Award Winner Detail

Award: ASAS Young Scholar Award
Univeristy: University of California-Davis
Year: 2022
Section Awarded: National

Kwangwook Kim, ASAS Young Scholar Award


Dr. Kwangwook Kim recently completed his Ph.D. dissertation at the University of California Davis, with Dr. Yanhong Liu and is continuing his research as a postdoctoral scholar. His dissertation focused on the detrimental impacts of trace amounts of antibiotic and oligosaccharide-based polymer as a potential alternative to antibiotics on weaned pigs. Using an established enterotoxigenic E. coli challenge model, he concurrently examined the effects of trace amounts of antibiotic or oligosaccharide-based polymer on growth performance, diarrhea condition, local and systemic immunity, intestinal integrity, and changes in metabolic pathways and intestinal microflora of weaned pigs. Dr. Kim has published 8 peer-reviewed articles and 16 abstracts as the first author. Dr. Kim was awarded the 2022 ASAS Midwest Stahly/Peo Outstanding Graduate Student in Swine Nutrition, 2020 ASAS Midwest Animal Science Young Scholar, and won the first prize on the 2019 ASAS Midwest Graduate Oral Competition.

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