Keynote Address: Innovations in Learning
Barbara Oakley, PhD, Oakland University, Rochester, MI
SESSION 1: Priorities and Structures of Undergraduate Curriculums in the Animal Sciences
Academic Perspective: The Role of the Curriculum in Preparing Animal Sciences Students for Life after Graduation
Steve Zinn, PhD, University of Connecticut
Industry Perspective: Making Sure Animal Sciences Graduates Are Ready for the World of Work
Karl Dawson, PhD, Alltech, Inc.
The Future of Online and Traditional Instruction
Ron Lewis, PhD, University of Nebraska
Creation of a Well-Rounded Animal Sciences Graduate: Blending Science, Production and Communication
Amy Radunz, PhD, University of Wisconsin-River Falls
SESSION 2: The Connection Between Teaching Quality and Student Learning (1:15 pm) – Elan Ballroom
What Makes a Quality Teacher?
Don Ely, PhD, University of Kentucky
Strategies for Improving Teaching and Learning
Jason Apple, PhD, University of Arkansas
Strengthening the Curriculum and Improving Student Outcomes through Better Teaching
Jodi Sterle, PhD, Iowa State University
SESSION 3: Improving Student Success Before and After Graduation
Academic Advising: Improving the Odds for Success
Ann Leed, University of Kentucky
Retention: The First Year and Beyond
Linda Martin, PhD, The Ohio State University
Do Extracurricular Activities Enhance Student Success?
Debra K. Aaron, PhD, University of Kentucky
After Graduation: What Does Success Mean?
Todd Armstrong, PhD, Elanco
SESSION 4: Accreditation of Animal Science Programs
Departmental Tools for Curriculum Evaluation and Assessment
Henry Zerby, PhD, The Ohio State University
The Need for Accreditation: Benefits to Administration, Faculty and Students
Joe Sussman, PhD, ABET
Putting a Plan on the Table: Accreditation through ASAS
Margaret Benson, PhD, Washington State University