Interpretive Summary: Sustainable pig diets: partial grain replacement with former food products and its impact on meat quality
Pigs are ideal species to convert food losses, also named former food products (FFPs), into animal proteins. The present study investigated the impact of incorporating sugary and salty FFPs into the diets of growing and finishing pigs on meat quality and its sensory characteristics.
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Interpretive Summary: Effects of dietary protein level on intestinal function and inflammation in nursery pigs
High dietary crude protein (CP) is thought to antagonize nursery pig enteric health. Feeding high CP diets to nursery pigs did not exacerbate intestinal health or inflammation, and overall, protein level in the diet has little impact on animal health and performance.
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Mike Galyean's Animal Science Family Tree
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Interpretive Summary: Levodopa attenuates the feed intake reduction caused by ergot alkaloids in cattle
Fescue has become the dominant cool-season perennial grass in the southeastern region of the United States and is also found in other countries. Endophytes from a plant–fungus symbiotic relationship produce toxic alkaloids that have caused significant annual economic losses to the livestock industry.
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Interpretive Summary: Supplemental trace minerals as complexed or inorganic sources for beef cattle during the receiving period
Issues associated with health and management of newly received cattle continue to pose significant animal welfare and economic challenges for the beef industry. Diagnosis of bovine respiratory disease, accompanied with poor growth performance, can be addressed by nutritional intervention in receiving cattle.
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Interpretive Summary: Genetic parameters for carcass traits of progeny of beef bulls mated to dairy cows
Low-cost genotyping platforms and sexed-semen have enabled the production of high breeding value dairy replacement heifers from a fraction of the herd representing the most elite cows. The remainder of the cow herd can be bred to beef bulls using male-sexed-semen.
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Interpretive Summary: Lightweight model-based sheep face recognition via face image recording channel
Accurate identification of individual sheep is a crucial prerequisite for establishing digital sheep farms and precision livestock farming. In this study, we developed a lightweight sheep face recognition model, YOLOv7-SFR. Utilizing a face image recording channel, we efficiently collected facial images from 50 experimental sheep, resulting in a comprehensive sheep face dataset.
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Interpretive Summary: Parental betaine supplementation promotes gosling growth with epigenetic modulation of IGF gene family in the liver
The goose industry plays important roles in economics, cultures, and ecosystems, yet the low laying and growth rates of many indigenous breeds hinders the development of the goose farming. Betaine, an important methyl donor, is commonly used as a feed additive in livestock and poultry to enhance animal growth.
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Interpretive Summary: The effects of including sprouted barley with alfalfa hay in the diet on ruminal health and performance of cow-calf pairs
Climate variability and uncertainty associated with weather patterns can greatly impact feed security for cattle producers. Flooding, drought, and temperature extremes can reduce a farmer’s ability to produce a consistent crop, resulting in feed prices that can fluctuate greatly.
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Interpretive Summary: Effect of continuous or intermittent feeding of ergot contaminated grain in a mash or pelleted form on the performance and health of feedlot beef steers
Produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea, ergot alkaloids (EA) are toxic to beef cattle when consumed and can lead to reduction in feed intake and growth performance, vasoconstriction of the blood vessels, hyperthermia, damage to extremities (ears, tails, and hooves) and in severe cases, death.
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Interpretive Summary: Efficacy of a novel multi-enzyme feed additive on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and gut microbiome of weanling pigs fed corn–wheat or wheat–barley-based diet
There is a pressing need to enhance livestock production efficiency to meet the growing global demand for meat. Carbohydrases and proteases are enzymes typically added to swine diets to improve nutrient utilization, leading to better growth rates and feed efficiency. This ultimately contributes to sustainable and economically viable pig farming.
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Interpretive Summary: Unveiling the Genetic Landscape of Feed Efficiency in Holstein Dairy Cows: Insights into Heritability, Genetic Markers, and Pathways via Meta-Analysis
A thorough understanding of the genetic factors that influence the feed efficiency of dairy cows is a prerequisite for planning and implementing selective breeding programs. Therefore, a systematic review of reported heritability, genetic markers, and biological pathways affecting FE-related traits in Holstein dairy cows was conducted and followed by a meta-analysis.
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Interpretive Summary: Effects of a novel dental chew on oral health outcomes, halitosis, and microbiota of adult dogs
In this study, we aimed to determine the effects of a novel dental chew on the breath odor, oral health outcomes, and oral microbiota of dogs. Healthy adult dogs were used in a crossover design study to test a diet only (control) or the diet plus a novel dental chew.
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12th Nutrient Requirements of Swine Committee is Underway
The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) has established the committee to develop the 12th Nutrient Requirements of Swine. The committee has already met in person twice and on-line three times with annual in-person and monthly on-line meetings scheduled for the future. NASEM’s charge to the committee is to “conduct an in-depth review of the scientific literature on the nutritional needs of swine and prepare a report that revises and updates the 11th edition of Nutrient Requirements of Swine.”
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Interpretive Summary: Animal ag industry supports the America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act
Representative Bruce Westerman introduced America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act (AWHCA) into the House of Representatives to fund habitat restoration and forest management projects and promote collaboration with private partners to conserve habitat for at-risk and listed species. The AWHCA will also provide $20 million to fund habitat restoration projects and forest management on tribal lands.
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Interpretive Summary: Final rule issues for the Packers and Stockers Act
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the finalization of the Inclusive Competition and Market Integrity Under the Packers and Stockyards Act. The final rule will be effective for 60 days following publishing in the Federal Register and is designed to establish clearer, more effective standards under the Packers and Stockyards (P&S) Act for prohibited practices relating to discrimination, retaliation, and deception in contracting.
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Interpretive Summary: January US meat export data released
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the January 2024 export data, which was compiled by the United States Meat Export Federation (USMEF). Pork and lamb exports were high for January, while beef exports were slightly down. Export value is trending significantly higher than the previous year.
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Interpretive Summary: The Rural and Agricultural Income and Savings from Renewable Energy initiative is introduced
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Department of Energy (DOE) have launched a new program to help farmers cut costs and increase income using underutilized renewable technologies including smaller-scale wind projects. The Rural and Agricultural Income & Savings from Renewable Energy (RAISE) initiative will help 400 individual farmers deploy smaller-scale wind projects using USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).
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Interpretive Summary: The US House Ag Labor Working Group release final report
The United States House Agricultural Working Group has released its final report with policy recommendations. The bipartisan working group participated in extensive discussions with producers across the nation to identify key challenges faced by the industry The goal of the report is to bolster the agricultural workforce.
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Interpretive Summary: USDA finalized the Product of USA label claim
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has announced the finalization of the voluntary “Product of USA” label claim. FSIS is amending its regulations to define the conditions under which the labeling of meat, poultry, and egg products under mandatory inspection, as well as voluntarily inspected products, may use voluntary label claims indicating that the product is of United States origin.
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