Fund Purpose:
This fund was formed to recognize the contribution of Dr. Gary L. Allee to non-ruminant nutrition and to the American Society of Animal Science. Money from the club was used to support non-ruminant nutrition symposa at the Midwest Sectional Meeting 2012-2021. The first Gary L. Allee Symposium was held at the 2012 Midwest ADSA-ASAS Sectional Meeting in Des Moines, IA.
Beginning in 2025, this fund will support a graduate student in nonruminant nutrition to attend the Midwest Meeting. This continues to honor Dr. Gary Allee and his contributions to non-ruminant nutrition and recognizes his commitment to the importance of students attending the Midwest Meeting.
For information on the Dr. Gary Allee Graduate Student Travel Award, click here.
Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Gary Allee received his BS and MS degrees from the University of Missouri and his PhD from the University of Illinois. His career began at Kansas State University, where he was promoted to professor in 1981. In 1987, he accepted the chair position at the University of Missouri and currently holds the position of professor of swine nutrition. He has served on the editorial board and the NRC Swine Nutrition Subcommittee and as vice president, president, and director of the Midwest ASAS. Gary is nationally and internationally recognized for his pioneering contributions to improving nutrition and management in the swine industry. Gary’s service and scientific contributions have affected almost every pig producer in the United States and most of the world.
Past Symposia:
2021 Symposium
- A metabolic understanding of nutrition.
B.J Kerr, USDA-ARS - Nursery pig research under Dr. Gary Allee.
K. Touchette, Ralco - Protein and amino acid concepts and use in swine nutrition: Gary Allee’s contributions to the swine industry.
R.D. Goodband, Kansas State University - International scientific development and application.
G. Stoner, CP Group - Dr. Allee's philosophy on teaching, research, and the swine industry–A Tribute.
J. Spencer, JBS United, Inc
2020 Symposium
- How to drive efficiencies in pork production: What are the gaps in knowledge and obstacles?
S.J. Kitt, First Choice Livestock LLC - Research topic prioritization in a commercial production system.
A. DeDecker, Smithfield Foods - A personal perspective–ASF.
C. Johnson, Carthage Veterinary Service - Understanding today’s sow and challenging ourselves for the future.
L.L. Greiner, Iowa State University
2019 Symposium
- Impact of weaning stress, disease, and diet on pig performance, intestinal function and integrity.
N. K. Gabler, E. T. Helm, and C. De Mille, Iowa State University - Observations on pre-weaning piglet mortality.
M. Ellis*1, K. D. Vande Pol 1, N. Cooper 1, C. M Shull 2, 1University of Illinois, 2 The Maschhoffs - Feed, feeding levels, and tissue analytics of vitamins: Observations from the field.
B. Hinson* 1, R. Moser 1, M. Ackerman 2, R. Main 3, 1United Animal Health, 2 Pork Veterinary Solutions, 3Iowa State University - Building a production nutrition department in an integrated production company: critical pillars for our success.
K. Coble, JBS Live Pork
2018 Symposium: Science in Practice–Revisited
- Advances with exogenous dietary enzymes to reduce diet cost and improve viability in growing pigs.
R. D. Boyd*1,2, C. E. Zier-Rush1, and E. van Heugten2, 1The Hanor Company, Inc., Franklin, KY, 2North Carolina State University, Raleigh - Practical formulation using corn coproducts and other alternative ingredients – New research, industry trends, and research gaps.
A. M. Gaines*1, O. F. Mendoza1, and J. E. Estrada2, 1The Maschhoffs, LLC, Carlyle, IL, 2Premex, Inc., Durham, NC - Energy in practical formulation – New research, industry trends and direction, and research gaps.
J. van Milgen*, J. Noblet, and E. Labussière, INRA, Saint-Gilles, France - The overused phrase “Gut Health” in practice: What it means, how to measure it, translation to applied metrics, research direction, and gaps.
N. L. Horn* , BioMatrix International, Princeton, MN
2017 Symposium: Swine Industry Expansion: Needs and Opportunities Within
- Overview of swine industry growth: Packing and production facilities needed for growth.
