Session 1 Nutritional Management of Cow Fertility
Pre-and post partum nutritional management to optimise fertility in high-yielding dairy cows on confined TMR systems from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Jim Drackley (USA)
Pre-and post partum nutritional management to optimise fertility in dairy cows on grass-based production systems from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Stephen Butler (Ireland)
Key targets areas to optimise reproductive performance in beef cows and replacement heifers from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Michael Diskin (Ireland)
Live Cell Imaging in the Female Genital Tract - New Aspects for Improving Cow Fertility from ASAS on Vimeo.
S. Kolle
Session 2 Post Partum Cow Management & Health
Parturition to resumption of cyclicity: comparative aspects of beef and dairy cows from ASAS on Vimeo.
Uterine tract recovery, immune response and coping with infection from ASAS on Vimeo.
beta-Carotene supplementation to non-lactating dairy cows can restore beta-Carotene availability in the follicular environment under negative energy balance conditions from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: J. De Bie
Session 4: Pregnancy Establishment
Establishment of pregnancy- Embryo-maternal dialogue from ASAS on Vimeo.
Physiological mechanisms by which pre and post AI Progesterone affects embryo survival including hormonal therapies to improve conception rate from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Milo Wiltbank (USA)
Early & Late pregnancy loss from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Matt Lucy (USA)
Session 5: Genetics of Fertility
Heifer fertility and carry over consequences for life time production in dairy and beef cattle from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Claire Wathes (UK)
Genetic improvement of cow fertility including Medium and long-term gains from ASAS on Vimeo.
Cross-breeding and dairy cow fertility from ASAS on Vimeo.
Correlation Study between reproduction and milk production traits in Holstein bulls with genetic evaluation available in Brazil from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: D. C. Cucco
Session 6: Heat Detection and Oestrus/ovulation synchronization
Expression and detection of oestrus in beef and dairy cows and the role of new technologies from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo.
Oestrous synchronisation and ovulation control regimen for beef cows from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo.
Synchronisation control / ovulation control for dairy cows from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo.
Session 7: Sexed Semen Technology and its application
Semen Sexing - Up-date on current technologies and the US experience from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: George Seidel (USA)
The application and cost benefits of “sexed semen” in grass-based production systems from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Ian Hutchinson (Ireland)
Sperm mucus interactions: better diluents are possible from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Stephen D Carrington (Ireland)
Session 8: Herd Herd Records and Management
Herd monitoring to optimise fertility- usefulness of herd records, metabolic profiling, ovarian scanning from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Rob Smith (UK)
Fertility Management programmes - Results from the INCALF programmes in Australia and New Zealand from ASAS on Vimeo.
Speaker: Scott McDougall (New Zealand)
Session 9: The Conference in perspective
Economics of fertility in high-yielding dairy cows on confined TMR systems from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo.
Speaker: Victor Cabrera (USA)
Economics of fertility in dairy cows on cows on grass-based production systems from ASAS on Vimeo.
Laurence Shalloo (Ireland)
The conference in perspective. from Scott Radcliffe on Vimeo.
Speakers: ACO Evans (Ireland) & Matt Lucy (USA)