Foundation Partners
The ASAS Foundation expresses heartfelt appreciation for the generosity of our ASAS members and corporate partners, making what the ASAS Foundation does possible! We are thankful for every gift we receive.
Your generosity makes possible:
- Agriculture intern supported in D.C.
- Graduate students recognized with prestigious awards and Early Career Achievement Awards
- Distinguished Lectures and Symposia
- Students and young animal scientists travel scholarships to sectional, Annual, international and WCGALP meetings
- Professional ASAS members recognized with prestigious awards
- Support for Opening Session, student competitions and more!
Every gift, of any amount, has made a difference! On behalf of the
ASAS members who benefit from your generosity – THANK YOU!
2025 Giving Partners:
Foundation Partners:
Laura Adams
Steve Armbruster
Amy Brainard
Neil Brown
Catherine Ernst
Francis Fluharty
Stacey Gunter
Maynard Hogberg
Christian Landskroener
Angela Loftesness
Hector Menendez
Raphael Monteiro
José Oliveira
Pacesetter Partners:
Jeffrey Armstrong
Glenn and Donna Duff
Deana Hancock
Guoyao Wu
Trailblazer Partners:
Ellen Davis
James Sartin
Visionary Partners:
1908 Society Partners:
Steve and Patty Armbruster
Legacy Fund
Jeffrey and Sharon Armstrong,
Todd and Angie Armstrong, and
W. Dwight and Judy Armstrong
Armstrong Leadership Award
Robert and Arlene Zimbelman
Robert Zimbelman Appreciation Club and
Fellows Club
2024 Giving Partners:
Foundation Partners:
Taiwo Adewoye
Shawn Archibeque
John Arthington
Justin Bartlett
Larissa Becker
Don Beermann
Robert Bellows
Jon Bergstrom
Amy Brainard
Christy Bratcher
Michael Brumm
Michael Bruss
James Carpenter
Joseph Cassady
Joel Caton
Richard Coffey
Katie Cook
Todd Dahlof
Amanda Dainton
Min Du
Ricardo Ekmay
Joan Eisemann
Catherine Ernst
Salvador Fernandez-Rivera
Andrew Foote
Sharon Freeman
Shane Gadberry
Barb Glenn
Cassandra Gluck
Bob Goodband
Sara Gurule
Michelle Gutierrez
Foundation Partners:
Deana Hancock
Flint Harrelson
Kathlyn Hauxwell
Elizabeth Hines
Gerald Horn
Gerald Huntington
Beth Kegley
Don Kress
Kelsey Kulpinski
Dennis Lamm
Christian Landskroene
Dennis Liptrap
Mike Looper
James Males
Mark and Gerry McCully
Emily Melchior
Allison Meyer
Kirsten Midkiff
Steve Moeller
Beatriz Jimena Montenegro Gonzalez
Holly Neibergs
Don Orr
Emily Otto-Tice
Dan Poole
Julianne Racine
Dominic Raso
Tom Rathje
James Reecy
Sarah Reed
Jason Rowntree
Celia Salmon
Foundation Partners:
Guillermo Scaglia
Christopher Schauer
Schwartz Farms/Sheila Schmid
Aubrey Schroeder
Cici Sowers
Ian and Lorin Stewart
Nancy Verhelle
Steven Washburn
Aimee Wertz-Lutz
Anna Wolc
Cody Wright
Jennifer Young
Pacesetter Partners:
Dave and Carol Anderson
Steve and Patty Armbruster
Dwight Armstrong
Andy Cole
Glenn and Donna Duff
Peter Hansen
Maynard Hogberg
Ben Holland
Mike MacNeil
Dennis Marple
Jim Sartin
Todd See
Fred and Alice Stormshak
Mike Tokach
Michigan State University - Animal Science
Terry Ward
Trailblazer Partners:
Gary Bennett
George Fahey
Mike and Charlotte Galyean
Gretchen Myers-Hill
Bob and Grace Wettemann
Visionary Partners:
Ellen Davis
1908 Society Partners:
Steve and Patty Armbruster
Legacy Fund
Jeffrey and Sharon Armstrong,
Todd and Angie Armstrong, and
W. Dwight and Judy Armstrong
Armstrong Leadership Award
Robert and Arlene Zimbelman
Robert Zimbelman Appreciation Club and
Fellows Club
1908 Society Partners
Steve and Patty Armbruster, Our Story
Legacy Fund
Dwight Armstrong, Jeffrey Armstrong & Todd Armstrong, Our Story
Armstrong Leadership Award Guidelines
Robert and Arlene Zimbelman
Robert Zimbelman Appreciation Club and
Fellows Club
"I (faintly) remember attending my first ASAS national and sectional meetings. Even with the free use of a university vehicle and with five graduate students piled in one hotel room, the expense was a strain on a graduate student’s limited budget. That is why I support ASAS Foundation's Fellows Club and the Students and Young Animal Scientist Fund; to honor exceptional early career animal scientists and to help graduate students cover their travel expenses to national and sectional meetings. It brings me great fulfillment to give back and aid these students in advancing their careers.

Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, ACAN
Retired | USDA-ARS
Research Animal Scientist/Research Leader
I invite you to join me in supporting both current and future animal scientists, so they can look back on their ASAS experiences, as we do, with positivity and maybe even a few laughs along the way."
P.S. - The Fellows Club is not just for ASAS Fellows! It's a fund for those of us who want to help recognize and celebrate early-career animal scientists and their research.
"Like many Animal Science graduate students, I was first introduced to ASAS at the Annual meeting. ASAS is a community of driven, focused people from a diverse set of backgrounds and identities working to enhance animal care and production. This community has given me most of my closest friends and allies in working to enhance the sustainability of livestock production. Additionally, I have been forced to grow as a person as well as a scientist. I couldn’t imagine a place that is more welcoming and suited to help push positive growth within a young, developing group of scientists.

Shawn Archibeque, Ph.D.
Professor | Department of Animal Science
Colorado State University
Through ASAS, I have had the opportunity to develop skills that have advanced my career. As ASAS members, we have all been fortunate enough to cultivate invaluable skills that have played a pivotal role in our professional growth. It is a tremendous privilege for us to uplift the next generation of aspiring animal scientists. Together, we have the power to make a profound impact by supporting the ASAS Foundation. I invite you to join me in making a charitable contribution to the ASAS Foundation, ensuring that our shared dream continues to flourish for generations to come."
ASAS Foundation Giving Partners
The American Society of Animal Science Foundation, the philanthropic branch of ASAS, is made possible through the generosity of our members, corporate partners, and friends of ASAS. We thank you, our donors, by recognizing you as a Partner with us!
ASAS Partner, Individual: <$1,000 and Corporate: <$2,500
Pacesetter Partner, Individual: $1,000-$2,499 and Corporate: $2,500-$4,999
Trailblazer Partner, Individual: $2,500-$4,999 and Corporate: $5,000-$9,999
Visionary Partner, Individual: $5,000+ and Corporate: $10,000+
1908 Society Partner: Your Vision. Our Thanks. The 1908 Society recognizes our most generous supporters who have established
their own legacy with an ASAS Foundation fund. Become a 1908 Society partner by establishing your own Named Endowed Fund or by adding your name to an Advancement Fund or another ASAS Foundation fund of your choice. Both options are visionary and generous acts that help preserve the ASAS mission well into the future while creating your own legacy. To learn more, download the ASAS 1908 Society Case Statement.
All partners will be recognized at events; their names will be listed on our website and printed in recognition materials. All requests for anonymity will be respected.
2023 Giving Partners:
ASAS Partners:
Taiwo Adewoye
Lucas Alves
Jeffrey and Sharon Armstrong
Todd and Angie Armstrong
Justin Bartlett
Paul Beck
Larissa Becker
Robert Bellows
Kerri Bochantin
Amy Brainard
Christy Bratcher
Neil Brown
Michael Bruss
Leonard Bull
Bonnie Burr
James Carpenter
Joe Cassady
Joel Caton
Jose Charal
Debbie Cherney
Robert Collier
Larry Cundiff
Andrea Cupp
Jay Daniel
Teresa A. Davis
Joel DeRouchey
Marcio Antonio Dornelles Goncalves
Min Du
Alan Ealy
Maura Eddy
Michael Edmonds
Joan Eisemann
Peixin Fan
Charlotte Farin
Richard Faris
Russell Fent
ASAS Partners:
Andrew Foote
Kenneth Foster
Sharon Freeman
Hyatt Frobose
Jennifer Gifford
Cassandra Gluck
Marcio Goncalves
Leluo Guan
Stacey Gunter
Sara Gurule
Santos Guzmán
Frank Gwazdauskas
Lauren Hanna
Gary Hartnell
Ben Holland
David Holzgraefe
Gerald Horn
Karun Kaniyamattam
Kelly Keaschall
Beth Kegley
Dennis Lamm
James Lauderdale
Shengfa Liao
Dennis Liptrap
Jamie and Michael Looney
Dennis Marple
John McNamara
Emily Melchior
Hector Menendez
Allison Meyer
Kirsten Midkiff
Mark Mirando
Jeannette Moore
Holly Neibergs
Sawyer Nickell
Payne Nikita
ASAS Partners:
Emily Otto-Tice
Michael Parsley
Francisco Peñagaricano
Heather Pechtl
Daniel Poole
Matthew Poore
Scott Radcliffe and
Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe
James Reecy
Sarah Reed
Rebecca Rose
Amy Safran
Nicole Burdick Sanchez
Guillermo Scaglia
Christopher Schauer
Allan Schinckel
Aubrey Schroeder
CiCi Sowers
Chad Stahl
Kelly Swanson
Scott Tilton
Mike Tokach
Abhinav Upadhyay
Kim Vonnahme
Terry Ward
Alan Warner
Steve Washburn
Edward Webb
Dale Weber
Thomas Welsh
Aimee Wertz-Lutz
Niki Whitley
Bryon Wiegand
Cody Wright
Zhaohui Yang
Jennifer Young
Chaoyu Zhai
Steve Zinn
Pacesetter Partners:
Dave and Carol Anderson
Steve and Patty Armbruster
Dwight and Judy Armstrong
Garth Boyd
Beef Improvement Federation
N. Andy Cole
Glenn Duff
Dale Hill
Ben Holland
Mike Looper
Mike MacNeil
Don Orr
Todd See
Mike and Charlotte Tokach
Bill and Paula Weldon
Trailblazer Partners:
Gary Bennett
United Soybean Board
George Fahey
Mike and Charlotte Galyean
Deana Hancock
Gretchen Myers Hill
James Sartin
Bob and Grace Wettemann
Visionary Partners:
Ellen Davis
Bob and Grace Wettemann
1908 Society Partners:
Jeffrey and Sharon Armstrong,
Todd and Angie Armstrong, and
W. Dwight and Judy Armstrong
Armstrong Leadership Award
Robert and Arlene Zimbelman
Robert Zimbelman Appreciation Club and
Fellows Club
As a thank you for your generosity, you will receive one of these Collector Magnets each year that you make a difference in our members’ lives with a charitable contribution.
These magnets exemplify your generosity and commitment to changing the lives of current and future
animal scientists with your support of the ASAS Foundation.
"As an aspiring politician and lifetime animal agriculture advocate, being chosen to serve as the ASAS Foundation Animal Agriculture Policy Intern in Washington D.C. means the world to me. This opportunity will not only allow me to learn more about the legislative process but also further my understanding of how efforts made in the West in favor of animal agriculture are met on Capitol Hill. I am eager to expand my knowledge while growing as a leader and agriculturalist!"

