Outstanding Young Animal Scientist Award - Education
Tarleton State University
Section Awarded:
William B. Smith, Outstanding Young Animal Scientist Award - Education

Dr. Brandon Smith is an assistant professor of animal science at Tarleton State University. Known affectionately as Doc Bowtie among his students, Dr. Smith has taught 974 undergraduate students and 91 graduate students across 22 courses in the past three-and-a-half years. He has also designed and implemented a total of eight undergraduate and graduate courses in the animal science curriculum. Dr. Smith has chaired or co-chaired seven M.S. students and has served on another 17 graduate committees at Tarleton. Beyond his classroom engagement, Dr. Smith co-teaches a workshop on applied statistics each year for faculty and graduate students at the Tri-Societies Annual Meetings. He recently served as a USAID representative to the Republic of Moldova, teaching dairy farmers how to improve their nutritional programs. Dr. Smith is among the most engaged faculty at Tarleton State University and is an exemplary representative of the Southern Section.