Emerging Scholar Award
Texas A&M University
Section Awarded:
Alice P. Brandão, Emerging Scholar Award
Dr. Alice Poggi Brandão received a B. Sc. in Veterinary Medicine from São Paulo State University in 2013. She also received M.S. degree in Animal Science from São Paulo State University in 2016, where her thesis focused on dairy cattle production and physiology. In 2021, Dr. Brandão obtained her Ph.D. in Animal Science at Texas A&M University, where she investigated the use of omega-6 fatty acids supplements to improve physiological and productive responses in beef cattle. During her graduate career, Dr. Brandão published 36 journal articles, 13 peer-reviewed research proceedings, and 25 research abstracts. Dr. Brandão plays a significant role in outreach and teaching efforts, serving as Program Assistant for the Texas A&M-International Beef Cattle Academy. She has received the 2021 ASAS Wettemann Graduate Scholar in Physiology Award, the 2018 ASAS Western Section Applied Animal Research, and placed second in the 2018 ASAS Southern Section Ph.D. Student Competition.