ASAS Fellow: Administration Category
Section Awarded:
Gregory Lewis, ASAS Fellow: Administration Category
Sponsored by: American Society of Animal Science

Dr. Gregory S. Lewis earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees at the University of Tennessee and Ph.D. at West Virginia University. He was a postdoc at the University of Florida; Research Physiologist at USDA, ARS, Beltsville (1980-1988); Associate Professor then Professor of animal science at Virginia Tech (1988-2000); and Supervisory Research Physiologist and Research Leader at the USDA, ARS, U.S. Sheep Experiment Station (USSES; 2000-2013). Dr. Lewis has authored or coauthored 130 peer-reviewed journal articles and made ~ 110 invited presentations in 12 countries. He mentored 5 postdocs, trained 10 M.S. and Ph.D. students, and served as a J. Anim. Sci. section editor and editor-in-chief. Dr. Lewis redirected USSES research and management to develop or use new methods for improving genetic potential, health, and production efficiency of sheep and for monitoring and measuring landscape-scale changes in rangeland ecosystems. His leadership resulted in ~ 160 USSES peer-reviewed journal articles.