ASAS Foundation Bylaws
Updated - August 2022
- Name: The name of this organization shall be the American Society of Animal Science Foundation, hereinafter the ASAS Foundation.
- Location of Record: The address of business for the ASAS Foundation shall be the same address as the Society Headquarters of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS).
- Purpose: The purpose of the ASAS Foundation is to contribute to human welfare by furthering the acquisition and dissemination of scientific knowledge and to support and enhance educational programs of the ASAS, especially in conjunction with the Society’s annual meeting. Furthermore, the Foundation may support educational activities of the ASAS Sections.
- Organization:
- Trustees: The ASAS Foundation shall be administered by Trustees including at least nine members to be appointed by the ASAS Board of Directors which will include the immediate Past President and the Finance Committee Chair of the ASAS Board of Directors. Trustees shall be members of ASAS. Members shall be appointed for three-year terms with a maximum service of two consecutive terms. At least three appointments will be made each year. The Chair and the Vice-Chair of the Board will be appointed annually and may serve a maximum of three years.
- Officers of the Trustees shall consist of the Chair and the Vice-Chair appointed by the ASAS Board of Directors, the Chair of the ASAS Board Finance Committee, and the Recording Secretary, which shall be elected by the ASAS Foundation Trustees. In the absence or incapacitation of the Chair, the Vice Chair will function as Chair of the Trustees.
- Committees
- The Executive Committee of the Trustees shall consist of the Executive Committee of the Board. The Executive committee shall manage interim affairs of the Foundation with powers as delegated by the Trustees.
- The Trustees may appoint other committees as it deems necessary.
- Relationship to ASAS Board of Directors: Trustees of the ASAS Foundation shall function independently of the ASAS Board of Directors but shall communicate effectively and frequently with the ASAS Board of Directors. The Chair of the Foundation shall be a member of the ASAS Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Board.
- Operations: The Trustees shall perform those functions necessary to (1) evaluate and define those activities that fulfill the purposes of the Foundation, (2) effect contributions to the ASAS Foundation sufficient to fulfill the purposes of the ASAS Foundation, (3) provide funds to ASAS Board of Directors for educational programs and for other activities consistent with the purposes of the ASAS Foundation and (4) ensure that funds are used for the approved activities. The Trustees shall report at least annually on activities of the ASAS Foundation to the Board of Directors of the ASAS.
- Patron Members and Donors
- Patrons shall be those firms, organizations or individuals that contribute at least $1,000 to the ASAS Foundation.
- Donors shall be those firms or organizations that contribute at least $250 and those individuals that contribute at least $25 to the ASAS Foundation.
- Patrons and Donors shall be recognized annually in the year donations are made and, in the manner, determined by the Trustees of the ASAS Foundation.
- Meetings
- Frequency and Purpose: The ASAS Foundation Trustees shall meet as necessary to conduct the business of the Foundation. One meeting shall be held at the time of the ASAS Annual Meeting. Two specific purposes of that meeting shall be (1) to assess the results of expenditures of funds for the current educational programs and (2) to propose a budget of expenditures for the next fiscal year.
- Quorum A quorum shall consist of five Trustees. In the absence of a quorum in attendance at meetings, Foundation business may be conducted by a quorum by a majority vote of a ballot by mail, telephone, or facsimile.
- Reimbursement of Expenses: ASAS Foundation funds may be used for reimbursement of reasonable and necessary expenses of ASAS Foundation Trustees in attendance at meetings provided no other sources of funds exist to reimburse expenses.
- Use of Funds
- The ASAS Foundation shall prudently invest contributions made to it and shall use the interest earned therefrom, and principle from contributions as judged appropriate by the Trustees, to support activities of the Foundation.
- The ASAS Foundation shall use restricted contributions only for the specific activity identified by the contributor.
- The Trustees shall authorize, out of the income of the Foundation, the payment of such incidental expenses as may become necessary. No member of the Trustees shall receive any salary for his or her services.
- Amendment of Bylaws: These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of ASAS members present and voting at the Annual Business Meeting of the ASAS, provided that notice has been to all ASAS members at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting, or by a two-thirds vote of ASAS members responding to mail or electronic ballot.
Foundation Investments Philosophy and Policy
This investment policy statement is designed to be a guideline for the assets of American Society of Animal Science. Assets of the American Society of Animal Science will be invested in a combination of equities and bonds (Fixed Income), invested for long-term growth of capital.
In understanding that risk is present in all types of securities and investment styles, the members recognize that some risk is necessary to produce long-term investment results that are sufficient to meet the ASAS long-term objectives. However, the investment managers are to make reasonable efforts to control risk and will be evaluated regularly to ensure that the risk assumed is commensurate with the given investment style and objectives.
2024-2025 Foundation Board of Trustees
Dr. Glenn Duff (NM)
Ph: 575.644.0366
Email: Glennd at nmsu.edu
Dr. Emily Otto-Tice (IA)
Ph: 317.385.5507
Email: etice2003 at gmail.com
Dr. Elizabeth Kegley (AR)
Ph: 479.872.1064
Email: ekegley at uark.edu
Steven Armbruster (OK)
Ph: 405.612.5700
Email: slarmbruster at gmail.com
Dr. Joel Caton (ND)
Ph: 701.231.7653
Email: joel.caton at ndsu.edu
Dr. N. Andy Cole (TX)
Ph: 806.673.8991
Email: nacole at suddenlink.com
Dr. Deana Hancock (MO)
Ph: 314.397.4915
Email: deana.hancock at novusint.com
Dr. Ben Holland (TX)
Ph: 806.420.9484
Email: ben.holland at cactusfeeders.com
Dr. Emily Melchior
Ph: 908.347.2000
Email: emily.melchior at zoetis.com
Dr. Tom Rathje (NE)
Ph: 888.326.2733
Email: tomrathje at hotmail.com
Dr. James Sartin (Ex-Officio)
Chief Executive Officer
American Society of Animal Science
PO Box 7410
Champaign, IL 61826-7410
Ph: 217.356.9050
Email: jsartin at asas.org
Amy Brainard (Ex-Officio)
Chief Development Officer
American Society of Animal Science
PO Box 7410
Champaign, IL 61826-7410
Ph: 217.729.7600
Email: amyb at asas.org