Featured Articles

  • Oct
    A new study finds Mexico’s ban on GM corn could have costly repercussions

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    A new report from World Perspectives Inc. details the possible impact of the potential Mexican restriction on genetically-modified (GM) corn. Consumer Price Impacts of Mexican Restrictions on GM Corn: An Economic Analysis, comes as ​Mexico’s government issued a decree, expressing a policy goal to gradually phase out glyphosate and GM corn use in the country by 2024.

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  • Oct
    Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports Act of 2022 introduced

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    A new bill titled the Cultivating Revitalization by Expanding American Agricultural Trade and Exports Act of 2022 (CREAATE Act) has been proposed to double funding for the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development Program (FMD). The bipartisan bill was introduced by Senators Angus King (I-ME), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Tina Smith (D-MN), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

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  • Oct
    Executive order signed to advance biotechnology

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    President Joe Biden recently signed an Executive Order Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy. The order directs United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and the USDA to submit a report assessing how to use biotechnology and biomanufacturing for cultured meat products.

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  • Oct
    FDA introduces new voluntary claims

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    The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a proposed rule to update the definition of the implied nutrient content claim “healthy”, which was originally set in 1994. The hope is that the updated "healthy" claim for food labeling will be consistent with current nutrition science and federal dietary guidance, specifically the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

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  • Oct
    New Swine Inspection System upheld in court

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    The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) New Swine Inspection System (NSIS) was recently upheld in court. NSIS allows for additional inspection duties to be done by the processing facility’s employees as well as allows for faster line processing speeds.

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  • Oct
    Protect Farmers from the SEC Act Introduced

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    The Protect Farmers from the SEC Act was recently introduced by Congressman Frank Lucas (R-OK), along with 80 other members of Congress. The bill would prohibit the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from requiring an issuer of securities to disclose greenhouse gas emissions from upstream and downstream activities in the issuer’s value chain arising from farms and ranches.

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  • Oct
    USDA to give over half billion in pandemic relief to food workers

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    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced fifteen organizations that have been selected to receive funding from the Farm and Farm Workers Relief Grant Program (FFWR). USDA has set aside over $670 million in grants for the program.

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  • Oct
    White House announces plan to support fair and competitive meat and poultry markets

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    During a meeting of the White House Competition Council, President Joe Biden introduced new efforts by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to support fair and competitive meat and poultry markets. The Proposed Rule on Inclusive Competition and Market Integrity and Agricultural Competition Challenge to the State Attorneys General are said to protect livestock producers.

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  • Oct
    Takeaways of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

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    At the end of September, the Biden Administration held the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. The event ties into one of the administration’s goals to end hunger in America by 2030 through proposed legislation, regulatory changes, and public-private partnerships.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Biomarkers for monitoring the equine large intestinal inflammatory response to stress-induced dysbiosis and probiotic supplementation

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    Horses can suffer from intestinal barrier disruption leading to permeability associated with local inflammation, which can result in discomfort and even disease. Intestinal barrier disruption may be a consequence of microbiota disturbances in the large intestine.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Cecal microbiota of feedlot cattle fed a four-species Bacillus supplement

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    Microbes in the rumen break down fiber and complex nutrients into energy that cattle can absorb. Rumen microbes are becoming well studied, but the microbes of the hindgut—specifically of the cecum and large intestine—are less well-studied.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of microbial inoculation and storage length on the fermentation profile and nutritive value of high-moisture corn ensiled at 2 different dry matter concentrations

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    High-moisture corn (HMC) short-term fermentation is affected by dry matter (DM) concentration. Thus, producers try to influence HMC fermentation by using microbial inoculants and by harvesting HMC at different DM concentrations. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different DM concentrations, heterofermentative microbial inoculants, and storage length on the fermentation and nutritive value of HMC.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Calf rumen microbiome from birth to weaning and shared microbial properties to the maternal rumen microbiome

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    Developmental programming has highlighted important influences of maternal factors on offspring development. Recent research indicates a programming potential of the rumen microbiome and understanding this role as well as how inoculation occurs may allow beef producers to optimize management practices of gestating cows such that offspring performance is improved via the rumen microbiome.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Influence of form of selenium supplementation and tall fescue endophyte toxicity on growth performance, serum parameters, and tissue masses of grazing beef steers

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    Beef cattle production in the southeastern United States is plagued by two common nutritional problems. Fescue toxicosis, caused by consumption of toxic ergot alkaloids in endophyte-infected tall fescue, is a major detriment to growth performance of grazing cattle and profitability for cow/calf and backgrounding cattle operations.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Impact of digital dermatitis on locomotion and gait traits of beef cattle

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    Digital dermatitis (DD) impacts cattle health, productivity, and welfare; and is an emerging challenge for the beef industry. The most obvious clinical sign associated with DD is lameness; however, not all cattle afflicted with DD will become lame.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Transcriptomic and biochemical analyses revealed the improved growth, lipid metabolism, and flesh quality of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) by dietary Eucommia ulmoides bark and leaf supplementation

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    As a traditional herb, Eucommia ulmoides (E. ulmoides) has been utilized in East Asia for at least 2 000 years. In recent years, E. ulmoides has been applied in the culture of fish for its functions of promoting growth, lipid metabolism, and flesh quality.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of including Sweet Bran or modified distillers grains in the diet of feedlot steers and sorting at terminal implant on growth performance, feeding behavior, and liver abscess occurrence

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    The objectives of this study were to 1) assess inclusion of Sweet Bran in diets of feedlot steers on performance and feeding behavior and 2) examine the effects of sorting animals at terminal implant on performance, feeding behavior, and liver abscess occurrence.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Unraveling the pros and cons of various in vitro methodologies for ruminant nutrition: a review

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    In vitro methodologies have been used in animal nutrition research for decades to decrease the use of animals and experimental time and cost. Due to its lower cost, in vitro methodologies are commonly used for preliminary testing, prior to large in vivo trials.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Circadian clocks and their integration with metabolic and reproductive systems: our current understanding and its application to the management of dairy cows

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    Here we review circadian clocks and their function in the regulation of metabolic and reproductive systems as well as the consequence of circadian disruption on mammary development and lactation with a particular focus on recent research findings from studies of dairy cows.

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  • Oct
    Interpretive Summary: Extending lactation length: consequences for cow, calf, and farmer

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    Traditionally, a 1-yr calving interval is advised to dairy farmers to realize a yearly peak in milk yield. A 1-yr calving interval, however, implies a yearly event of drying-off, calving, and start of lactation, which are all associated with an increased risk for diseases and disorders.

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