Call for 2025 Awards Nominations deadline to submit is March 31, 2025!
Nominated individuals must be current members of the Canadian Society of Animal Science
Nominations (except for Honorary Life Membership) must be accompanied with the following as electronic files (PDF or Word file(s) preferred):
- Completed Nomination Form, which includes:
- Name, address, phone number, and email address of nominator(s).
- Reason for nomination: Reason for nomination: state why this nominee is proposed (max 800 words Times new roman 10 pt single space).
- CV of Nominee (include education, employment, service to the profession (books and papers published, courses and number of students taught, industry activities, consultations, overseas involvement, etc.), and honors and awards already held).
- A summary suitable for incorporation into a citation if the nominee wins the award (maximum of 250 words).
For nominees for the Canadian Animal Industries award in extension and public service, letters of support from farm organizations on a local, provincial and/or national level are required.
Please forward all nomination documents to the CSAS Awards Chair via email: csas_awards@asas.org
Canadian Society of Animal Science Fellowship*
Description: This award represents the highest honour bestowed by the Society to members who have made an outstanding contribution in any field of animal agriculture. Recipients of this award are not eligible for any other CSAS award, except for the Honorary Life Membership.
Form: Recipients receive a $1000 cash award and a plaque.
2024 Award Recipient:
- Martin Nyachoti, University of Manitoba
- 2024 sponsor: Canadian Science Publishing
Award in Nutrition or Meat Sciences*
Description: Awarded to CSAS members to encourage excellence in teaching, research or extension in the fields of nutrition and meat science at the provincial, federal or international level. Nominees previously awarded Canadian Society of Animal Science Fellowships are not eligible for this award, but the converse does not apply.
Form: Recipients receive a $1000 cash award and a plaque.
2024 Award Recipient:
- Trevor DeVries, University of Guelph
- 2024 sponsor: Diamond V
Technical Innovation in Enhancing Production of Safe Affordable Food*
Description: This award recognizes excellence in technical innovation and teaching with emphasis in biotechnology, genetics, physiology, and animal behaviour. The award requires demonstration that the recipient contributed to the production of safe and affordable food of animal origin. CSAS fellowship recipients are ineligible.
Form: Recipients receive a $1000 cash award and a plaque.
2024 Award Recipient:
- Changxi Li, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- 2024 sponsor: Semex
Canadian Industries Award in Extension and Public Service*
Description: This is awarded to a CSAS member in recognition of outstanding service to the animal industries of Canada in technology transfer, leadership and education in animal production. The recipient of the award may be employed in any sector of the Canadian animal industry. The contribution to advancement of education and technology transfer in animal agriculture in Canada must have been outstanding and sustained over time. The contributions must be distinct from those of research.
Form: Recipients receive a $1000 cash award and a plaque.
2024 Award Recipient:
- Kathy Larson, University of Saskatchewan
- 2024 sponsors: Beef Cattle Research Council, Chicken Farmers of Canada, Dairy Farmers of Canada
Young Scientist Award
Description: Awarded in recognition of the achievements of new members of the research community. Presented to an individual who has demonstrated excellence in research in any area of animal science and who has held their PhD for a period not greater than seven years (or eight years in special circumstances) are eligible. Nominees previously awarded Canadian Society of Animal Science Fellowships are not eligible for this award, but the converse does not apply.
Form: Recipients receive a $1000 cash award and a plaque.
2024 Award Recipient:
- Deborah Adewole, University of Saskatchewan
- 2024 sponsor: Employees of Masterfeeds LLP, in memory of Shane Carson, Director of Nutrition
Honorary Life Membership*
Description: Awarded to CSAS members who have retired from active employment and who have been active members for a period of no less than ten (10) years immediately preceding retirement. Honorary Life Members cease to pay membership dues. The award is intended for members who have truly retired (age 65) and not for those who have retired only to assume another career or appointment.
Note: Nominations are not required for Honorary Life Membership (selection of recipients is based on the CSAS membership list; however, the Honors and Awards Committee would appreciate members identifying potential recipients).
Form: Certificate and complimentary membership in the Society (excluding journal access).
