Fund Purpose:
This club was formed to recognize the contribution of Dr. David Baker to the non-ruminant nutrition and to the American Society of Animal Science. Money from the club is used yearly to support the David Baker Amino Acid Symposium at ASAS Midwest Section Meeting.
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. David H. Baker has been one of the most productive animal scientists of our time. He has directed 36 Ph.D., 20 M.S., and 5 postdoctoral students. He and his research collaborators (mostly Ph.D. trainees) have published 455 papers in peer-reviewed outlets. He also has authored 280 abstracts and 200 popular articles. Recognitions for his accomplishments in nutrition research have been numerous. He has received six awards from ASAS, five from the Poultry Science Association, and two from the American Society for Nutritional Sciences. In 1986, Dr. Baker was the first faculty member in agriculture at Illinois to be given the title of university scholar, the highest honor attainable at the University of Illinois, and in 1987, he received the USDA Distinguished Service Award in Research. In 2005, he received the distinct honor of being elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
Past Symposia:
2023 Symposium: Importance of Energy and Impact on Amino Acids in Swine Formulations
Chair: Karen Wedekind, Novus International, Inc.
Symposium Date: March 13, 2023
Location: Madision, Wisconsin
- The global energy situation: Outlook for energy availability for fuel and feed.
Nicolas Hoyt, Easy Newz - Nutritional consequences of formulating pig diets with low energy values using fibrous rich byproducts.
Albert van Dijk and Francesc Molist, SFR Schothorst Feed Research - Formulating U.S. swine diets in a time of high energy costs.
Mike D. Tokach, Robert D. Goodband, Joel M. DeRouchey, Jason C. Woodworth, Jordan T. Gebhardt, Kansas State University - How do producers and nutritionists determine which levers to pull to optimize feed cost and profitability under differing economic conditions?
Trey A. Kellner, AMVC Nutritional Services and Chad M. Pilcher, Cargill Animal Nutrition
2022 Symposium: Significance of Intestinal Health in Pig Production
Chair: Sung Woo Kim, North Carolina State University
Sponsors: CJ America, Evonik Corporation, Novus International
Symposium Date: March 14, 2022
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
- Weaning stress and intestinal health.
A. J. Moeser, Michigan State University - Biomarkers for intestinal mucosal health and its implication to swine production.
S. W. Kim, North Carolina State University - DPP Lecture: Nutritional interventions for intestinal health of nursery pigs: Protein and amino acids.
J. Pluske, Australasian Pork Research Institute Ltd. - Nutritional interventions for intestinal health of nursery pigs: Carbohydrates.
R. T. Zijlstra, University of Alberta - Water- and feed-based arginine impacts on gut integrity in weanling pigs.
S. Becker, Iowa State University - Effect of supplemental DL-methionine or DL-methionine-hydroxy analogue on performance, gene expression and serum antioxidant activity in heat stressed pigs.
J. Caroline Gonzalez-Vega
2021 Symposium: Form and Function of Supplemental Amino Acids in Swine Nutrition
Chair: David Cook, Cargill
Sponsor: CJ America, Evonik Corporation, Novus International
Symposium Date: March 8, 2021
Symposium Location: ZOOM Online
- Functional role of histidine in diets of young pigs.
J. van Milgen*1, N. Le Floc’h1, 1PEGASE, INRAE, Institut Agro - A mechanistic model of growth and amino acid deposition in the pregnant sow: Model development, evaluation, and application.
C. D. Ramirez-Camba*1, C. L. Levesque 1, 1South Dakota State University - What would be the next feed amino acid based on a microbial point of view?
So-Young Kim, CJ CheilJedang - Effects of dietary valine, isoleucine, and tryptophan supplementations to diets containing excess leucine from corn protein on growth performance of growing pigs.
W. B. Kwon*1, J. A. Soto2, H. H. Stein 1, 1University of Illinois, 2 Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition North America Inc. - Mechanisms by which amino acids may enhance mineral absorption in animals.
J. Goff, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine - A longer adaptation period to a functional amino acid-supplemented diet improves growth performance and attenuates acute-phase response in salmonella typhimurium-challenged pigs.
Lucas Rodrigues*1, M. O. Wellington 1, J. C. González-Vega 2, J. K. Htoo 3, A. G. Van Kessel 1, D. A. Columbus 4, 1University of Saskatchewan, 2Evonik Operations GmbH, 3Evonik Operations GmbH, 4Prairie Swine Centre, Inc. - Metal amino acid chelates/complexes with emphasis on molecule absorption and efficacy differences in swine.
