Interpretive Summary: Effects of increasing supplemental zinc to non-implanted and implanted finishing steers
This 59-d study explored the effects of zinc supplementation and an anabolic implant on the performance and carcass quality of Angus-crossbred steers. Researchers provided different levels of zinc to the steers, some of which received a combination growth implant.
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Interpretive Summary: Genetic evaluation of productive longevity in a multibreed beef cattle population
Productive longevity (PL) is a concept that blends cow longevity with reproductive performance quantified by the number of calves regularly produced over the defined lifespan. Specifically, PL was defined as the number of calves consecutively and regularly produced from the second to the eighth parity at 9 yr of age, assuming the first calf was produced at roughly 2 yr of age.
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Interpretive Summary: Restricted feeding of weight control diets induces weight loss and affects body composition, voluntary physical activity, blood metabolites, hormones, and oxidative stress markers, and fecal metabolites and microbiota of obese cats
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of restricting the intake of weight control diets on weight loss, body composition, voluntary physical activity, serum markers of metabolism and inflammation, and fecal metabolites and microbiota of obese cats.
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Interpretive Summary: Cannabidiol can affect morphology, morphometry, enzymatic and microbial activity of rabbit digestive system
The study compares the characteristics of the small and large intestines in 2 groups of healthy meat rabbit feeding or not with a cannabidiol extract for 27 d. Feed intake and final weight are similar for both groups. However, cannabidiol significantly interfered with protein digestion in the small intestine and decreased the microbial activity in the cecum.
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Interpretive Summary: Etiology, persistence, and risk factors of subclinical mastitis in a meat-producing sheep flock
Subclinical mastitis is the inflammation of the udder without visible signs. It is typically caused by bacterial infection. This disease can have important economic and welfare impacts on meat-producing flocks, including udder damage, decreased milk yield, impaired lamb growth, and increased ewe and lamb mortality.
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Interpretive Summary: Dog sniffing biomechanic responses in an odor detection test of odorants with differing physical properties
Dogs are utilized in forensic science for their extensive scent-detection capabilities. They are often considered the “gold standard” in-field detection for targets such as illicit drugs and explosives. Despite their prevalence in the field, relatively little is known about how dogs interact with and transport volatile organic compounds through their olfactory system.
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Thank you for making our work a reality
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Thank you for making our work a reality!
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Washington Roundup – December 2024
Decembers edition of Washington Roundup includes three overviews: Outlook for Continuing Resolution and Farm Bill Extension Unclear, USDA and FDA Release Dietary Guidelines Committee Report, and FDA and APHIS Release Charter on Animal Biologicals Jurisdiction
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2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report Open for Public Comment
The Scientific Report of the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (Scientific Report) was submitted to the Secretaries of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is available online. The departments have opened a 60-day comment period to collect input from the public on the Scientific Report (December 11, 2024 – February 10, 2025).
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OSTP’s STEM Five-Year Plan - A Blueprint for Advancing STEM Education and Talent
As we all know, Animal Sciences is a multifaceted STEM field that studies animal biology and management to improve the lives of both animals and humans. It applies principles from the biological, physical, and social sciences to problems in livestock production and management.
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The Giving Herd - ASAS Foundation Newsletter - December 2024
The December Edition of The Giving Herd, an ASAS Foundation Newsletter
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Interpretive Summary: Soybean isoflavone promotes milk yield and milk fat yield through the ERα-mediated Akt/mTOR pathway in dairy goats
This study aimed to assess the impact of soybean isoflavone (SIF) on milk production and composition in dairy goats. In vivo experiments revealed that SIF supplementation (100 mg/d) significantly raised serum estrogen and prolactin levels, resulting in increased milk yield and fat content compared to the control group.
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Interpretive Summary: D-aspartate stimulates growth hormone secretion in wethers
Growth hormone (GH), secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, is crucial in the regulation of ruminant growth and development, milk production, and energy metabolism in ruminants. Controlling GH secretion is, therefore, an essential factor in enhancing productivity.
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Interpretive Summary: Cecal metabolomics of 2 divergently selected rabbit lines revealed microbial mechanisms correlated to intramuscular fat deposition
Genetic determination of phenotypes depends not only on the host genome but also on its microbiome, particularly that of the intestinal tract. Host and microbiome form a complex co-metabolism that ultimately affects relevant phenotypes, like the intramuscular fat content. The metabolomic analysis of the gut content can provide a functional characterization, giving a better insight into the microbiome activity implicated.
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Interpretive Summary: Proteomic and metabolomic profiling of aged pork loin chops reveals molecular phenotypes linked to pork tenderness
Classifying fresh pork loin based on potential consumer appeal and value enables processors and producers to stand out in a competitive market, catering to domestic and export demands. Accurate classification aligns products with consumer expectations and benefits purveyors, chefs, retailers, and consumers by ensuring consistent quality.
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Interpretive Summary: Early postmortem beef muscle proteome and metabolome variations due to supranutritional zinc and ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation
There is significant interest in improving the efficiency of beef production. Beef quality and consumer satisfaction are of equal importance. Feeding zinc (Zn) above nutritional recommendations and feeding ractopamine hydrochloride (RH) can be utilized to optimize cattle growth.
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Interpretive Summary: Welfare and performance benefits of shade provision during summer for feedlot cattle in a temperate climatic zone
The performance and welfare benefits of providing shade in cattle feedlots have predominantly been investigated in higher-risk heat-stress zones. However, it is unclear whether the reported benefits of shade are relevant in cooler temperate zones.
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Interpretive Summary: The essential oil blend Agolin Ruminant L reduces methane production in vitro and in vivo when included in the drinking water of cattle
Most research conducted to reduce methane (CH4) emissions from cattle has focused on intensive feeding systems, such as dairy and feedlots, where feeding management is tightly controlled. The delivery of CH4 mitigants to ruminants grazing in extensive pasture-based systems requires attention. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the delivery of an essential oil blend called Agolin Ruminant L (Agolin) to beef cattle via drinking water to reduce CH4 emissions.
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Interpretive Summary: Adding gastrointestinal parasite resistance to the breeding objective in hair sheep: initial steps
Gastrointestinal parasite resistance is a heritable trait important to breeders of hair sheep. However, the U.S. Maternal Hair Index, provided by the National Sheep Improvement Program, omits parasite resistance. Selection indexes were designed in this study to continue improving total weight of lamb weaned per ewe lambing (TW), the current goal, and reduce postweaning fecal egg count (PFEC), an indicator of parasite resistance.
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