Calihan Waller |
Agriculture Business and Political Science |
Montana State University |
Anticipated Graduation May 2025
“I would like to thank the generous supporters of ASAS Foundation’s Wilson G. Pond Appreciation Club for providing me with a unique opportunity to attend the 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) during my doctoral program. ICAR gathers scientists from all around the globe in the field of reproductive physiology, and it is only held every four years; therefore, it was a great opportunity to network and present my research.”

Felipe Alves Corrêa Carvalho da Silva
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Florida
"ASAS has been a foundational aspect of my career and personal life for more than four decades. Starting from my first annual meeting in 1975 to editorial service for JAS over the years, membership on the Board of Directors, leadership positions in the Society, and lasting friendships formed through the years, ASAS has been a constant and positive part of my life. Giving back to ASAS through the support of the Foundation has been a small way that Charlotte and I can express our gratitude for what ASAS has meant to us."

Mike Galyean,
Professor and Provost
Texas Tech University
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
"It is with great honor and humility that I accepted the 2022 ASAS President’s Award for International Achievements in Animal Science in Oklahoma City this last June. After 36 years as a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, this Award is most important because it provides confirmation that the work I have done over the years was useful, meaningful, and appreciated by the scientific community. This is really a unique and most welcome token of appreciation and I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all the people who generously supported the ASAS Foundation’s James Sartin Appreciation Club for making this Award possible. Please continue to do so in order for others to continue benefiting from it."

Chantal Farmer, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Swine Lactation Biology
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Government of Canada
"Receiving the H. Allen Tucker Lactation and Endocrinology Award in 2021 was the culmination of my students’ work on lactation genomics that began in 2006. Their enthusiasm for generating and interpreting genome data in a physiological context has been instrumental in moving the field forward. This award is a testament to their perseverance and passion for learning."

Juan Loor,
Professor, Animal Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
"The H. Allen Tucker Graduate Student Travel Scholarship in 2021 was one of the most honorable and prestigious awards that I was able to accomplish at the ASAS 2021 conference. This award meant a lot to me, especially because it was named after Dr. Tucker who was one of the most distinguished professors in Physiology. This travel scholarship allowed me to participate in ASAS 2021 and present my research in person to not only the other graduate students and the faculties but also to people in the animal industry."

Parniyan Goodarzi,
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal and Food Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Dr. Barb Glenn served as President of the American Society of Animal Science (1996-1997) and she is a Fellow of ASAS and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She served as the scientific voice for national policies and federal regulations related to animal or crop agriculture from the 1990s until her retirement in 2021. Contributions to the Barb Glenn Appreciation Club are used in conjunction with the Louis Boyd, Jack Britt, Harold Hafs, and Robert Zimbelman Appreciation Clubs to support undergraduate or graduate student interns in animal agriculture policy in Washington, D.C.
This means that while you are giving back to your "home society," you are also paying it
forward to current and future animal scientists. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!