K. J. Wedekind, Novus International, Inc.
2020 Symposium: Moving Beyond Ideal Protein
Chair: Hans Stein, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Symposium Date: March 2, 2020
Location Omaha, Nebraska
- Opportunities for using low-protein diets for weanling pigs to improve intestinal health.
M. Nyachoti*, J. Lee, University of Manitoba - Young Scholar Presentation: Impact of a near ideal amino acid profile on the efficiency of nitrogen and energy utilization in lactating sows.
S. Zhang*1, N. Trottier 2, 1University of Maryland, 2, Michigan State University - Challenges and opportunities for formulating low-protein diets for maintaining growth and N-retention of weanling and growing-finishing pigs.
J. K. Htoo, Evonik Operations GmbH - An adjusted sid-thr:lys ratio offsets growth performance depressions in finishing pigs fed moderately high Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS).
S. A. Norton 1, P. Xue*1, B. Ramer 2, J. Erickson 2, 1Provimi, Cargill Animal Nutrition and Health, 2TDM Midwest, Inc. - Sulfur amino acid utilization during immune system stimulation in growing pigs.
A. Rakhshandeh, Texas Tech University - Meta-analysis of the response of piglets to dietary valine: Impact of other branched chain amino acids.
M. Zouaoui*1, A. Simongiovanni 2, Marie-Pierre Létourneau-Montminy 1, 1Université Laval, 2Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition Europe - Challenges and implications of feeding diets with excess concentrations of leucine to growing-finishing pigs.
Mike D. Tokach*1, H. S. Cemin 2, H. R. Kerkaert 1, J. C. Woodworth 1, S. S. Dritz 1, J. M. DeRouchey 1, 1 Kansas State University, 2Hubbard Feeds
2019 Symposium
Chairs: Sung Woo Kim, North Carolina State University; Jeffery Escobar, Elanco
Symposium Date: March 11, 2019
Symposium Location: Omaha, Nebraska
- Amino acids in livestock: A historical perspective.
K. D. Haydon* 1, R. D. Boyd 2, 1CJ America-Bio, 2 The Hanor Company LLC. - How far we could go reducing crude protein with the use of supplemental amino acids.
C. Pomar, Agriculture and Agri-Good Canada - Young Scholar Presentation: Meta-regression analysis to predict the influence of branched-chain and large neutral amino acids on growth performance of pigs.
H. S. Cemin, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Woodworth, J. M DeRouchey, R. D. Goodband, Kansas State University - Commercial realities of amino acid nutrition in the young pig.
D. A. Cook, C. Pilcher, B. Humphrey , Cargill, Inc. - Opportunity with functional role of supplemental amino acids.
Y. Shen* 1, S. W. Kim 2, 1Nutelligence, Inc., 2North Carolina State University
2018 Symposium: Ideal Protein and Amino Acid Nutrition of Pigs
Chair: Robert Easter, University of Illinois
Symposium Date: March 12, 2018
Symposium Location: Omaha, Nebraska
- Ideal Protein – The seminal North American work.
T. K. Chung*, DSM Nutritional Products Asia Pacific, Singapore, Singapore - Practical application of the Ideal Protein concept after twenty-five years.
R. D. Boyd*1 and K. D. Haydon2, 1The Hanor Company, Inc., Franklin, KY, 2CJ America, Chicago, IL - Increased lysine: Metabolizable energy ratio improves grower pig performance during a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus challenge.
W. P. Schweer*1, O. F. Mendoza2, C. M. Shull2, J. Lehman3, A. M. Gaines2, K. J. Schwartz4, and N. K. Gabler1, 1Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, 2The Maschhoffs, LLC, Carlyle, IL, 3Merck Animal Health, De Soto, KS, 4Department of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, Iowa State University, Ames - Amino acid availability in heat-damaged ingredients.
W. H. Hendriks*, Animal Nutrition Group, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands - Effects of various heat treatments on concentrations of digestible and metabolizable energy and on amino acid digestibility in soybean meal fed to growing pigs.
J. K. Mathai*1, J. K. Htoo2, M. Wiltafsky2, and H. H. Stein1, 1University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 2Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH, Hanau-Wolfgang, Germany - Ideal Protein for sows: Consideration of balances among a sow, fetuses, mammary glands, and milk.
