2024 Southern Section Academic Quadrathlon
1st Place: Texas A&M University
2nd Place: Texas Tech University
3rd Place Oklahoma State University
Congratulations to all teams and tremendous thank you to the volunteers to judge Presentations, write and grade Practicum and Written Exams, assist with the Quiz Bowl, and organize the program.
Hosted by: University of Kentucky
2024 SS ASAS AQ Committee:
- Dr. Cathleen Williams – Louisiana State University (Chair)
- Dr. Deb Aaron– University of Kentucky (Local Organizer)
- Dr. Whitney Crossland, Texas Tech University
- Dr. Brian Rude, Mississippi State University
- Dr. Blake Wilson, Oklahoma State University
Academic Quadrathlon Description
The Academic Quadrathlon is a local or a regional event involving undergraduate student teams from within a school or university or between students from various schools or universities. The emphasis of an Academic Quadrathlon is on participation by students rather than on competition. At the local level, teams must be organized by the students and consist of four individuals or fewer. Any student from any major may participate at the local level. To be an eligible member on a regional team one must not have previously represented their school at the regional level. They must be undergraduates in a nonprofessional degree program at the time of their local competition. The regional team must be the winning team at the local competition.
Teams participate in four events: Laboratory Practicum, Written Exam, Oral Presentation, and Quiz Bowl. In the Laboratory Practicum, the team demonstrates its ability to perform physical skills. Work at each station lasts 15 to 20 minutes and involves the entire team. The work at each station usually involves a species such as beef or swine or a disciplinary area such as nutrition or meats. The Written Exam has a time limit. The questions may involve any area related to animal production and products. Each team writes one exam, dividing the questions as they wish. In the Oral Presentation, the students are given a topic to discuss dealing with animal agriculture. This is an exercise in cooperative problem solving. In the Quiz Bowl questions may be on any topic that relates to animal agriculture and that are answerable in a short period of time. Quiz games will be organized as double elimination tournament.
Previous Results
1st Place - Texas A&M University
2nd Place - Texas Tech University
1st Place - Oklahoma State University
1st Place - Texas A&M University
2nd Place - North Carolina State University
1st Place - Texas Tech University
1st Place - Texas A&M University
2nd Place - North Carolina State University
3rd Place - Texas Tech University
1st Place- Texas A&M University
2nd Place - Oklahoma State University
3rd Place - Auburn University
1st Place - Texas Tech University
2nd Place - University of Tennessee
3rd Place - Louisiana State University
1st Place - Texas Tech University
2nd Place - Oklahoma State University
3rd Place - North Carolina State University
1st Place - Texas A&M University
1st Place - Texas Tech University
2nd Place - Auburn University
3rd Place - Texas A&M University
1sr Place - Texas A&M University
2nd Place - Louisiana State University
3rd Place - University of Arkansas
1st Place - Oklahoma State University
2nd Place - University of Florida
3rd Place - Texas A&M University
1st Place - Texas A&M University
2nd Place - Oklahoma State University
3rd Place - Middle Tennessee State University
1st Place - Oklahoma State University
2nd Place - Berry College
3rd Place - Auburn University