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ASAS Membership Dollars At Work!

Supporting the next generation by providing mentoring, training and workforce development. 

    ASAS hosted the first of two annual Writing workshops last week in Hollywood Beach, FL. The conference attendees were 25 ASAS member graduate students and young scientists from 12 different schools and agencies in the US and Canada.The students received a half day of lectures from current and former editors of ASAS 
    Journals (Elizabeth Lonergan, Steve Zinn, Jim Oltjen, Jim Sartin and Teresa Davis),followed by a half day of hands-on reviewing of manuscripts published in TAS and JAS. The last half day the students were in small groups and received the actual journal manuscript reviews and discussed their reviews of the papers in context with the professional reviews. Students also had the option to submit their own papers for review by the editors and received a half price reduction in publication costs for a paper from their dissertation or thesis if published in the next 12 months. Our next Writing Course will be held in Ft. Collins, CO in the Spring. Come and meet our editors and learn from the best.