Fund Purpose:
This fund was formed to recognize the contribution of Dr. Jim Corbin to companion animal science and to the American Society of Animal Science. The fund supports the Corbin Award in Companion Animal Biology given at the ASAS Annual Meeting. The requirements for the Corbin Companion Animal Biology Award can be found here.
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Jim Corbin earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, and his PhD. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He joined the Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis, MO, as manager of special chows research in 1954 and soon became the first director of the Purina Pet Care Center. In 1973, he joined the Department of Animal Science at the University of Illinois as professor and established a world-class teaching and research program in companion animal biology.
Succinctly stated, Dr. Corbin is the father of the modern-day pet food industry. He formulated and extruded the world's first expanded foods for dogs and cats, catfish, trout, and monkeys. Development of these foods placed Ralston Purina in the #1 position for 46 years among its competitors in the U.S. $19 billion pet food market. Over 95% of the nutritional offerings made to America's cats and dogs is in the dry form, the technology was developed and championed by Dr. Corbin. In 2001, the American Society of Animal Science, in cooperation with the Iams Company, Lewisburg, OH, established the Corbin Award in Companion Animal Biology to recognize his many contributions to pet nutrition and management.
Past Awards:
2023 Award Recipient: Erin B. Perry
Erin B. Perry received her Ph.D. in animal nutrition from the University of Missouri – Columbia in 2011. Erin joined the faculty of the Department of Animal Science at Southern Illinois University in 2012. Erin teaches courses and conducts research in both Companion Animal and Equine Sciences. Erin has authored 26 articles, one book chapter, 48 abstracts, and delivered 48 professional presentations. Erin has served on 18 Graduate Committees and directed 14 Graduate Students (11 Graduates and 3 current) in her program. In addition, Erin has served as K9 Handler in the Missouri Task Force 1 since 2003 and as an Instructor and Evaluator for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) since 2016. Erin’s Companion Animal Research efforts have focused on Working and Service Canines with emphasis on Stress Management and Decontamination Procedures. Erin’s efforts are highly recognized throughout the Working Dog Community and have resulted in numerous invited lectures on K9 Decontamination.
2020 Award Recipient: Maria De Godoy
Dr. Maria R. C. de Godoy is an Assistant Professor of Companion Animal and Comparative Nutrition at the University of Illinois. The overarching goals of her research focused on 3 main areas: 1. analytical methods and animal models for evaluation of nutritional adequacy of novel ingredients; 2. the effects of processing on pet food quality, nutritional value, and safety; and 3. the role of nutraceuticals in health and wellness of pets. Dr. Godoy has an internationally recognized program highlighted by near $6 million in extramural funding, internal grants, and donations to support research. Her research has been presented in 35 invited lectures nationally and internationally, and over 50 peer-reviewed publications. She has an outstanding teaching record and has been consistently named to the Univ. of IL “List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students.” Dr. Godoy’s academic program showcases her innovative approach to science that further advances the pet food industry and the nutritional sciences community.
2019 Award Recipient: Greg Aldrich
Greg Aldrich received his PhD in animal nutrition from the University of Illinois in 1995 and joined the Iams Company. He has held positions at Kemin Industries and Menu Foods. In 2003 he started Pet Food & Ingredient Technology, Inc., which has provided support to more than 175 pet food, ingredient, and equipment companies. He writes a monthly column Petfood Industry Magazine with more than 165 articles. In 2012 Aldrich joined Kansas State University as a Research Associate Professor. He teaches courses in Pet Food Processing, Companion Animal Nutrition, and the Graduate Student Seminar. His research focuses on the effect processing has on safety, nutrition, and shelf-life of modern pet foods. Since 2012 he has published 14 peer reviewed manuscripts, one book chapter, and 63 abstracts, and presented at 85 conferences and industry events. He continues to provide technical support to the industry, serves on numerous corporate boards, and provides commentary on issues of industry importance.
2018 Award Recipient: Anna Kate Shoveller
Dr. Anna Kate Shoveller received her PhD from the University of Alberta and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph. Previously, she was employed by Procter & Gamble and Mars Pet Care where she added to the knowledge of dog and cat nutrition through investigation in the areas of energy metabolism and nutrient budgets of dogs and cats using indirect calorimetry and applying isotope dilution methodologies to quantify amino acids requirements in adult dogs. Shoveller has taken this experience and returned to academia where she teaches Companion and Equine nutrition and runs an active comparative nutrition research group. She has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers, contributed to multiple book chapters, and applied for multiple patents. Currently Shoveller is the Chair of the Companion Animal Nutrition section of ASAS and a board member of the CSAS. Dr. Shoveller not only has a passion to mentor young technologists, she is committed to the generation of highly qualified pet nutrition/product personnel.