2024 Award Recipients:
- Karen Beauchemin
- Michael Dugan
* Refer to Nominate section and click on award name for past recipient lists
A number of awards are available to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Canadian universities in animal science-related programs.
CSAS Student Ambassadors
Our CSAS Student Ambassadors will enhance the visibility of our society to graduate students across Canada and increase the participation of our student members in society activities. Award sponsored by the Canadian Society of Animal Science.
CSAS Graduate Travel Fellowship
Description: $500 towards expenses for travel to the 2025 CSAS-ASAS Annual Meeting. Winners will receive the cash award during the CSAS awards banquet in Hollywood, Florida.
- Registered CSAS member.
- Registered in M.Sc., Ph.D., or Postdoctoral program at a recognized Canadian university.
- Registered and attending the 2025 ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting for the purpose of presenting data (oral or poster).
Application requirements:
- Proof of membership (CSAS membership number) and student status (photocopy of valid student ID or attestation by supervisor/head of department).
- Applicant’s abstract (version submitted) for oral or poster presentation during the meeting.
- A justification letter (max. 500 words) describing the focus of the research to be presented at the meeting and the benefits that would be gained from attending the meeting.
- A letter of recommendation (max. 400 words)from the applicant’s supervisor.
- Supervisor should sign and confirm that the applicant fulfills all requirements.
- Proof of registration is not required at time of application but will be required before funds are awarded.
2024 Sponsored by Lakeland College and Boehringer Inglheim Animal Health Canada Inc
2024 Recipients:
- Maria Londono Mendez, University of Alberta
- Vanesa Ramirez, University of Alberta
Graduate Student Poster Presentations
In recognition of the top three poster presentations during the Graduate Student Competition at the Annual Meeting. The award consists of a cheque for 1st $250, 2nd $150 and 3rd $100.
Sponsor: Canadian Science Publishing
2024 Recipients:
- 3rd Place (tied): Avalon Phillips - University of Guelph
- 3rd Place (tied): Guoyu Hu - Dalhousie University
- 2nd Place: Sergio Lasso-Ramirez - University of Alberta
- 1st Place: Emily Lomas - University of Guelph
Graduate Student Oral Presentations
In recognition of the top three oral presentations during the Graduate Student MSc and PhD Competitions at the Annual Meeting. The award consists of a cheque for 1st $250, 2nd $150 and 3rd $100.
MSc Recipients:
- 3rd Place: Shelby Robinson - University of Saskatchewan
- 2nd Place: Stephanie Gwynne - University of Guelph
- 1st Place: Samantha Hartwig - University of Guelph
PhD Recipients:
- 3rd Place (tied): Fuquan Zhang - University of Saskatchewan
- 3rd Place (tied): Sophia Cattleya Dondé - University of Saskatchewan
- 2nd Place: Titouan Chapelain - University of Guelph
- 1st Place: Lauren Fletcher - University of Guelph
CSAS Undergraduate and Diploma Academic Achievement Award
Description: Awarded in recognition of superior academic achievement to an undergraduate student during the course of their studies in animal science-related program.
Eligibility: An undergraduate student who has demonstrated superior academic performance during their undergraduate studies and who is expected to graduate in the year of the award. A total of one undergraduate student recipient from each of the main agricultural faculties at Canadian universities (University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, University of Manitoba, University of Guelph, Université Laval, McGill University, and Dalhousie University). Nominations are received from the department in which the student is enrolled.
Form: Certificate, $100 cash award, and one-year complimentary membership in the Society, including journal access.
2024 Sponsor: Lakeland College and Boehringer Inglheim Animal Health Canada Inc
2024 Recipients:
- Nathan Krahn, University of Manitoba
- Mireille Krul, University of Manitoba
- Alyssa Lini, University of Guelph
- Tyler Schmidt-Schaun, Dalhousie University
- Ryan van Diggelen, University of Guelph
- Isaac (Hanwen) Qi, University of British Columbia
Become a CSAS Member!
Membership is open to persons currently or previously employed in research, teaching, administration, extension, production, marketing, or otherwise interested in any field pertaining to the animal industry. There are three categories for membership including regular members, retired members, and student members (undergraduate or graduate). Student applicants must complete the education profile when signing up.