L. Mulberry*, and D. DiPietre, Knowledge Ventures, LLC, Columbia, MO - What does growth mean for the swine industry: Economics and exports.
S. Malakowsky*, AgStar Financial Services, Mankato, MN - Nutritional philosophies for formulation and practical approaches to feeding during times of depressed margins.
P. M. Cline*, Christensen Farms, Sleepy Eye, MN - Technologies to reduce the reliance on antibiotics.
C. Johnson*, Carthage Veterinary Service, Carlyle, IL
2016 Symposium: Changing Consumer/Customer Demands, Opportunities for Nutritionists
- Challenges of shifting consumer demand in the pork processing industry.
C. Kaster* , Smithfield Foods, Kansas City, MO - Electronic sow feeding (ESF): The lemonade of pen gestation.
T. D. Parsons* , Department of Clinical Studies, School of Vet Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Kenneth Sq - Crate-free sow housing and electronic feeding systems – A value proposition for improved sow nutrition.
O. F. Mendoza* and A. M. Gaines, The Maschhoffs, LLC, Carlyle, IL - Exploring connections between metabolic profiles, stress responses and immune function.
J. A. Carroll* , N. C. Burdick Sanchez, and P. R. Broadway, USDA-ARS, Livestock Issues Research Unit, Lubbock, TX - Production specific marketing programs: What do they mean for nutritionists and how do we adapt?
M. J. Bertram* , First Choice Livestock, Urbandale, IA
2015 Symposium: Impact of FDA Guidance's 209 and 213 on the Swine Industry
- Use it and lose it: The dilemma of antibiotic resistance development.
E. Topp, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, London, ON, Canada - Antibiotic resistance in the swine industry.
P. R. Davies, University of Minnesota, St. Paul - What FDA guidance 213 and the veterinary feed directive mean on the farm.
E. A. Wagstrom, National Pork Producers Council, Washington, DC - Identifying potential alternatives to antibiotics.
H. K. Allen, T. Looft, J. Trachsel, T. A. Casey, and T. B. Stanton, USDA National Animal Disease Center, Ames, IA - The paradigm of restricted antimicrobial use: Swine production in the EU.
T. van Kempen, North Carolina State University, Raleigh; Nutreco R&D, Boxmeer, Netherlands - Use of antibiotics in swine production in the light of new FDA guidelines.
C. J. Rademacher, Murphy-Brown, LLC, Ames, IA
2014 Symposium: Feeding Sick Pigs
- The longitudinal impact of PRRS on metabolism, whole body protein accretion and feed efficiency in grow-finisher pigs.
N. K. Gabler*, Iowa State University, Ames - Metabolic and physiological ramifications of immune activation.
R. N. Dilger*, University of Illinois, Urbana - Managing systemic disease stress in commercial pig production: Cost and possible nutritional practices to reduce performance loss.
R. D. Boyd* and C. E. Zier-Rush, The Hanor Company, Inc., Franklin, KY - Managing disease in commercial swine production: Costs and possible nutritional and management practices to reduce losses.
T. J. Loula*, Swine Vet Center, Saint Peter, MN
2013 Symposium
- Fat quality–what does it mean to the packer and can we effectively measure it?
Jerry Cannon, Hormel Foods - Factors o consider when doing fat quality research–perspectives of a meat scientist.
Scott Carr, Elanco Animal Health - Economic implications of achieving fat quality specifications.
Dennis Dipietre, Knowledge Ventures - Pork fat quality: Implications for international product specifications and determining its economic value.
Eric Sheiss, Indiana Packers Corporation - What factors need to be considered when doing fat quality research-perspective of a nutritionist.
Mike Tokach, Kansas State University
2012 Symposium
- Science shaping an industry: Past, present, future.
G. L. Allee*, University of Missouri, Columbia - Vitamin D deficiency in pigs—Fad, fiction, and facts.
T. D. Crenshaw* and L. A. Rortvedt, University of Wisconsin, Madison - China swine production: A personal observation.
G. R. Stoner*, CP Group–China Operations, Beijing, P. R. China - Using science and a system-based approach to innovate a modern swine production business.
B. A. Peterson*, The Maschhoffs, Carlyle, IL
Read about the 2012 Gary Allee Symposium