Early Career Achievement Award
Colorado State University
Section Awarded:
Dale R. Woerner, Early Career Achievement Award
Sponsored by: ASAS Foundation
The recipient of the 2018 Early Career Achievement Award is Dale R. Woerner, Associate Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University (CSU). Dale grew up in Fredericksburg, TX, and his academic career began while a graduate student at Texas Tech University (M.S.). He completed his Ph.D. in Animal Science at Colorado State University in 2009 and, after graduation, joined the faculty in the Center for Meat Safety & Quality. Today, he serves as an Associate Professor with tenure. Dale has acquired over $10.7 million in funding, advised 60 graduate students, taught 105 credit-hours, and served as faculty advisor for the meat judging team that has won two national championships. Dr. Woerner's research expertise is in fresh meat quality, meat flavor chemistry, nutrient content of beef, veal, and lamb, meat cookery, instrument grading, food safety systems, fresh meat shelf-life, and innovative carcass fabrication.