Outstanding Young Researcher Award
University of Missouri
Section Awarded:
Allison Meyer, Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Sponsored by: DSM Nutritional Products, Inc.
Dr. Allison Meyer grew up on a cow-calf operation in central Indiana before completing her B.S. at Michigan State University, M.S. at the University of Missouri, and Ph.D. at North Dakota State University. Meyer was on faculty at the University of Wyoming before returning to the University of Missouri in 2013. Currently, Meyer is an Associate Professor with a 45% research, 45% teaching appointment and serves as Director of Graduate Studies in Animal Sciences. Meyer’s research focuses on effects of late gestational nutrient balance in beef cattle on pre-weaning calf metabolism and health, spanning from applied system work to small intestinal and immune function mechanisms. She has published 34 peer-reviewed articles and over 120 abstracts, received >$1 million in funding, given >35 invited scientific or industry presentations, trained 8 graduate students, and involved >20 undergraduates in research.