S. W. Kim, North Carolina State University, Raleigh - Determination of SID Val:Lys requirements in lactating sows.
K. Touchette, Ajinomoto Heartland; R. Hinson, United Animal Health and Marcio Goncalves, Genus PIC
2017 Symposium: Current Issues in Amino Acids in Pigs
- New directions and technologies in AA research for livestock.
P. J. Moughan*, Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand - Effects of dietary Standardized Ileal Digestible Ile:Lys ratio on growth performance of 6 to 11 kg pigs.
A. B. Clark*1, M. D. Tokach1, J. M. DeRouchey1, S. S. Dritz1, K. J. Touchette2, R. D. Goodband1, and J. C. Woodworth1, 1Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2Ajinomoto Heartland, Inc., Chicago, IL - Basic concepts and potential impact of precision feeding technologies in the production of growing-finishing pigs.
C. Pomar*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada - Threonine:Lysine ratio requirement in lactating sows.
L. Greiner*1, A. Graham1, K. J. Touchette2, M. A. D. Goncalves3, U. A. D. Orlando3, and J. Connor4, 1Carthage Innovative Swine Solutions, LLC, Carthage, IL, 2Ajinomoto Heartland, Inc., Chicago, IL, 3Genus PIC, Hendersonville, TN, 4Carthage Veterinary Service, Ltd., Carthage, IL - Use of low protein diets for weanling pigs.
M. Nyachoti*, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada - Impact of feeding reduced dietary crude protein diets with crystalline amino acid supplementation in late gestation on nitrogen balance of sows.
N. Regmi*1, J. Babcock1, D. Chamberlin1, K. J. Touchette2, J. L. De Vries1, S. Zhang1, and N. L. Trottier1, 1Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2Ajinomoto Heartland, Inc., Chicago, IL - Amino acid requirements of sows nursing 13 to 14 piglets.
P. K. Theil*, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark
2016 Symposium
- David H. Baker: A study in academic scholarship.
R. A. Easter*, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Comparison of the effects of reduced CP, amino acid supplemented diets on growth performance in swine.
C. E. Vonderohe*1, K. M. Mills1, M. D. Asmus1, E. R. Otto-Tice1, C. V. Maxwell2, B. T. Richert1, and J. S. Radcliffe1, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2Department of Animal Science, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville - Quantifying variable amino acid efficiencies in lactating sows.
R. R. White*1, S. Zhang2, N. Regmi2, and N. L. Trottier2, 1Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, 2Michigan State University, East Lansing - Citrulline and de novo arginine synthesis in perinatal and young pigs.
J. C. Marini*1,2, U. Agarwal1, I. C. Didelija1, B. Stoll1, and D. G. Burrin1, 1USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 2Section of Critical Care Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX - An update on modeling dose response relationships: Accounting for correlated data structures and heterogeneous variance in linear and non-linear mixed models.
M. A. D. Goncalves, N. M. Bello*, S. S. Dritz, M. D. Tokach, J. M. DeRouchey, J. C. Woodworth, and R. D. Goodband, Kansas State University, Manhattan - Effects of standardized ileal digestible valine:lysine ratio on growth performance of 25- to 45-kg pigs under commercial conditions.
M. A. D. Goncalves*1, M. D. Tokach1, S. S. Dritz1, N. M. Bello1, K. J. Touchette2, R. D. Goodband1, J. M. DeRouchey1, and J. C. Woodworth1, 1Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2Ajinomoto Heartland, Inc., Chicago, IL - Determination of lysine adequacy on a population basis for growing pigs.
C. E. Zier-Rush1, C. Neill2, S. B. Jungst2, N. Matthews2, D. S. Rosero*1, and R. D. Boyd1, 1The Hanor Company, Inc., Franklin, KY, 2PIC, Hendersonville, TN - Evaluating protein quality of human foods using the pig as a model.
H. Stein*, J. Mattai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2015 Symposium: Broadening the Ideal Protein Horizon: Further Elucidation and Application
- Leucine supplementation to improve the efficiency of utilization of dietary protein for lean growth.
Dr. Teresa A. Davis, Professor, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, U.S. Department of Agriculture / Agricultural Research Service Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine - Amino acid nutrition and immunophysiology.
