Featured Articles

  • Aug
    Interpretive Summary: Development of a model to predict dietary metabolizable energy from digestible energy in beef cattle

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    Understanding the utilization of feed energy is essential for precision feeding in the production of beef cattle. A study recently published in the Journal of Animal Science aimed to assess whether predicting the metabolizable energy to digestible energy ratio, rather than a prediction of metabolizable energy with digestible energy, is feasible; in addition, the research team aimed to develop a model equation to predict metabolizable energy based on digestible energy measurement and dietary components in beef cattle.

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  • Aug
    Interpretive Summary: Programming of postnatal phenotype caused by exposure of cultured embryos from Brahman cattle to colony-stimulating factor 2 and serum

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    It is known that alterations in the environment of the preimplantation embryo can affect competence to establish pregnancy and phenotype of resultant calves, but there is no clear evidence for the effects of serum on postnatal phenotype of calves. A study recently published in the Journal of Animal Science evaluated the postnatal programming actions of the embryokine colony-stimulating factor 2 and serum using Brahman embryos produced in vitro.

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  • Aug
    Interpretive Summary: Efficacy of phage therapy in pigs

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    While antibiotics are the cornerstone of disease control in livestock, there are growing global concerns over the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and numerous countries have implemented policies to reduce the routine use of antibiotics in livestock. Therefore, research is needed to identify alternative methods for disease control.

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  • Aug
    Interpretive Summary: Greater ileal digestibility of amino acids in sunflower expellers than sunflower meal in growing pigs

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    Currently, amino acids (AA) in poultry and livestock feed are primarily derived from soybean meal. Cheaper and more sustainable alternatives to soybean meal are needed. One such alternative is sunflower coproducts.

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  • Aug
    Interpretive Summary: Wingless-type mouse mammary tumor virus integration site regulation of bovine theca cells

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    Wingless-type mouse mammary tumor virus integration site (WNT) signaling molecules are intraovarian factors that may influence follicular maturation and development. It is hypothesized that WNT ligands and frizzled family members (FZD) impact ovarian paracrine function and mammalian follicular development.

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  • Aug
    Zimmermann breed heterotic mature weight cattle

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    The mature weight of cows at slaughter has increased over the last several decades, making the day-to-day management and feeding costs can also increase. This can affect the efficiency of cattle production, but most studies have demonstrated that the association between cow weight and efficiency is highly dependent on environment.

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  • Aug
    2021 National ASAS-Academic Quadrathlon

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    After a virtual Academic Quadrathlon (AQ) in 2020, the 2021 National ASAS-AQ was conducted during the annual ASAS meeting in Louisville, Ky with the AQ event being hosted by the University of Kentucky, Department of Animal and Food Sciences in Lexington on July 17 and 18.

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  • Aug
    Intracellular Ca2+ signaling and ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1 are associated with hepatic lipidosis in dairy cattle

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    A study recently published in the Journal of Animal Science investigated the role of ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1 on hepatic lipidosis via endoplasmic reticulum stress in dairy cows. Fatty liver is a common metabolic disorder affecting dairy cows during the periparturient period and is closely associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress.

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  • Aug
    Breed and heterotic effects for mature weight in beef cattle

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    Cow mature weight affects the costs and efficiency of a breeding operation and has increased considerably over the past 30 years. Cow mature weight is influenced by genetics and the environment, which means producers need tools to incorporate cow mature weight in their selection of cattle breeds and herd replacements.

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  • Aug
    Providing domperidone throughout lactation enhances sow lactation performance

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    Starting at approximately 8 to 10 days of lactation, sows can no longer produce enough milk to sustain optimal growth of their piglets, an issue that has been exacerbated with the current use of hyperprolific sow lines. Therefore, it is crucial to develop strategies to increase sow milk production.

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  • Jul
    Washington Roundup – July 2021

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    On June 30th, the House Appropriations Committee approved its version of agriculture appropriations for fiscal year 2022. The agriculture appropriations bill provides discretionary funding of $26.55 billion, which is $2.851 billion above 2021. The Committee also released the accompanying report that includes detailed funding levels for individual USDA programs.

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  • Jul
    Year-Round Pork Needs Year-Round Workers

    Copy of ASAS, 2021 Annual Awards logo Insta story, July 2021
    The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) has announced a new initiative to highlight the importance of foreign-born workers across the American pork industry and the need for broad labor reform to address labor shortages.

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  • Jul
    USDA To Re-Examine Organic Livestock Rule

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    The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released a statement regarding the Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP) final rule. The OLPP sets production standards for organic livestock and poultry, including raising, transport, and slaughter.

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  • Jul
    Study Finds New Farming Techniques Could Reduce Greenhouse Gases by 70%

    Copy of ASAS, 2021 Annual Awards logo Insta story, July 2021  (3)
    A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America found that changes in farming practices in grain production could reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 70% by 2036.

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  • Jul
    The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Climate 21 Project Implementation Published

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    The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) has released a new paper, The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Climate 21 Project Implementation. This publication examines nutrient and pest management, animal systems, agricultural technologies, food supply chain, and carbon markets.

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  • Jul
    Study Finds Most Profit Made from Grocery Stores Does Not Go to Farmers

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    A new study published in Nature, Post-farmgate food value chains make up most of consumer food expenditures globally, discovered that farmers make less than 25% of what consumers spend at the grocery stores, and around 7% less than that for food that is consumed at restaurants, or outside of the home.

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  • Jul
    PRIME Act Introduced

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    The Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption Act (PRIME Act) was re-introduced to the House. The same bill was also introduced to the Senate. The PRIME Act would expand the exemption of custom slaughtering of animals from federal inspection requirements.

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  • Jul
    NPPC calls for delay for California Prop 12 implementation

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    The United States Supreme Court announced it will not hear the North American Meat Institute’s (NAMI) case against Proposition 12 (Prop 12) in California. The case was denied without explanation. Prop 12 will become law in 2022, but numerous organizations have called for a delay.

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  • Jul
    New bill Would Provide More Plant-Based Choices in Schools

    Copy of ASAS, 2021 Annual Awards logo Insta story, July 2021  (5)
    Two Democratic members of Congress, Nydia M. Velazquez (D-NY) and Jamaal Bowman, Ed.D (D-NY), have recently introduced a bill that would create a voluntary grant program for school districts to help schools provide additional plant-based options. The “Healthy Future Students and Earth Pilot Program Act” is intended to help combat the climate crisis as well.

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  • Jul
    Meat Sales Down and Prices are Increasing Across the World

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    Just in time for grilling season, meat prices are increasing globally. A report in Bloomberg found in the United States, the sales of meat at grocery stores are down by 12% from the previous year. Due to the global supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the price of meat has been rising since October 2020.

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