Distinguished Service Award
North Carolina State University
Section Awarded:
Matthew H. Poore, Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Matthew H. Poore, Professor and Departmental Extension Leader at North Carolina State University has delivered exceptional extension programs to a broad audience. His work on grazing systems, alternative feeds and management systems has substantially changed beef cattle production in the Southern United States. His programs have resulted in >$8 million in funding, 125 peer-reviewed research and extension publications and 431 popular press and technical articles. Dr. Poore is a renowned extension educator with 129 invited presentations and over 450 county programs. He has been recognized with the Merit and Distinguished Grasslander Awards from the American Forage and Grassland Council, USDA Secretary of Agriculture Honor Award, the APLU Magrath Community Engagement Award, ASAS Southern Section and National Extension Awards, and every extension award at NC State. A recognized leader at NCSU and nationally, he has served as Chair of the NC Cooperative Extension Animal Agriculture Program Team, President of the Southern Section of ASAS, and as a Director of ASAS.