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Interpretive Summary: Long-stranded non-coding RNAs temporal-specific expression profiles reveal longissimus dorsi muscle development and intramuscular fat deposition in Tianzhu white yak

By: Zhaohua He, Xiangyan Wang, Youpeng Qi, Chune Zhu, Zhidong Zhao, Xiaolan Zhang, Xiu Liu, Shaobin Li, Fangfang Zhao, Jiqing Wang, Bingang Shi, Jiang Hu

In-depth analysis of the molecular regulatory mechanisms involved in the development of yak skeletal muscle can aid in the identification of crucial functional genes that may enhance the quality of yak meat in the future. Our research is the first to investigate the expression of long-stranded non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) during muscle development and intramuscular fat deposition in Tianzhu white yaks at different ages (6, 30, and 54 mo). We have discovered numerous novel lncRNAs and their associated target genes that are linked to muscle development and fat deposition, and have constructed relevant interaction network diagrams. This study is expected to promote a genetics-based approach to further enhance the Tianzhu white yak and other yak breeds.

Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.