Featured Articles

  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Post-weaning management of modern dairy cattle genetics for beef production: a review

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    The number of dairy steers contributing to the U.S. fed beef supply has increased from 6.9% to 16.3% over the last two decades. Raising dairy cattle breeds for beef production offers unique opportunities and challenges when compared with feeding beef cattle breeds.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of replacing corn silage with alfalfa haylage in growing beef cattle diets on performance during the growing and finishing period

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    The potential for growing systems in beef cattle operations depends on the development of cost-effective alternatives for adding value to cattle after weaning. Alfalfa provides several ecosystem services to beef operations through greater opportunities for manure spreading, longer soil cover, pollinator habitat, and greater carbon sequestration compared to corn silage.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Roughage level and supplemental fat for newly received finishing calves: effects on growth performance, health, and physiological responses

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    The low intake of feed that beef calves exhibit during the first weeks after feedlot arrival results in inadequate nutrient intake, especially energy, which leads to low rates of gain and decreased immune function and likely increases the risks for respiratory diseases. Increasing the energy density of receiving diets (Mcal/kg of dry matter) could result in increased energy intake of newly received finishing cattle.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: One-carbon metabolite supplementation to heifers for the first 14 d of the estrous cycle alters the plasma and hepatic one-carbon metabolite pool and methionine-folate cycle enzyme transcript abundance in a dose-dependent manner

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    The strategic inclusion of one-carbon metabolites, which include vitamins and minerals that are found in human prenatal vitamins, to beef cattle feeding and management protocols during the periconceptual period (the time around breeding) is a novel concept. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the feeding and injection doses of one-carbon metabolites in beef heifers to maintain increased circulating concentrations of one-carbon metabolites for use as a model from which other studies could base their treatments on.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Effect of DL-methionine supplementation above requirement on performance; intestinal morphology, antioxidant activity, and gene expression; and serum concentration of amino acids in heat stressed pigs

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    The exposure of pigs to ambient temperature above their comfort zone affects several functions of the small intestine, especially those related with digestion of feed and absorption of nutrients, which in turn reduces the availability of nutrients for growth.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Effects of bamboo leaf extract on energy metabolism, antioxidant capacity, and biogenesis of small intestine mitochondria in broilers

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    The intensive breeding model of broilers exposes broilers directly to oxidative stress, which is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Some researches have shown that bamboo leaf extract (BLE) exhibited antioxidant capacity both in vitro and vivo. However, few researches have been conducted to explore the effects of BLE supplementation on small intestine mitochondrial functions in broilers.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: Evaluation of supplemental fat sources and pre-farrow essential fatty acid intake on lactating sow performance and essential fatty acid composition of colostrum, milk, and adipose tissue

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    The lactating sow secretes essential fatty acids (EFA) in colostrum and milk to support litter growth and if dietary linoleic (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) intake during lactation are limited, subsequent reproductive function of sows may be impaired. However, the inclusion of dietary fat sources with varying EFA composition in lactation diets provided shortly prior to farrowing can increase the energy density of the diet and modify colostrum and milk fatty acid profiles that may influence litter growth performance and survivability.

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  • Feb
    Interpretive Summary: C/EBPα promotes triacylglycerol synthesis via regulating PPARG promoter activity in goat mammary epithelial cells

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    Goat milk is beneficial for human health because of its nutritional value, especially milk fat, which is plentiful in goat milk. The molecular mechanism of milk fat synthesis is of great importance for developing processing technology and using genetic approaches to improve goat milk quality.

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  • Jan
    ASAS Foundation - Celebrating 25 Years - January 30th

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    Over the past 115 years, the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) has evolved into a multi-faceted organization, including establishing the ASAS Foundation 25 years ago as the philanthropic branch of ASAS. The Foundation enhances, advances, and supports ASAS’ mission and initiatives.

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  • Jan
    ERS releases report on state farm animal policies

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    The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Economic Research Service (ERS) has published the State Policies for Farm Animal Welfare in Production Practices of U.S. Livestock and Poultry Industries: An Overview report. The ERS report describes the current state of farm animal policies, the extent of their implementation and geographic coverage, and the legal environment and challenges these policies have faced.

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  • Jan
    Household food expenditures increased 15% from last year

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    A recent survey-based report out of Purdue University's Center for Food Demand Analysis and Sustainability found that in December 2022, household food expenditures have increased by 15% from January 2022. The report assessed food spending, consumer satisfaction, values, support of agricultural and food policies, and trust in information sources.

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  • Jan
    Philippines extends pork tariff rates through 2023

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    The Philippine government has extended the lower tariff rates on pork and other food items through 2023, to address supply chain issues and rising inflation. EO No. 171 temporarily reduces the Most Favored Nation tariff rates on pork (fresh, chilled, or frozen), corn, rice, and coal until December 31, 2023, and aims to stabilize the impact of inflationary pressures as a result of the Ukraine-Russia crisis, expand supply sources and reduce the prices of key commodities.

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  • Jan
    Sustainable bioproduct manufacturing receives boost from NIFA

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    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced it will invest $9.5 million in the National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA’s) bioproduct pilot program, which will fund three bioproduct manufacturing projects. The program was authorized under the Infrastructure Invest and Jobs Act in November 2021 to give the United States a competitive advantage in the global economy.

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  • Jan
    USDA announces funding for meat supply chain

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    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced it will invest over $9.5 million to help diversify the nation’s meat supply. The funding comes with the goal of expanding market capacities and market opportunities, particularly in the meat and poultry sectors.

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  • Jan
    USDA partners with National Urban League to improve nutrition

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    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to reaffirm the relationship between USDA and the National Urban League, a historic civil rights organization. The USDA and National Urban League will work collaboratively to promote nutrition and food security, increase access to healthy foods, and ensure equitable service delivery of USDA programs in underserved communities across the country.

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  • Jan
    USDA Secretary announces improvements at USDA that will benefit farmers and ranchers

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    During the American Farm Bureau Federation’s (AFBF’s) annual convention, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced four new programs at USDA to benefit farmers and ranchers. Vilsack also discussed the next phases of the Emergency Relief Program and Pandemic Assistance Revenue Program, and the importance of the 2023 farm bill.

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  • Jan
    USDA to expand ag exports

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    The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) has announced funding to more than 60 United States (U.S.) agriculture organizations to help expand export markets for U.S. farm and food products through the Market Access Program (MAP), and the Foreign Market Development (FMD). The total investment is $202.7 million.

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  • Jan
    Virtual meeting held over cultivated meat

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    For the first time, The AgFood Future Center of Excellence (AGF) and the Agriculture Food Partnership (AFP) co-organized a virtual event where, regulatory experts from two of the largest potential markets for meat innovation, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA), met to discuss the regulatory approval process and prospects for cultivated meat in these two major markets.

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  • Jan
    USDA undersecretary for food safety sworn in

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    At the beginning of the year, Jose Emilio Esteban, Ph.D. was sworn in to serve as the United States Department of Agriculture Undersecretary for Food Safety. Esteban was previously confirmed by the Senate on the last day of the 177th congress.

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  • Jan
    Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman not running for reelection

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    The United States Senate Agriculture Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow announced that she will not seek reelection in 2024 in Michigan. The agriculture panel’s top Democrat since 2011, Stabenow has a reputation as a tenacious negotiator willing to spend hours sounding out colleagues on their priorities. She holds the legacy as the first woman elected to the Senate in the state of Michigan.

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