Southern Section American Society of Animal Sciences STRATEGIC PLAN 2014
Vision Statement
The Southern Section of the American Society of Animal Science (SS-ASAS) is a comprehensive society of scientists dedicated to the development and delivery of scientific knowledge for the betterment of human-animal relations. The SS-ASAS will foster the development of an interactive environment to meet the objectives of our mission and strategic goals outlined in this document.
Mission Statement
The SS-ASAS provides meetings and programs in support of our vision for the exchange of ideas in all discipline and management areas of animal science research, teaching and Extension. In doing so, we strive to improve and unify methods of research, instruction and Extension in animal sciences throughout the southern region and beyond. We will foster collaboration across all facets of animal sciences and work to avoid undesirable duplication in investigational work. The SS-ASAS will recommend adoption of new practices developed from sound scientific research that will enhance and improve human-animal relations for the betterment of humankind. The society will provide a forum for the dissemination and publication of educational and scientific material of value to our members and other workers in the animal science field. Lastly, we will perform other activities consistent with the vision, mission and goals of our parent society, The American Society of Animal Science.Strategic Goals, Objective, Strategies and Assessments
Strategic Goal 1:
SS-ASAS will provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research results, will provide a venue to interact with colleagues and faculty and will stimulate interests in animal science in the Southern Region.
SS-ASAS will continue to build upon its strong history of student participation and training;SS-ASAS was the first section to support graduate student competition. SS-ASAS will continue to provide an excellent opportunity for students to network with colleagues in their fields.
1.Maintain the strength of current programs including the student competitions, the graduate student participation on the Board of Directors, the Graduate Student Luncheon,and the Emerging Scholar Award.
2.Continue to support the value and involvement of the Graduate Directors. Get them more involved in the conduct of the meeting and give them better visibility.
3.Consider new categories for competition including consideration of poster presentations,particularly for undergraduate students.
Participation by students in presenting research will increase.
Strategic Goal 2
SS-ASAS will successfully satisfy and retain its core membership constituencies and numbers by maintaining a high quality of services and offerings.
SS-ASAS will provide strong symposia with invited speakers, in addition, disciplines will use invited speakers to round out sessions.
1. Funds are available for inviting speakers yet few requests come from program chairs each year and funds are not routinely used. Provide Program Chairs (who change every year) with information and incentives to suggest and plan symposia and/or invited speakers.
2. As an incentive to high quality presenters, pursue the publication of manuscripts from symposia in the Journal of Animal Science.
3. Information on symposia should be sent to the membership before the call for abstracts.
4. Promote a strong Forage Based Livestock Systems program–it would apply to Beef,Small Ruminants, Dairy, and possibly Swine.
5.Re-invigorate the interaction with agronomists societies.
The number of symposia with invited speakers will increase from the one that is typical,and/or the number of invited presentations will increase.
Strategic Goal 3
Strengthen emphasis on teaching
Recognizing that teaching covers both extension experiences and the classroom, offer educational programming that would enhance teaching skills of meeting participants.
1. Invite other teaching groups to collaborate on a program(s) at the meeting.
2. Plan and advertise a strong teaching symposium.
3. Consider forming separate committees to plan the teaching session and to run theundergraduate research competition.
The number of presentations and participants in the teaching session will increase.
Strategic Goal 4:
Enhance the marketing of the programs that are available at the SS-ASAS Meeting
Recognizing the new resources available through electronic communication, SS-ASAS will attempt to engage participants year round, pointing out the value of this regional program.
1. Program committees need to meet earlier and plan symposia etc. during the summer.
2. Better use should be made of Taking Stock and other resources of the National ASAS to highlight the programs at the SS-ASAS meeting.
3.Colorful flyer could go out with the call for abstracts–the format of that has not changed in years.
4.Enhance marketing and distribution of information about the SS-ASAS meeting.
Meeting attendance will increase.
Strategic Goal 5:
Enhance opportunity for networking.
Recognizing there are issues and problems that could be addressed by attendees who do not work at a single institution but rather at institutions throughout the region, the possibility of networking with those individuals is a valuable aspect of the SS-ASAS meeting for both scientists and students.
1. Consider adding a reception after the awards presentation to encourage people to stick around and talk. Have the students meet the faculty, etc. We finish early enough that people could still go to dinner later.
A reception will be held after the awards ceremony and it will be well attended.
Strategic Goal 6:
SS-ASAS will expand the numbers and diversity of its membership by recruiting all professionals who work with domesticated animals or animals in managed settings in the southern region, to include Latin American participants.
Increase participation by faculty and students at non-Land Grant Universities.
1. Increase publicity of the Academic Quadrathlon and undergraduate research session that are available to undergraduate students at these institutions.
2. Enhance the interactions with the other scientific groups.
3. Conduct a survey of all scientists in Animal Science Departments within the region as to what they would like to see at the meetings (what topics, what presentation formats, how important is location, what would it take for you to support this meeting by bringing your good science? etc.).
Numbers of participants and numbers of institutions where they work will increase.