Dr. Ryan N. Dilger, Assistant Professor of Comparative Nutrition, Department of Animal Sciences, Division of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Assistant Professor, Neuroscience Program , The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - The influence and consequences of free versus protein bound amino acids on the efficacy of analytical methods.
Dr. Thomas P. Mawhinney, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Missouri, State Chemist of Missouri, Director of Agricultural Experiment Station Chemical Laboratories - Amino acid nutrition of lactating dairy cows: Applying the concept of Ideal Protein.
Dr. Charles G. Schwab, Schwab Consulting, Inc., Professor Emeritus of Animal Sciences, University of New Hampshire
2014 Symposium
- (Invited) A Short History of Ideal Protein.
N. R. Augspurger*, JBS United, Inc., Sheridan, IN - (Invited) Current knowledge about ideal protein for growing pigs.
J. van Milgen*1, N. Le Floc'h1, E. Corrent2 and M. Gloaguen1, 1INRA, Saint Gilles, France, 2Ajinomoto Eurolysine, Paris, France - Validating dietary approach to determine the Trp:Lys ratio for pigs.
M. A. D. Goncalves*1, M. D. Tokach1, S. S. Dritz1, K. J. Touchette2, J. M. DeRouchey1, J. C. Woodworth1 and R. D. Goodband1, 1Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2Ajinomoto Heartland, Inc., Chicago, IL - Effect of feeding reduced CP, amino acid supplemented diets, on dietary nitrogen and energy utilization and volatile fatty acid excretion in wean-to-finish swine.
A. M. Jones*1, D. T. Kelly1, B. T. Richert1, C. V. Maxwell2 and J. S. Radcliffe1, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2University of Arkansas, Fayetteville - (Invited) Novel approaches to estimating amino acid requirements and amino acid ratios in diets fed to gestating sows.
S. Moehn* and R. O. Ball, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada - Impact of reduced crude protein diets on lactating sow nitrogen utilization and piglet performance.
L. A. Huber*1, C. F. M. de Lange2, U. Krogh3, D. Chamberlin4 and N. L. Trottier4,1University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 2Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 3Aarhus University, Foulum, Denmark, 4Michigan State University, East Lansing - (Invited) Use of Ideal Protein in practical diet formulation for pigs.
J. D. Hahn*, Murphy Brown, LLC, Ames, IA
2013 Symposium
- Modeling the response of growing pigs to amino acid intake–beyond NRC (2012).
C.F.M. de Lange, University of Guelph - Utilization of the pig in biomedical research: A realization of the pig genome sequencing project.
Larry Schook, University of Illinois - Dietary amino acid balance in gestating and lactating sows: From theory to practice.
Nathalie Trottier, Michigan State University
2012 Symposium
- Current lysine:calorie ratio recommendations and their use in diet formulation.
R. D. Goodband*, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. M. DeRouchey, and J. L. Nelssen, Kansas State University, Manhattan - Effects of reducing crude protein level and replacement with crystalline amino acids on growth performance, carcass composition, and fresh pork quality of finishing pigs fed Paylean.
J. K. Apple*1, C. V. Maxwell1, J. W. S. Yancey1, R. L. Payne2, and J. Thomson2, 1Department of Animal Science, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Fayetteville, 2Evonik-Degussa Corp., Kennesaw, GA - How to feed pigs without whole grains and soybean meal.
H. M. J. van Hees*1, P. J. L. Ramaekers1, and A. Pharazyn2, 1Nutreco Swine Research Centre, St Anthonis, the Netherlands, 2Nutreco Canada Agresearch, Guelph, Ontario, Canada - Effect of a branched-chain amino acid imbalanced supply on voluntary feed intake and the postprandial plasma kinetics of branched-chain amino acids in piglets.
M. Gloaguen*1,3, N. Le Floc’h1,2, E. Corrent3, Y. Primot3, and J. van Milgen1,2, 1INRA, UMR1079, SENAH, Saint-Gilles, France, 2Agrocampus Ouest Rennes, UMR 1079, SENAH, Rennes, France, 3Ajinomoto Eurolysine s.a.s., Paris, France - Nutritional aspects of animal health and oxidative stress.
T. E. Burkey*1, T. E. Weber2, and N. K. Gabler3, 1University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2USDA-ARS, Ames, IA, 3Iowa State University, Ames - Influence of deoxynivalenol and L-Trp supplementation on weight gain, feed intake, and immune responses of nursery pigs.
