Featured Articles

  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: The effect of feeding order of forage and oats on metabolic and digestive responses related to gastric emptying in horses

    Horses have evolved as grazing nonruminant herbivores with a relatively small stomach and a highly specialized hindgut capable of fermenting fibrous feeds. However, domestication might have altered the feeds consumed by horses, and today conserved forages and starch-rich concentrates often make up the ration as a substitute or supplement to grazing.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of feeding high oleic soybean oil to finishing pigs on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality

    The supplementation of oils in pigs’ diets can affect pork’s fatty acid (FA) composition. It is recommended that humans consume more unsaturated fats due to their health benefits. One strategy to enhance the unsaturated fat profile of pork is feeding dietary fat sources high in unsaturated fats to pigs.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of pre-farrowing hygiene routine (sub-standard vs. optimal) and creep feeding regime (dry pelleted starter diet vs. liquid mixture of milk replacer and starter diet)...

    Litter sizes on commercial pig farms have increased in the past number of decades. To support these large litters, creep feeding suckling piglets with a dry pelleted starter diet is commonly practiced on commercial farms, but creep feed intake can be low and variable. Increasing creep feed intake should increase pre-weaning growth and better prepare pigs for weaning.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Identification of transcriptional regulators and signaling pathways mediating postnatal rumen growth and functional maturation in cattle

    The rumen is the largest digestive organ in adult ruminants, where feed is digested into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and where most VFAs are absorbed and metabolized. However, ruminants are not born with a large, functional rumen. The rumen undergoes significant growth and functional changes from birth to adulthood.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of a preweaning socialization system on piglet livability, lifetime growth performance, and subsequent sow performance

    A preweaning socialization system is described as the co-mingling of non-littermate piglets before weaning. This approach allows 2 or more unfamiliar litters to interact and socialize during the lactation period. This system involves the removal of dividers between farrowing stalls and walkways and allows piglets to freely socialize while the sow remains in her stall.

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  • Jan
    Washington Roundup - January 2025

    President Trump Begins Second Term with Numerous Executive Orders:
    In the first week of his Administration, President Donald Trump has signed dozens of Executive Orders (EOs) impacting a wide variety of policy areas. A summary of selected actions follows.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Guiding principles of AI: application in animal husbandry and other considerations

    Increased efficiency and productivity: AI can significantly enhance decision-making in various aspects of farm management, from feeding to animal health monitoring. Real-time data analysis enables resource optimization, leading to reduced waste and improved efficiency.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Artificial intelligence for livestock: a narrative review of the applications of computer vision systems and large language models for animal farming

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become essential for decision-making across various industries. The number of research projects involving AI increased by 2.5 times between 2010 and 2018 compared to the previous decade (Lu, 2019). Companies investing in AI have seen significant improvements in sales, employment, and market value (Babina et al., 2024).

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Computational approaches for enteric methane mitigation research: from fermi calculations to artificial intelligence paradigms

    Governments worldwide have made various commitments to address climate change. The first international treaty related to climate change was the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This agreement set targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 5% below 1990 levels and this commitment was made by 37 countries and the European Union (UNFCCC, 1997).

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: The role of artificial intelligence in Latin American ruminant production systems

    Today, cutting-edge technologies—internet of things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence (AI)—play a forefront role in sustainable livestock production (Morrone et al., 2022; Dayoub et al., 2024; Melak et al., 2024). AI, a subfield of computer science that simulates human intelligence enables real-time monitoring and analytical processing in the ruminant sector to boost production efficiency and animal welfare (Neethirajan, 2023; Dayoub et al., 2024).

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Computer vision algorithms to help decision-making in cattle production

    In recent years, integrating computer vision technologies into precision livestock farming (PLF) management systems have the potential to transform how cattle producers collect, monitor, analyze, and optimize animal production. Livestock production, particularly in cattle farming, encompassing beef and dairy under intensive and extensive production systems, faces numerous challenges ranging from optimizing feeding practices to detecting and managing diseases.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Selenium deficiency modulates necroptosis-mediated intestinal inflammation in broiler through the lncRNAWSF27/miRNA1696/GPX3 axis

    Intestinal inflammation caused by selenium (Se) deficiency is one of the causes of broiler diarrhea, which can harm the health of poultry. The addition of Se is the current method to relieve this problem, but it has not fundamentally resolved intestinal inflammation. Therefore, we are looking for new strategies to alleviate intestinal inflammation by studying the specific mechanisms underlying Se deficiency.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of maternal Cu, Mn, and Zn supplementation from different sources on physiological and productive responses of cows and their offspring

    Trace minerals like Zn, Cu, and Mn play essential roles in fetal development, particularly in the formation of the nervous, reproductive, and immune systems. However, their bioavailability might differ depending on the source offered to the animals. This study investigated the impacts of different sources of trace minerals (hydroxychloride [HDX] vs. organic-complexed [ORG] vs. sulfate [INR]) on maternal and offspring responses.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Pregnancy affects maternal performance, feed intake, and digestion kinetics parameters in beef heifers

    Gestation is a physiological condition characterized by a high demand for nutrients to support fetal development, particularly during the late stages of pregnancy. During this time, the ruminal capacity is limited due to the loss of space by the growing pregnant uterus, potentially affecting feed intake.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of multispecies fungal extract supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and the rumen microbiome composition of beef cattle fed forage-based diets

    Enhancing the digestibility of fibrous feeds from cattle diets will benefit the productivity, efficiency, and sustainability of beef cattle operations. These experiments aimed to evaluate the effect of a multispecies fungal extract (MFE) on fiber digestibility and ruminal fermentation; and how these might be associated with growth performance in beef cattle. Diets (forage-based) were offered for ad libitum intake with or without the inclusion of an MFE.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Evaluation of kernel processing and processor type in whole-plant sorghum silage: effects on nutrient digestibility and animal performance in backgrounding beef heifers

    These 2 experiments evaluated the effects of feeding whole-plant sorghum silage (WPSS) with different kernel processing strategies on beef heifers’ nutrient digestibility and growth performance. In experiment 1, using 24 individually housed heifers, we contrasted 3 treatments: A) unprocessed (UNP), B) conventionally processed (CONV), and C) shredlage processed (SHRD) silage.

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  • Jan
    The Giving Herd - ASAS Foundation Newsletter - January 2025

    The January Edition of The Giving Herd, an ASAS Foundation Newsletter

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  • Jan
    Meet Paisli Ivey - 2025 D.C. Animal Agriculture Policy Intern

    Meet Paisli Ivey - 2025 D.C. Animal Agriculture Policy Intern

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of cashew nutshell extract inclusion into a high-grain finishing diet on methane emissions, nutrient digestibility, and ruminal fermentation in beef steers

    In the near future, the U.S. beef industry will face the challenge of meeting a significant increase in global demand for beef, which could contribute to an increase in methane emissions from livestock. To mitigate methane (CH4) emissions, the use of plant secondary metabolites, such as anacardic acid found in cashew nutshell extract (CNSE) has been explored.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of second iron injection on growth performance, hematological parameters, and fecal microbiome of piglets fed different dietary iron levels

    The study evaluated the effects of a second iron injection given to suckling pigs at 7 to 8 d of age after receiving an initial injection at 2 to 3 d of age and fed diets containing different dietary iron levels in the nursery period on growth, hematological characteristics, serum and liver trace minerals, and fecal microbiome.

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