Interpretive Summary: Effects of ferulic acid on the growth performance, antioxidant capacity, and intestinal development of piglets with intrauterine growth retardation
Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) impairs postnatal growth and development in neonatal piglets. Ferulic acid (FA) is a ubiquitous phenolic compound that is present in numerous fruits and vegetables and possesses various biological activities.
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Interpretive Summary: Identification of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms in the porcine SLC6A4 gene associated with aggressive behavior in weaned pigs after mixing
The current study identified the functional single nucleotide polymorphisms for the porcine SLC6A4 (serotonin transporter) gene associated with aggressive behavior of pigs after mixing.
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Interpretive Summary: Effect of chemical and biological preservatives and ensiling stage on the dry matter loss, nutritional value, microbial counts, and ruminal in vitro gas production kinetics of wet brewer’s grain silage
Wet brewer’s grain (WBG) is the most abundant byproduct in the manufacture of beer and its rich nutritional composition makes it a valuable feed for cattle. However, WBG is highly susceptible to spoilage so the application of cost-effective preservatives may be a viable approach to prevent nutrient losses during ensiling and feed out.
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Interpretive Summary: Dietary supplementation with lysine (protein) stimulates mammary development in late pregnant gilts
Results indicate that the current National Research Council recommendations for dietary lysine during late pregnancy in pigs, the period when most mammary gland development takes place, are underestimated.
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Interpretive Summary: Protective effect and possible mechanism of arctiin on broilers challenged by Salmonella pullorum
Pullorosis caused by Salmonella pullorum (S. pullorum) is a severe contagious disease and could cause great economic loss to the poultry industry. Antibiotics are usually used to control pullorosis, while prolonged use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains
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Interpretive Summary: A risk-oriented evaluation of biofilm and other influencing factors on biological quality of drinking water for dairy cows
This study aimed to evaluate biological water quality on Western German dairy farms, identify potential risk factors for impairment, and evaluate rapid test systems to score the hygienic status of troughs.
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Interpretive Summary: Is single-step genGrowth performance, bone mineralization, nutrient digestibility, and fecal microbial composition of multi-enzyme-supplemented low-nutrient diets for growing-finishing pigs
A study evaluated the effects of supplementing a multi-enzyme mixture that contain fiber degrading enzymes and phytase on the growth performance, bone strength, and fecal microbial composition of grow-finish pigs fed corn-wheat-wheat bran-based diets.
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Interpretive Summary: Is single-step genomic REML with the algorithm for proven and young more computationally efficient when less generations of data are present?
The estimation of variance components is computationally expensive under large-scale genetic evaluations due to several inversions of the coefficient matrix. Variance components are used as parameters for estimating breeding values in mixed model equations (MME).
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Interpretive Summary: Supplementation of live yeast culture modulates intestinal health, immune responses, and microbiota diversity in broiler chickens
Live yeast culture (LYC) is composed of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its metabolites such as mannan-oligosaccharides, peptides, nucleotides, vitamins and unknown growth factors. The supplementation of LYC is expected to exert health benefits in animals; however, the responses of broiler chickens to supplemental LYC is not fully explored.
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Interpretive Summary: Mineral-salt supplementation to ameliorate larkspur poisoning in cattle
Larkspurs (Delphinium spp.) are native forbs poisonous to cattle and cost livestock producers millions of dollars in losses each year. The role mineral status may play in larkspur poisoning in cattle is unclear.
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Interpretive Summary: Elliptical and linear relationships with rumen temperature support a homeorhetic trajectory for DMI during recovery of feedlot cattle exposed to moderate heat load
Over any summer, most feedlot steers in Australia will encounter 2 to 3 moderate heat waves lasting 5 to 6 d. The ability of these animals to adjust to the hot conditions and recovery from them is not well understood.
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Interpretive Summary: Functional roles of xylanase enhancing intestinal health and growth performance of nursery pigs by reducing the digesta viscosity and modulating the mucosa-associated microbiota in the jejunum
Cereal grains and by-products from cereal processing are extensively used in diets for pigs. These feedstuffs contain soluble fiber that makes digesta viscous in the small intestine.
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Interpretive Summary: A risk-oriented evaluation of bioflm and other influencing factors on biological quality of drinking water for dairy cows
This study aimed to evaluate biological water quality on Western German dairy farms, identify potential risk factors for impairment, and evaluate rapid test systems to score the hygienic status of troughs.
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Interpretive Summary: The energy requirement for maintenance of Nellore crossbreds in tropical conditions during the finishing period
This study evaluated the influence of purebred Nellore and its crosses with Simmental, Angus, and Canchim slaughtered at the same age and body composition on their net energy requirement for maintenance (NEm).
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Interpretive Summary: Effect of fermented corn by-products on production performance, blood biochemistry, and egg quality indices of laying hens
Feed costs the major portion of poultry industry which is estimated to be 60% to 70%. The current study focused to add the fermented agro-industrial by product most of which were waste residues to the laying hen’s diet.
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Interpretive Summary: Functional properties of miscanthus fiber and prebiotic blends in extruded canine diets
There are many ingredients utilized in dog foods that provide a source of dietary fiber. However, new ingredient sources can help to add variety to diet formulas and may provide benefits to pet food processing and animal health.
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Interpretive Summary: Effects of a high-protein, high-fiber diet rich in antioxidants and L-carnitine on body weight, body composition, metabolic status, and physical activity levels of cats after spay surgery
Spay surgery helps control pet populations, but increases obesity due to increased appetite, decreased metabolic rate, and decreased energy expenditure. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of high-protein, high-fiber diet (HPHF), and moderate-protein, moderate-fiber diets (MPMF) in female cats following spay surgery.
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Interpretive Summary:Zearalenone promotes follicle development through activating the SIRT1/PGC-1α signaling pathway in the ovaries of weaned gilts
Zearalenone (ZEA), an estrogenic fusariotoxin, existing in various grains and feedstuffs, could disrupt the endocrine and reproductive systems. However, the underlying mechanisms of ZEA-induced follicular development have not been fully elucidated.
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Interpretive Summary: Maternal supply of a source of omega-3 fatty acids and methionine during late gestation on the offspring’s growth, metabolism, carcass characteristic, and liver’s mRNA expression in sheep
Late gestation supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids (FAs) or methionine (Met) alters the offspring’s development. However, the effect of both nutrients on the physiology and growth of the progeny has not been explored.
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Interpretive Summary: A comparison of indoor and outdoor calf housing systems using automated and manual feeding methods and their effect on calf health, behavior, growth, and labor
In this study, we compared indoor housing systems using automated and manual feeding methods and outdoor calf housing systems using manual feeding methods, to examine their effect on calf health, behavior, growth, and labor. Moving calves to their respective outdoor system commenced at approximately 18 d.
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