Y. B. Shen*, A. C. Chaytor, and S. W. Kim, North Carolina State University, Raleigh - The effects of supplemental nucleotides on growth and health of piglets.
A. C. Chaytor* and S. W. Kim, North Carolina State University, Raleigh
2011 Symposium
- Nitrogen-containing nutrients and the developing infant.
P. Anderson*, Abbott Nutrition, Columbus, OH - Utilization of threonine by non-ruminant animals.
O. Adeola*, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN - Amino acid digestibility and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in a threonine co-product fed to weanling pigs.
F. N. Almeida*, R. C. Sulabo, and H. H. Stein, University of Illinois, Urbana - Exogenous enzymes and amino acid digestibility.
A. J. Cowieson*, University of Sydney, Australia - Effect of a multi-carbohydrase enzyme on apparent and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in extruded full fat soybeans fed to finishing pigs.
D. Ayoade*, E. Kiarie, B. Slominski, and C. M. Nyachoti, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada - Amino acid requirements of modern sows.
R. O. Ball*, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada - Influence of dietary L-arginine supplementation to sows during late gestation on sow and litter performance during lactation.
B. E. Bass*1, C. L. Bradley1, Z. B. Johnson1, C. V. Maxwell1, R. D. Boyd2, J. L. Usry3, and J. W. Frank1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2The Hanor Company, Franklin, KY, 3Ajinomoto Heartland, LLC, Chicago, IL
2010 Symposium
- Impacting an Industry—A Tribute to David H. Baker.
Gary L. Allee, University of Missouri, Columbia - Do the gastrointestinal microflora of non-ruminants contribute to the amino acid needs of their host?
M. Fuller*, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY - Does lysine level fed in one phase influence performance during another phase in nursery pigs?
J. E. Nemechek*, M. D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, R. D. Goodband, J. M. DeRouchey, and J. L. Nelson, Kansas State University, Manhattan - Amino acid nutrition for efficient immune responses.
B.D. Humphrey*, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
(ASAS Animal Science Young Scholar) Methionine sources in swine nutrition: Current knowledge and future directions. J. A. Jendza* and O. Adeola, Purdue University, Department of Animal Sciences, West Lafayette, IN - Developing low protein, amino acid supplemented diets for swine.
L. L. Southern*, M. L. Roux, A. M. Waguespack, S. Powell, T. D. Bidner, and R. L. Payne, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, Evonik-Degussa Corp., Kennesaw, GADetermining the optimum ratio of standardized ileal digestible (SID) isoleucine to lysine for growing pigs fed wheat-barley based diets. M. D. Lindemann*, A. D. Quant, J. H. Cho, B. J. Kerr, G. L. Cromwell, and J. K. Htoo, University of Kentucky, Lexington, United States Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA, Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany - Practical amino acid formulation for sows and pigs.
J. Hedges*, Ralco Nutrition, Inc., Marshall, MN
2009 Symposium
- Where is the next generation?
R. A. Easter, University of Illinois, Urbana - The origin of methyl groups and their function.
J. T. Brosnan, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada - Whole-body growth, carcass growth and primal mass as indices of lysine adequacy in high lean growth pigs.
M. E. Johnston, R. D. Boyd, B. Fields, C. Booher, C. E. Fralick, C. E. Zier-Rush, and A. A. Sosnicki, The Hanor Company, Franklin, KY, Swine Tek Research, Van Wert, OH, PIC USA, Hendersonville, TN - Regulation of gastrointestinal function: Motivation from the distal gut.
K. A. Tappenden* University of Illinois, Urbana - The standardized ileal digestible isoleucine to lysine requirement ratio may not be greater than 50% in post-weaned piglets.
J. van Milgen, R. Barea, L. Brossard, N. Le Floc’h, D. Melchior, and Y. Primot, INRA, UMR1079, Saint- Gilles, France, Agrocampus Ouest, UMR1079, Rennes, France, AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE S.A.S., Paris, France - The evaluation of feeding lactating sows on grams of lysine compared to percent of lysine in the diet.
L. Greiner, J. Soto, J. Connor, G. Allee, J. Usry, and N. Williams, Innovative Swine Solutions, LLC, Carthage, IL, University of Missouri, Columbia, Ajinomoto Heartland LLC, Chicago, IL, PIC, Hendersonville, TN - Practical and theoretical evaluations of amino acid-related research for use in commercial swine production.
M. Edmonds, Kent Feeds, Inc., Muscatine, IA