Award Winner Detail

Award: Animal Growth and Development Award
Univeristy: Purdue University
Year: 2016
Section Awarded: National

Shawn S. Donkin, Animal Growth and Development Award

Sponsored by DSM Nutritional Products, Inc.

Dr. Donkin received a B.S. from McGill University (1982), M.S. in Dairy and Animal Science from The Pennsylvania State University (1987), and Ph.D. in Dairy Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1992). He has been a member of the faculty of Purdue University since 1995. Dr. Donkin has developed an internationally-recognized research program that examines hepatic function to support food animal production, animal well-being, and human health. This research has expanded the knowledge base for the biology of nutrient metabolism in mammalian liver during health and disease. Dr. Donkin’s laboratory was among the first to describe the molecular events that control glucose metabolism in ruminants and the role of gene promoter responses to hormones and nutrients in this regard. Dr. Donkin’s research program at Purdue University has been supported by the USDA-AFRI, the National Institutes of Health, commodity groups, private industry, state programs, and private foundations.

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