ASAS Midwest Section Constitution and Bylaws
Updated October 2023
The organization is known as the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Midwest Section.
To advance research and education in the animal sciences through providing a regional forum for exchange of scientific and technical information, and to promote interaction and collaboration among the animal industries, scientists, trainees, and students.
Persons who are members of the parent organization (ASAS) are eligible for membership in the Midwest Section.
Members of ASAS that reside in or are associated with organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin are automatically considered members unless they indicate differently. [NOTE: Members of ASAS that are associated with organizations outside the areas specified above who wish to be members of the Midwest Section should request this change or addition through the national office of ASAS.]
Members of ASAS that reside in or are associated with organizations in Manitoba or Western Ontario, Canada, are automatically considered members unless they indicate differently.
The Midwest Section of ASAS shall hold a sectional meeting at a time and place as selected by the Board of Directors, which shall be responsible for a program and shall make other necessary arrangements for the meeting. A two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors have the authority to cancel an annual meeting if circumstances make such an action necessary or desirable.
A Midwest Section Business Meeting will be held annually.
Governing Body
Officers and Directors
President, President–Elect, Past President, Secretary, National Director, Graduate Director, and Program Chair.
Officers must be current members of ASAS Midwest Section.
The governing body is referred to as the “Board of Directors” and shall include officers and directors of the ASAS Midwest Section.
Terms of Office
Officers of the Midwest Section of ASAS: The President and President – Elect shall hold office for one year, with the President – Elect succeeding the President at the end of the regular year in office. The Past President shall hold office for one year immediately following their term of office as President. The National Director is elected for a three-year term.
The secretary position is elected for a three-year term. The Program Chair is a board-appointed position serving a three-year term which includes one year as assistant chair. In year 1, the Assistant Program Chair will hold office concurrently with the Program Chair. The Program Chair will have voting rights on the board, with the Assistant Program Chair serving as an ex officio (i.e., non-voting member). In year 2 of the term, the Assistant Program Chair transitions into the Program Chair role and has full voting privileges. In year 3 of the term, the Program Chair will train the newly appointed Assistant Program Chair in the duties and responsibilities of the position.
The Graduate Directors shall serve two-year rotating terms with one elected each year.
Start of Term
Terms of office for all officers will begin following the annual ASAS Midwest Section Business Meeting.
Officers of the Midwest Section of ASAS share the responsibilities of producing an annual meeting and all Midwest section activities.
The Graduate Directors are responsible for planning and coordinating all graduate student events for the annual sectional meeting, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
The financial records for the Midwest section shall be maintained by ASAS in accordance with Illinois and federal law, with expenditures approved by the Midwest ASAS Secretary.
The CEO of ASAS is responsible for submitting an annual report of finances to the Board of Directors at the Board Meeting preceding the Annual Meeting.
The Board of Directors shall provide this annual report of finances to the membership for their approval at the annual business meeting of the ASAS Midwest Section.
ASAS, the parent society provides financial support to the annual meeting as specified in their Constitution and Bylaws.
In the event of dissolution of the Midwest Section of ASAS, funds remaining in the treasury will be distributed to National ASAS as directed by the Midwest Board of Directors.
A registration fee that is recommended by the CEO of ASAS and approved by the Board of Directors shall be charged for the annual meeting sufficient to finance the expenses of the meeting that are not met from other funds.
Program, standing, and special committees shall be formed and members appointed by the Board of Directors. Nominations for the Program Committee will be solicited from the ASAS Midwest membership. Retiring Program Committee Chairs are encouraged to submit nominations.
A proposed amendment to the Constitution or Bylaws may originate from the Board of Directors or by petition signed by 25 members. Proposed amendments shall be distributed to the membership (via regular mail, email, or any other means deemed legal by the state of Illinois) at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting for balloting. To be counted, the ASAS headquarters staff must receive the ballot not later than 14 days before the day of the annual business meeting. A two-thirds majority of the total ballots cast shall be required for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution or the Bylaws.
Changes in the ASAS Constitution and Bylaws may necessitate changes in this document, and in which case, the Board of Directors of the ASAS Midwest Section may originate the needed amendments to be voted upon by the membership.
Election of Officers
The nominating committee for the ASAS Midwest Section will consist of the Past – President, President, and President-Elect.
If these individuals are unable to serve in this role, the Board of Directors will appoint committee members as needed.
Nominations and Appointments
On an annual basis, the ASAS Midwest Section Nominations Committee will select two candidates for the position of President – Elect and Graduate Student Director. Every 3rd year, this committee will select two candidates for the position of ASAS Midwest Director to the ASAS National Board.
On a 2-year rotation, nominations will be solicited from the ASAS Midwest Section membership from which the Board of Directors will appoint an Assistant Program Chair. After one year of service, the Assistant Program Chair will become the Program Chair and remain in that role for 2 years (3-year term in total).
Ballots and Appointments
The election of officers shall be by ballot distributed (via regular mail, email, or any other means deemed legal by the state of Illinois) at least 30 days prior to the annual Midwest Section Business Meeting. A brief biographical sketch, prepared by the nominee, will accompany the ballot. The ballot shall provide space for write-in candidates.
The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected. In case of a tie vote, a runoff election will be held at the Midwest Annual Business Meeting.
The Board of Directors shall fill, for the un-expired terms, all vacancies in elected positions.