The Morrison Award
Baylor College of Medicine
Section Awarded:
Teresa A. Davis, The Morrison Award
Sponsored by: F.B. Morrison Fund
Dr. Teresa Ann Davis is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee and was a postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri before joining the faculty. She is internationally recognized for her novel discoveries of the nutritional regulation of protein metabolism and growth, amino acid sensing, and insulin signaling that has enabled the development of new strategies to improve feed efficiency and lean growth in swine. Based on her NIH- and USDA- supported research, Dr. Davis received the ASAS Animal Growth and Development Award, the ASN Stockstad Award, the University of Tennessee Centennial Leader Award, and the Baylor College of Medicine Research Mentor Award. She served as ASAS Director-at Large, ASAS Public Policy Committee Chair, Journal of Animal Science Editorial Board Member, ASN President, Fulbright U.S. Distinguished Scholar, and Scientific Advisor of both ILSI and the Riddet Institute. She is Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Nutrition and a member of the USDA/HHS 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.