Quote from a Founder about the importance of this club:
"Barbara is the reason we have as many women as we do in ASAS. I will never forget how she "managed" the meetings in SD. Yet, when a little prof from MSU talked to her, she had time for me and remembered me. She is a model for all!", Gretchen Hill, PhD
Fund Purpose
This fund was formed to recognize the contributions of Dr. Barb Glenn to agricultural science policy and to the American Society of Animal Science. This fund will be used in conjunction with the Zimbelman, Hafs, Boyd, and Britt clubs to support undergraduate or graduate student interns in animal agriculture policy in Washington, DC.
Applications for 2023 are now being accepted. Please click here for requirements and application instructions: ASAS 2023 D.C. Interns.
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Barb Glenn has served as the scientific voice for national policies and federal regulations related to animal or crop agriculture since the 1990s. She is an effective communicator and has provided numerous written and oral testimonies to decision makers in federal regulatory agencies, federal research funding agencies, and elected officials. She is a strong supporter of science-based, sustainable solutions to help modern agriculture produce a safe and affordable food supply to meet the growing global demand for food and animal protein.
Dr. Barb Glenn received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from the University of Kentucky and a Ph.D. in Ruminant Nutrition from the University of Kentucky. She spent nearly 17 years with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) as a research dairy scientist and research leader. From 1999–2003, Barb served as Executive Vice President and Scientific Liaison for the Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) where she provided leadership for animal agricultural science policy issues in Washington, DC. In 2003, Barb joined the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) as Managing Director of Animal Biotechnology in the food and agricultural section. At BIO, Barb developed a new program to serve members of the animal biotechnology industry in areas related to development of science and regulatory policies and interactions with the federal government. In January, 2010, Barb joined CropLife America, and is Senior Vice President of Science and Regulatory Affairs where she is responsible for the development, implementation, and management of effective science and regulatory policy strategies in support of modern agriculture through the crop protection industry, including pesticides and crop biotechnology. Today, Dr. Glenn continues her work as Executive Director of NASDA.
Dr. Glenn served as President of the American Society of Animal Science (1996-1997) and she is a Fellow of ASAS and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She is currently a member of the board of directors for the National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research and the Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Foundation, and serves on the board of representatives for the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. She has served on the National Academy of Sciences Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee. Let's congratulate Dr. Glenn as she moves into her next phase of life: Retirement in the Fall of 2021.
Past Awards:
2022 Intern
Madeleine Ring, Delaware Valley University
2018 Interns
Megan Anderson, The Pennsylvania State University
Elizabeth Frey, Michigan State University
Stephanie McBath, Cornell University
Danny Munch, University of Connecticut
Miriam Snider, University of Kentucky
2017 Interns
Rachael Buzanowski, Kansas State University
Alyssa Condon, University of Connecticut
KathrynAnn Fields, Texas A&M University
Taylor Herren, California State University, Chico
Ben Rietmann, Oregon State University
Tyler Madison Roberts, Texas A&M University
2016 Interns
Jamee Bell, Tarleton State University
Alexandra Cantrell, Texas A&M University
Cordelia Hiers, Murray State University
Morgan Jones, University of Minnesota
Olivia Woods, Oregon State University
2015 Interns
Pierce Bennett, Kansas State University Read more... Listen to Podcast below.
Tiffany Hebb, Tuskegee University
Maci Lienemann, University of Nebraska Read more... Listen to Podcast below.
Ashley Weaver, The Ohio State University
2014 Interns:
Morgan Gaither, Colorado State University - Fort Collins
Lillian Rogers, University of Vermont
2013 Interns:
Jessie Nickerson, West Virginia State University
Jordan Hieber, North Dakota State University
2012 Interns:
Chris Gambino, Washington State University
Megan Bryant, Oklahoma State University
2011 Interns:
Benjamin Williamson, University of Arkansas
2010 Intern:
Carolyn Gravatte, University of Kentucky
Intern Experiences
Podcast with Pierce Bennett
Public Policy Intern Pierce Bennett talks about his experiences in Washington D.C.
Date: August, 2015
Maci Lienemann Podcast
Public Policy Intern, Maci Lienemann, talks about her experiences in Washington D.C.
Date: August, 2015
My Experience as an ASAS Intern in Washington, DC from ASAS on Vimeo.
Presenter: Jordan Hieber
Meeting: ASAS Web Chat
Date: October, 2014
My Experience as an ASAS Intern in Washington, DC from ASAS on Vimeo.
Presenter: Lilly Rogers
Meeting: ASAS Web Chat
Date: October, 2014
Club Founders
"XX" in Animal Science (combined effort of 25 women in Animal Science)
- Margaret Benson
- Ellen Bergfeld
- Nancy Cox
- David and Christy Edwards
- Barbara and Scott Glenn
- Harold Hafs
- Debora Hamernik
- Gretchen Hill
- William A. Olson
- Kristi O. Smedley
- Janice Swanson
- Scott Radcliffe
- Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe
- Robert Zimbelman
To view the Glenn Club Governance Document, click here.