Featured Articles

  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of a molasses-based liquid supplement on gastrointestinal tract barrier function, inflammation, and performance of newly received feedlot cattle before and after a transport stress

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    Stress from weaning, feed restriction, transportation, and gastrointestinal acidosis can cause inflammation and intestinal damage, resulting in decreased absorptive capacity and immune defense capability. Gastrointestinal inflammation has a significant catabolic cost and causes nutritional resources to be directed away from anabolic processes.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of supplementation with ruminal probiotics on growth performance, carcass characteristics, plasma metabolites, methane emissions, and the associated rumen microbiome changes in beef cattle

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    Greenhouse gas emissions are a major concern in the beef industry. This study examined the effects of supplementation with ruminal probiotics consisting of three native ruminal microbes (NRM) for their influence on methane reduction and growth performance of beef cattle.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: A review of the effect of nutrient and energy restriction during late gestation on beef cattle offspring growth and development

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    The objective of this review is to summarize the current knowledge on the effect of protein and energy restriction during the last third of gestation to beef cows on growth performance of offspring, focusing principally on Bos taurus cows.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Evaluation of the effects of corn silage maturity and kernel processing on steer growth performance and carcass traits

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    Kernel processing of corn silage has yielded inconsistent results on diet digestibility and growth performance in beef cattle. These are likely a function of a variety of factors such as differing dry matter concentration of corn silage at harvest, diet inclusion levels, and length of cut.

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  • Jan
    Interpretive Summary: Environmental stress during the last trimester of gestation in pregnant cows and its effect on offspring growth performance and response to glucose and adrenocorticotropic hormone

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    Predictions for the Midwest U.S. indicate that both winter and spring temperatures and precipitation will increase. These climatic changes could result in muddier conditions during winter and spring in the Midwest. It has previously been demonstrated that a muddy environment increases the net energy requirements of mature cow’s by approximately 3.9 Mcal/d.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Genetic and phenotypic correlations between Aleutian disease tests with body weight, growth, and feed efficiency traits in mink

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    The selection of Aleutian disease-resistant individuals based on Aleutian disease (AD) tests is seen as a potential method to control AD effectively. However, the knowledge regarding the genetic background of AD tests is limited.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Evaluation of graded levels of corn-fermented protein on stool quality, apparent nutrient digestibility, and palatability in healthy adult cats

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    Sustainable ingredients are of increasing demand within the pet food industry. Corn-fermented protein (CFP) could provide a sustainable protein source for pet food.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Culturomic-, metagenomic-, and transcriptomic-based characterization of commensal lactic acid bacteria isolated from domestic dogs using Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for aging

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    In tandem with the fast expansion of the pet-economy industry, the present aging research has been noticing the function of probiotics in extending the healthy lifetime of domestic animals. In this study, collaborating with understanding the characteristics of gut microbiome from canine feces by multiomics approaches including culturomics, metagenomics, and transcriptomics, we isolate and identify commensal lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as novel potential probiotics for the use of antiaging using Caenorhabditis elegans surrogate animal model and multiomics analysis.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Environmental impacts of eco-nutrition swine feeding programs in spatially explicit geographic regions of the United States

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    Very few studies have been conducted to determine the differences in environmental impacts based on the diet composition of growing-finishing swine feeding programs across major pork production regions in the United States. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine and compare greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water consumption, land use, as well as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) balance of five diet formulation strategies and feeding programs for growing-finishing pigs (25–130 kg body weight) in the three spatially explicit U.S. pork production regions.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Technical note: an optimized method to isolate, purify, and differentiate satellite cells from broiler chicks

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    The purpose of this study is to optimize the isolation and culture method for muscle stem cells, called satellite cells, in the breast muscle of meat-type chicken (Broiler). Satellite cells play pivotal roles in muscle development, growth, and muscle regeneration.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: What a 31-yr multibreed herd taught us about the influence of B. indicus genetics on reproductive performance of cows

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    Cow–calf operations in the tropics and sub-tropics have benefited from the environmental adaptation provided by Bos indicus genetics. However, reproductive performance has been a cause of concern, although poorly quantified. This study characterized how much the B. indicus genetics in crossbred cows influence herd reproduction.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of resveratrol and its derivative pterostilbene on hepatic injury and immunological stress of weaned piglets challenged with lipopolysaccharide

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    Intensive swine production increases the exposure risk of piglets to immunological stress that disrupts hepatic functionality, leading to inferior disease resistance and compromised growth performance. Therefore, it is imperative to seek appropriate nutrients with protective potential to alleviate liver injury of young piglets under the conditions of immunological stress.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Seasonal and temporal variation in the placenta during melatonin supplementation in a bovine compromised pregnancy model

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    Maternal nutrient restriction during the last trimester of pregnancy impairs the fetal development, increases morbidity and mortality, and reduces its performance in adult life. Animals with compromised pregnancies exhibit a reduction in uterine blood flow thereby limiting the nutrients available for the fetus to grow and develop.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Exogenous enzymes, meal size, and meal frequency: effect on ileal and total tract digestibility of carbohydrates, and energy and fiber degradation in growing pigs fed a wheat-barley grain-based high-fiber diet

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    To reduce cost and also utilize locally produced ingredients, pig diets nowadays can include a large proportion of fiber-rich ingredients. Exogenous enzymes can be added to diets to improve their digestibility and limit negative effects of fiber.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of microbial phytase on standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in feed phosphates fed to growing pigs

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    Microbial phytase increases the digestibility by pigs of phytate-bound P in feed ingredients of plant origin, but digestible P can also be increased in diets by the addition of feed phosphates due to their high digestibility of P and lack of phytate. However, it is possible that the phytate from plant ingredients complexes with P from feed phosphates, resulting in a lower digestibility of P, but research to address this possibility has not been reported.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Behavior and welfare impacts of water provision via misting in commercial Pekin ducks

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    Ducks use bathing water for wet preening and feather maintenance. Commercially, it is challenging to provide clean bathing water without compromising litter quality and duck health.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Integrative methylome and transcriptome analysis of porcine abdominal fat indicates changes in fat metabolism and immune responses during different development

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    Fat is involved in the synthesis of new fatty acids (FAs), FA circulation, and lipid metabolism. Various genetic studies have been conducted on porcine fat but understanding the growth and specific adipose tissue is insufficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the epigenetic difference in abdominal fat according to the growth of porcine.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Phenotypic relationship and repeatability of methane emissions and performance traits in beef cattle using a GreenFeed system

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    Methane production from cattle digestion results in the loss of 6% to 10% of gross energy intake in cattle and globally is the single most significant source of anthropogenic methane (CH4) emissions. The purpose of this study was to analyze greenhouse gas traits recorded in a commercial feedlot unit to gain an understanding into the relationships between greenhouse gas traits and production traits of economic importance.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Utility of multi-omics data to inform genomic prediction of heifer fertility traits

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    Prior biological information can be helpful in the genomic prediction of the traits. Previous multi-omics studies by our group identified genes relevant to puberty and fertility in Brahman cattle, a beef breed in northern Australia. We used this biological information in the genomic prediction of three heifer fertility traits, measured in another beef cattle breed: Tropical Composites.

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  • Dec
    Interpretive Summary: Evaluation of Torula yeast as a protein source in extruded feline diets

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    In 2021, US$50 billion was spent on pet food and pet treats in the United States alone. Pet diets are largely sourced from animal proteins; however, the sustainability of these diets remains a major concern. Microbial proteins from microorganisms such as yeasts offer a sustainable protein alternative.

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