Taylor is 2022 USDA NIFA Predoctoral Fellow and has published 6 peer reviewed articles, 8 proceeding papers, and 21 abstracts demonstrating her dedication to research and improving the beef industry.