Bouffault International Animal Agriculture Award
Iowa State University
Section Awarded:
Curtis R. Youngs, Bouffault International Animal Agriculture Award
Dr. Curtis R. Youngs earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in animal science from the University of Minnesota before he received postdoctoral training at Louisiana State University. A er three years at the University of Idaho, he joined the animal science faculty at Iowa State University. He has utilized his expertise to train scientists and students in developing countries in the technologies of artificial insemination and embryo transfer. He brought the unique courses he created in embryo transfer and in global food security to countries that greatly needed enhanced production of animal source foods. Youngs’ development work has been performed in nine developing countries across four continents, and his activities have included classroom and laboratory teaching, on-farm consultations, and research. He hopes to empower agriculturalists in developing nations with the knowledge and skills needed to increase production of safe and nutritious animal source foods.