Award Winner Detail

Award: ASAS Fellow: Teaching Category
Univeristy: University of Missouri
Year: 2013
Section Awarded: National

Michael Smith, ASAS Fellow: Teaching Category

<p>Sponsored by American Society of Animal Science
Dr. Michael F. Smith was born in Fort Worth, Texas. Following graduation from high school, he enrolled at Michigan State University and transferred to Colorado State University to complete his undergraduate degree in 1974. He then initiated graduate study in reproductive biology at Texas A&M University under the mentorship of Dr. James Wiltbank, where he received M.S and PhD. degrees. Dr. Smith joined the University of Missouri in 1980. Dr. Smith has been recognized for excellence in both teaching and research as evidenced by receipt of the multiple awards that include ASAS Midwest Section Young Animal Science Research Award, SSR Trainee Mentoring Award, MU William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, ASAS Distinguished Teacher Award, MU Maxine Christopher Shutz Award for Distinguished Teaching, ASAS Physiology and Endocrinology Award and recently the Missouri Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. </p>

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