Award Winner Detail

Award: Emerging Scholar Award
Univeristy: Colorado State University
Year: 2018
Section Awarded: Southern

Mahesh Narayanan Nair, Emerging Scholar Award

Dr. Mahesh Narayanan Nair is an Assistant Professor (Meat Science) in Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University. He received his B.S. in veterinary medicine from Kerala Agricultural University, India (2009), and M.S. (2012) and Ph. D. (2017) from Department of Animal and Food Sciences at University of Kentucky. Dr. Nair’s research focuses primarily on the fundamental aspects of fresh meat quality, employing proteomic and mass spectrometric tools. His other research interests include postmortem muscle biochemistry, role of mitochondria in meat quality, as well as the interactions between myoglobin redox stability and lipid oxidation. He has authored more than 45 scientific publications, including 15 peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 book chapters. Mahesh has received several prestigious scholarships and fellowships, including the 2016 Meat Industry Suppliers Alliance (MISA) Foundation Scholarship. In his current role, he will be continuing research in fresh meat quality and will be developing new courses in the area of meat science. Mahesh, his wife Parvathy, and their daughter Nanda live in Fort Collins, Colorado. 

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