Distinguished Service Award
Texas A&M University
Section Awarded:
Robert W. Godfrey, Distinguished Service Award

Bob earned his B.S. in Animal Science & Industry at Kansas State University (1980) and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Reproductive Physiology at Texas A&M University (1982 and 1987). He was a post-doc at USDA ARS MARC in Clay Center, NE. He was the Rhinoceros Research Coordinator at the Cincinnati Zoo. Bob spent 28 years as a research faculty member and Experiment Station Director at the University of the Virgin Islands where he researched the reproductive physiology of St. Croix White hair sheep and Senepol cattle. Bob held each office of the SS-ASAS Board and served on ASAS' National Board. Since 2021 Bob has served as the Division Director for Animal System in the Institute of Food Production and Sustainability. He works with Division staff to manage funding opportunities to support the research, education and Extension projects to promote animal production systems that are efficient, economically competitive, environmentally sound, and socially acceptable.