Featured Articles

  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Efficient approximation of reliabilities for single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor models with the Algorithm for Proven and Young

    TS, science background
    The estimated breeding value (EBV) of an animal measures its genetic merit. For calculating EBVs, pedigree and genomic information are jointly used in a procedure called single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP). Genetic evaluations report each EBV with its reliability, which measures how accurate the breeding value estimation was.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Lycium barbarum polysaccharides alleviate LPS-induced inflammatory responses through PPARγ/MAPK/NF-κB pathway in bovine mammary epithelial cells

    TS, bovine cells
    Current research examined Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP) for combating LPS-induced inflammatory responses in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells. We uncovered a preventive role of LBP in reducing detrimental effects induced by LPS including inhibition of NF-κB and MAPK along with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) activation.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Selenium decreased cholesterol levels

    TS, nellore bull
    A major goal in animal agriculture is to improve the nutritional value of animal products. One area of focus in the beef cattle industry is to use supplemental selenium to improve the antioxidant abilities of muscle and liver tissue, which may reduce the cholesterol levels of muscle tissue, resulting in a healthier product.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Tissue Dimensions Captive Bolt Swine

    TS, captive bolt dec
    Penetrating captive bolt is a commonly used and humane method for euthanizing swine that weigh less than 200kg.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Altered fecal microbiota, IgA, and fermentative end-products in adult dogs fed prebiotics and a nonviable Lactobacillus acidophilus

    TS, beagle dec
    Higher demand for nutrition beyond the basic requirements of the animal has increased in the pet food industry; specifically, using pre-and probiotic ingredients to influence digestive health.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Relationship between energy intake and growth performance and body composition in pigs selected for low backfat thickness

    TS, pig pink background dec
    The progression of genetic selection for reduced carcass backfat has increased over the past 20 years, causing an altered phenotypic relationship between energy intake and carcass backfat thickness.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Increased microbial phytase increased phytate destruction, plasma inositol, and feed efficiency of weanling pigs...

    TS, weanling pig dec
    Due to stress during the post-weaning period, morbidity and mortality can be significantly increased. These stressors can be environmental, nutritional, physiological, and immunological changes.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Live yeast and yeast extracts with and without pharmacological levels of zinc on nursery pig growth performance and antimicrobial susceptibilities of fecal Escherichia coli

    TS, Escherichia coli
    Feeding pharmacological levels of Zn in the early nursery phase has become a common practice in the swine industry to alleviate post-weaning diarrhea. However, antimicrobial resistance is a concern when feeding these levels.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: High inclusion rates of hybrid rye instead of corn in diets for growing-finishing pigs do not influence the overall growth performance and most carcass traits are not influenced by hybrid rye

    TS, hybrid rye
    Hybrid rye has shown minimal impact on growth performance and carcass characteristics when used to replace barley and wheat. The current study's objective is to evaluate the use of hybrid rye as a replacement for corn in diets for growing and finishing pigs without impacting growth performance, carcass characteristics, or meat quality.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Impacts of high amylopectin starch cassava on plasma glucose and the growth performance of pigs

    TS, pig growth
    In this recent Journal of Animal Science study, researchers evaluated how cassava, a high amylopectin starch, impacted the performance and other metabolic parameters of growing pigs. Pigs were fed either a corn-soybean meal LP diet, a corn-cassava-soybean meal LP diet, or a cassava-soybean meal LP diet.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Hydroxy-selenomethionine as an organic source of selenium in the diet improves boar reproductive performance in artificial insemination programs

    TS, boar research
    This was the first study of record to evaluate the effects of hydroxy-selenomethionine as a dietary supplement for boards on raw semen characteristics and quality of seminal doses, as well as the reproductive performance achieved when used for artificial insemination.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of aspirin to intentionally induce leaky gut on performance, inflammation, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle

    TS, feedlot cattle aspirin
    The negative impacts of stress on gastrointestinal tract barrier function can result in compromised animal growth and health; aspirin is known to cause mucosal injury, leading to increased gut permeability and tight junction damage and, in turn, can be used as a model to study leaky gut in cattle.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Impacts of fiber and crude protein on performance and gut microbiota in piglets

    TS, piglet weaned
    The prophylactic use of antibiotics and pharmacological zinc were traditionally used to ward off postweaning diarrhea (PWD) in piglets. However, due to antibiotic resistance and strict regulations on the use of zinc and antibiotics in animal feed, other strategies for combatting PWD are needed.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of increasing calcium propionate in a finishing diet on dry matter intake and glucose metabolism in steers

    TS, steer
    A study recently published in the Journal of Animal Science aimed to determine whether or not increasing propionate alters dry matter intake, glucose clearance rate, blood metabolites, insulin concentrations, and hepatic gene expression in steers fed a finishing diet.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Impacts of lysed Corynebacterium glutamicum cell mass on the health and growth of nursery piglets

    TS, nursery pig
    ​Single cell proteins (SCP) are nutrient dense and derived from various economical sources including bacteria and yeast. However, the safety profile of SCP and its and impact on production in farm animals are still under investigation.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Genetic inbreeding depression load for fertility traits in Pura Raza Española mares

    TS, Pura Raza Española
    Over the last few decades, fertility has been studied as a breeding goal in domestic species, but horses have historically been selected for conformation or performance in equestrian sports without much regard to fertility. For this reason, there is little information available on fertility traits and their inclusion as selection criteria in equine breeding programs.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Integrating diverse data sources to predict disease risk in dairy cattle—a machine learning approach

    TS, dairy cattle
    Livestock farming is currently undergoing a digital revolution. Animals and their surroundings are closely monitored and observed, but such data often reside in disconnected silos, making it impossible to leverage their full potential to improve animal well-being.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Assessment of digestible lysine requirements in lipopolysaccharide-challenged pigs

    TS, pig eating
    Changes in metabolism due to immune system activation and the incidence of infectious disease can lead to differing dietary amino acid requirements for an animal. In addition, it is imperative to determine the nutritional requirements of animals under challenging conditions, so feed formulations are optimal to maximize growth rate and efficient use of nutrients.

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  • Nov
    USDA to Reduce Salmonella Associated with Poultry

    TS, food safety
    The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced new strategies to reduce Salmonella illness linked to poultry products. The efforts will include gathering data and information to support future actions to move closer to the Healthy People 2030 target of a 25% reduction in Salmonella illness.

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  • Nov
    Giving Tuesday opportunities - 2021

    ASAS and the ASAS Foundation recognize members on Giving Tuesday.

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