2017 Award Recipient: Lisa K. Karr
Dr. Lisa Karr is an Associate Professor of Animal Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. An award-winning teacher and adviser, she has authored 30 peer- reviewed research publications, two book chapters, and 75 extension publications. Lisa is active in the companion animal extension community at the national level, primarily through her involvement as Chair of eXtension.org’s Companion Animal Community of Practice Leadership Committee. She has given 25 presentations or proceedings at local and national conferences and meetings over the span of her career. Dr. Karr's work is sure to have a lasting impact on the companion animal landscape through her education of the field's future scientists and national dissemination of extension best practices.
2015 Award Recipient: Cheryl L. Morris
The purpose of the Corbin Companion Animal Biology Award is to “recognize and stimulate research and/or teaching excellence in companion animal biology”. Dr. Cheryl Morris has demonstrated excellence in both research and teaching in companion animal biology. She has become a new age catalyst to stimulate the imaginations of both established scientists and rising scholars still in the student ranks. Dr. Morris’ contributions to the field of animal biology are extensive and include companion and exotic animals. Her research efforts have impacted biology, education, and policies across species. Her achievements translate into dynamic interactions across all constituents whom she educates about the fundamental and applied nature of animal biology, animal nutrition, and animal management.
2014 Award Recipient: Dennis E. Jewell
Dr. Jewell received his BS degree from the University of Wisconsin, his MS from Pennsylvania State University and his PhD from the University of Georgia. He is currently a senior nutritionist at Hill’s Pet Nutrition and has over 20 years of research experience in monogastric nutrition. Dennis has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and scientific abstracts as well as multiple patents. These publications are broadly cited throughout the Companion Animal Industry. Dr. Jewell has also served as a member of the Canine Expert Committee charged by the AAFCO Pet Food Committee to recommend revisions and updates to the AAFCO Dog and Cat Food Nutrient Profiles and the AAFCO Feeding Protocols. This committee has completed its work and successfully fulfilled the charge of updating the profiles and protocols. Serving as a member of this committee, clearly demonstrates Dr. Jewell’s expertise and passion to ensure companion animal health and well-being.
2013 Award Recipient: Kelly Swanson
Dr. Kelly Swanson received his Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois (UI) in 2002. After post-doctoral training in functional genomics, Dr. Swanson became Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at UI in 2004 and was promoted to Associate Professor with indefinite tenure in 2009. He has established himself as a leader in companion animal nutrition and nutrigenomics, primarily in gut health and obesity. His research program has gained international recognition, highlighted by ~$2.7 million in research (as PI), 62 invited lectures, 76 peer-reviewed publications, and many international collaborations and awards. His use of genomic biology has added a new dimension to the field of companion animal nutrition and biology.
2011 Award Recipient: Ryan M. Yamka
Ryan Yamka is a native of New Jersey and earned a BS in animal science and a BS in biology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University followed by his MS and PhD at the University of Kentucky. Yamka started his career in the pet food industry as a nutrition scientist in Product Development at Hill’s Pet Nutrition. While at Hill’s, Yamka has held positions of increasing responsibility in both research and product development. Yamka’s research has focused on genomics, weight management, amino acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, fiber utilization, and technologies for alternative testing. He has maintained a critical role in the development and implementation of many new and innovative products for companion animals and was active in the application of new technologies for several of Hill’s weight management products. In addition, Yamka also developed a urine pH prediction model for felines that eliminated the need for feeding studies to test urine pH. Yamka is a highly productive scientist who has been actively engaged in companion animal nutrition research for more than 12 years. Yamka has 20 published manuscripts, 47 abstracts, 2 book chapters, and had 5 patents granted, with 30+ patents pending. Yamka actively volunteers in the community for the United Way, where he serves on numerous committees. Yamka and his wife, Tara, have three children ages 5, 2, and 1.
2010 Award Recipient: Kathy L. Gross
Kathy Gross received her BS from Penn State University, her MS from Virginia Tech, and her PhD from Kansas State. She joined Hill's Pet Nutrition in 1990 and is currently director of product claims for Hill's pet food brands. During her career with Hill's, she has been a major force in the development and commercialization of many innovative products for companion animals. Gross is a meticulous scientist with outstanding skills in the design, implementation, analysis, presentation, and publication of research materials. She is an inventor on several patents and author of over 45 articles and book chapters, and she has published over 50 abstracts. Gross and her husband, Rick Tanner, have three children. Gross is also an active community volunteer.
2009 Award Recipient: Nancy A. Irlbeck
Dr. Irlbeck was raised on a farm in Iowa and is currently the associate dean for academics in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Colorado State University. She served on the Companion Animal Committee and introduced exotic animal species into that committee. Irlbeck received her BS and MS degrees in animal sciences at Iowa State University and her PhD at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In Animal Sciences at Colorado State she taught multiple nutrition classes, including pet and zoo nutrition, both of which she still teaches online. Irlbeck has written a textbook titled Nutrition and Care of Companion Animals and has recently written a companion and exotic animal nutrition chapter in a Feeds and Feeding text.