Interpretive Summary: Proteomic and metabolomic profiling of aged pork loin chops reveals molecular phenotypes linked to pork tenderness
Classifying fresh pork loin based on potential consumer appeal and value enables processors and producers to stand out in a competitive market, catering to domestic and export demands. Accurate classification aligns products with consumer expectations and benefits purveyors, chefs, retailers, and consumers by ensuring consistent quality.
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Interpretive Summary: Early postmortem beef muscle proteome and metabolome variations due to supranutritional zinc and ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation
There is significant interest in improving the efficiency of beef production. Beef quality and consumer satisfaction are of equal importance. Feeding zinc (Zn) above nutritional recommendations and feeding ractopamine hydrochloride (RH) can be utilized to optimize cattle growth.
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Interpretive Summary: Welfare and performance benefits of shade provision during summer for feedlot cattle in a temperate climatic zone
The performance and welfare benefits of providing shade in cattle feedlots have predominantly been investigated in higher-risk heat-stress zones. However, it is unclear whether the reported benefits of shade are relevant in cooler temperate zones.
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Interpretive Summary: The essential oil blend Agolin Ruminant L reduces methane production in vitro and in vivo when included in the drinking water of cattle
Most research conducted to reduce methane (CH4) emissions from cattle has focused on intensive feeding systems, such as dairy and feedlots, where feeding management is tightly controlled. The delivery of CH4 mitigants to ruminants grazing in extensive pasture-based systems requires attention. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the delivery of an essential oil blend called Agolin Ruminant L (Agolin) to beef cattle via drinking water to reduce CH4 emissions.
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Interpretive Summary: Adding gastrointestinal parasite resistance to the breeding objective in hair sheep: initial steps
Gastrointestinal parasite resistance is a heritable trait important to breeders of hair sheep. However, the U.S. Maternal Hair Index, provided by the National Sheep Improvement Program, omits parasite resistance. Selection indexes were designed in this study to continue improving total weight of lamb weaned per ewe lambing (TW), the current goal, and reduce postweaning fecal egg count (PFEC), an indicator of parasite resistance.
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Interpretive Summary: Characterizing local pig breeds as reservoirs for the domestic pig genetic variability worldwide via contributions to gene diversity and allelic richness
The assessment of contributions to diversity is informative on how allelic frequencies of a metapopulation are partitioned among subpopulations and is further useful to identify unique subpopulations gathering rare alleles. Up to 2,260 pig genotypes were used to assess contributions to gene diversity and allelic richness in a total of 98 local domestic pig subpopulations and 6 Cosmopolitan pig populations worldwide.
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Interpretive Summary: The effect of repeated lipopolysaccharide endotoxin challenge on immune response of breeding ewes and subsequent lamb performance
During disease states, bacterial endotoxins act locally and systemically, negatively impacting reproductive capacity and economic productivity. The present study investigated the impacts of repeated low-dose endotoxin exposure during follicular development on the immune response and subsequent reproductive and lamb growth variables.
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Interpretive Summary: The impact of exogenous vasoactive intestinal polypeptide on inflammatory responses and mRNA expression of tight junction genes in lambs fed a high-grain diet
This research investigates the potential of administering vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) to ruminants fed grain-based diets, to mitigate gut inflammation and thus enhance growth performance. Lambs were adapted to a corn-based diet with no added forage and randomly assigned to control (no VIP) or VIP treatment groups.
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Interpretive Summary: Influence of sire plane of nutrition and targeted body weight gain on ewe lamb growth, glucose metabolism, and ovarian reserve
Recent literature suggests that exposure of the sire to excess or inadequate nutrition before breeding could contribute to altered growth, metabolism, and reproduction of their offspring. Exposure of the offspring to postnatal environmental stressors may further exacerbate the effects of sire nutrition on growth and metabolism.
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Washington Roundup - November 2024
Novembers edition of Washington Roundup includes three overviews: Congress Returns for Lame Duck Session, Registration Open for USDA’s 101st Agricultural Outlook Forum, and NIFA Publishes Climate Science Report.
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A Synopsis of the 2024 International Summit on Societal Role of Meat and Livestock
Members of the ASAS Public Policy Committee attended the Societal Role of Meat and Livestock - Denver Summit 2024. The following brief highlights the purpose, activities, significance, and proposed outcomes of the summit.
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CAST Report on the Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative
The ASAS Public Policy Committee continually looks to share information which increases awareness of strategies and solutions for a more sustainable animal agricultural future. A recently released report “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to Be Greenhouse Gas Negative", assembled by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) in partnership with U.S. Farmers & Ranchers in Action (USFRA), examines strategies for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within U.S. agriculture, particularly focusing on animal production systems. The report outlines how combining reduced GHG emissions from some agricultural activities with increased carbon sequestration in others could achieve GHG-negative agriculture. It also describes the research needed to help accomplish it.
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The Giving Herd - ASAS Foundation Newsletter - November 2024
The November Edition of The Giving Herd, an ASAS Foundation Newsletter.
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Bob and Grace Wettemann - Their Story and ASAS Journey
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Interpretive Summary: Trace mineral sources influence in vitro fermentation characteristics and trace mineral solubility
Copper, Mn, and Zn are essential trace minerals (TM) supplemented in cattle to prevent TM deficiencies. Supplemental TM sources can differ in solubility within the digestive tract of cattle, which can impact rumen fermentation and availability for absorption from the small intestine.
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Interpretive Summary: Coated oregano essential oil and cinnamaldehyde compounds supplementation improves growth performance, enhances immune responses, and inhibits cecal Escherichia coli proliferation of broilers
The use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) has been restricted or even prohibited around the world, which brings serious challenges to the health development of the poultry industry. Some plant essential oils and their constituent bioactive compounds have received increasing attention in antibiotic-free diets thanks to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and lack of environmental residue.
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Interpretive Summary: Dietary glycerides of valerate ameliorate diarrhea and impact intestinal physiology and serum biomarkers in weaned piglets infected with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F18
Postweaning diarrhea is a major challenge on commercial pig farms. The current study aimed to determine the efficacy of dietary valerate glycerides supplemented to weaned piglets under enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) F18 infection conditions.
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Interpretive Summary: Transforming estimated breeding values from observed to probability scale: how to make categorical data analyses more efficient
Calving ease is recorded as a binary trait, easy or difficult calving. Predicting breeding values as the probability of expressing easy calving requires using threshold models, a nonlinear statistical methodology with intensive computing requirements emphasized nowadays with big datasets.
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Interpretive Summary: Exploring the impact of fatty acid composition on carcass and meat quality in Bos taurus indicus influenced cattle
The fat composition and mineral content of beef influences both its taste and nutritional value. This study seeks to understand the relationship between meat quality and the nutritional value of beef from Brangus cattle. Animals varied greatly in their levels of essential omega-6 and monounsaturated fat.
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Interpretive Summary: Effects of chicken slurry inclusion on apparent total tract macronutrient digestibility, palatability, and fecal characteristics, microbiota, and metabolites of healthy adult dogs
Premium pet foods often include chicken slurry, which is thought to be superior to chicken meal but is not well-tested. This study aimed to determine how chicken slurry inclusion level affected the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) and palatability of extruded dog foods, and gastrointestinal health indices of dogs.
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