Fund History:
The Dr. Orville Bentley Appreciation Club is our first ever Appreciation Club to be founded by a section. The ASAS Midwest Section and ADSA Midwestern Branch used reserve funds to create this mini-endowment that is being used to establish a distinguished lectureship at the Midwest meetings. The Inaugural Bentley Lectureship was help in 2013 and had 400 people in attendance.
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Orville G. Bentley was born in rural South Dakota. He received his B.S Degree (1942) from South Dakota State and his M.S. (1947) and Ph.D. (1950) from the University of Wisconsin. He became Dean of South Dakota State University’s College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences in 1958, serving until 1965 when he became Dean of what is now known as the College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois. In 1982, he became Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Science and Education, a role he held until 1989. Known for his kindness, vision, passion and leadership, Orville helped to revolutionize and improve teaching, research, and international development throughout his career.
Past Lectures:
2024 Bentley Lecture
Gene editing: A Japanese perspective.
Dr. Hiroaki Funahashi, Okayama University
2023 Bentley Lecture
Feeding co-products to pigs to reach sustainable food production and reduce feed cost.
Dr. Ruurd T. Zijlstra, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta
2022 Bentley Lecture and Lunch
Feeding and management of gilts to maximize lactation performance.
Dr. Chantal Farmer, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2021 Bentley Lecture
Precision livestock management.
Dr. Mark G. Trotter, Central Queensland University
2020 Bentley Lecture and Lunch
Precision livestock farming" a game changer for the livestock sector?
Dr. Daniel Berckmans, Catholic University Leuven & BioRICS NV
2019 Bentley Lecture and Lunch
Long-term immune and metabolic consequences of a disrupted early life microbiota.
Dr. Benjamin Willing, University of Alberta
2018 Bentley Lecture and Lunch
Vitamin nutrition in the 21st century.
Dr. Theo van Kempen, Trouw Nutrition and North Carolina State University
2017 Bentley Lecture and Lunch
Pain management in livestock: Understanding the views of producers and veterinarians.
Dr. Kenny Rutherford, Scotland’s Rural College
2016 Bentley Lecture
Dietary strategies to ameliorate the physiological effects of heat stress in livestock.
Dr. Frank Dunshea, The University of Melborne
2015 Bentley Lecture
Production and quality of exotic meats produced input agricultural systems.
Dr. Louw Hoffman, Distinguished Professor in Meat Science, DSt/NRF South African Research Chair in Meat Science Genomics to Nutriomics, Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of AgriSciences, Stellenbosch University
2014 Bentley Lecture
Fat deposition and meat quality in food animals.
Dr. Jeff Wood, Professor Emeritus, Bristol University, UK
2013 Bentley Lecture
Promoting immunity and performance of young pigs during early life.
Dr. Denise Kelly, RINH, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill, Aberdeen, Scotland