2024-2025 Southern Section Officers
To contact an Southern Section ASAS Board member, please reach out to the ASAS National Office:
PO Box 7410
Champaign, IL 61826
Fax: 217.568.6070
Phone: 217.356.9050

Dr. Joao M. Vendramini
University of Florida

Dr. Nicole C. Burdick Sanchez

Past President
Dr. M. Kimberly Mullenix
Auburn University

Secretary-Treasurer/ Program Chair
Dr. Vitor R. G. Mercadante
Virginia Tech

Secretary-Treasurer Elect
Dr. W. Brandon Smith
Auburn University

Southern Section Director (2025)
Dr. Christy L. Bratcher
Mississippi State University

Southern Graduate Director (2025)
Ms. Dallas Soffa
Texas A&M University

Southern Graduate Director (2026)
Ms. Nicole K. Valliere
Virginia Tech