Fund Purpose:
This fund was being formed to recognize the contributions of Dr. Terry Klopfenstein to education, research and to the American Society of Animal Science. The Klopfenstein Student Excellence Scholarship Fund was established in his honor.
Earnings from the fund are used to support the creation of the Klopfenstein Lectureship, which are given annually at the Midwest ASAS meetings. The Klopfenstein Lectureship speaker will be selected from internationally recognized experts in beef cattle nutrition, forage utilization, co-product usage in beef cattle diets, and beef cattle production systems.
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Terry J. Klopfenstein was a lifelong educator and researcher. Before achieving his Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, he was an active member of 4-H and FFA. Working at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln from 1965-2007, he sought to instill a passion for research within the many graduate students he mentored over his career. His groundbreaking research into cattle nutrition was honored by the American Society of Animal Science with several awards: the Morrison Award, the Fellow Award, the Teaching Award and the Nutrition Award.
Past Lectures:
2021 Klopfenstein Lecture
History of GSL Research.
Dr. Jack C. Whittier, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2020 Klopfenstein Lecture
50 years of feedlot nutrition research: History and a look to the future.
Dr. Larry L. Berger, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2018 Klopfenstein Lecture
Building profitable management systems for young beef females.
Dr. Trey Patterson, Padlock Ranch Company