September 12, 2024

Steve Moeller's Animal Science Journey

  Steve Moeller's Animal Science Journey

“The joy and pride I feel for my children and my graduate students are unparalleled. Nurturing their love for the outdoors, their care for animals, and their dedication to making the world a better place has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my life. Steve Moeller, Ph.D.

I’ve always carried the spirit of a farm kid with me. Growing up on a diversified farm in the quaint town of Salem, IA, filled with beef cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens, and grain, I envisioned continuing the family farming tradition. However, as industrial farming grew and made it difficult for family farms like ours to support multiple households, my parents wisely encouraged my siblings and me to pursue higher education to ensure a stable future beyond farming.

While the spirit of a farm kid remains in my heart, my journey took an exciting turn when I discovered a deep passion for livestock production and genetics during my undergraduate studies at Iowa State University and as a student member of American Society of Animal Science (ASAS). What started as a modest two-year agriculture program became a B.S. in Agricultural Studies and Farm Operations, followed by an M.S. and Ph.D. in Animal Breeding and Genetics. At ISU, I also met my wife, Kim, who was equally passionate about animal science. Although she didn't come from a farming background, Kim's love for animals initially led her towards a veterinary career. However, like many of us, our career paths shifted thanks to the exceptional mentors who opened our eyes to the vast opportunities within animal science.


After completing graduate school, I embarked on a fulfilling journey as a faculty member in animal science at Ohio State University and our family grew with the arrival of our two wonderful daughters, Olivia and Grace. We were blessed that Kim could take a valuable hiatus from her career and dedicate time to raising them. After a few years, she reentered the workforce, becoming an expert in procurement. 

                                                     Tom Baas, Ph.D.                             Steve Loerch, Ph.D.       

Reflecting on my time at ISU, I deeply appreciate the remarkable guidance from Dr. Tom Baas, who served as an undergraduate advisor, graduate mentor, and peer. In addition, I was very fortunate to have Dr. Lauren Christian as my major professor. Their support was instrumental in connecting me to the global swine industry.

                                       Keith Irvin, Ph.D.                     Henry Zerby, Ph.D.                  Francis Fluharty, Ph.D.     

During my tenure at Ohio State University, I was fortunate to build strong connections within ASAS, which truly enriched my professional journey. The exceptional peer guidance of Dr. Keith Irvin, Dr. Henry Zerby, Dr. Francis Fluharty, and Dr. Steve Loerch propelled significant advancements in our research, extension, and teaching efforts. I am also immensely grateful for the Land Grant Swine Extension and Research community, which, through the NPPC and NPB, has been pivotal in providing educational programming and conducting industry-driven research throughout my career. 

 My career has flourished thanks to the collaborative spirit and unwavering support from so many individuals. The ASAS Midwest Section has played a crucial role in my professional journey. The combined national and regional efforts unite the animal science community, creating an unparalleled environment for learning and contribution. The ASAS meetings are exceptional, bringing together a diverse mix of experts from universities and industry partners worldwide. These gatherings advance science and build lasting professional and personal relationships. Achieving this takes a dedicated community, and ASAS has the passionate members, staff, and leaders who make this successful!

                                                                Olivia Moeller            Grace Moeller, Ph.D. and Gus

Now, while not following directly in our footsteps, our daughters have carried on the work to make this world a better place for animals and humans. Olivia is a game warden for the Department of Conservation in Michigan, and Grace completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Animal Science at ISU in August 2024 and currently works in the carbon and greenhouse gas emission space to improve the greenhouse gas footprint of livestock.

Kim and I are incredibly grateful for the remarkable journey we've had, filled with unexpected and rewarding moments. We invite you to take a moment to reflect on how ASAS has impacted your life, the doors it has opened, and the invaluable network of connections and friendships it has fostered. As we reflect on our journey, we recognize the importance of giving back. We invite you to join us in supporting the future leaders of animal science by contributing to the ASAS Foundation. Your support will ensure the continuation of this vibrant community and its impactful work. Consider also becoming a member of the ASAS Foundation 1908 Society to further amplify your impact.

Steve Moeller, Ph.D. | National Program Leader for Food Animal Production | US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

                        For information about ASAS Foundation's1908 Society, visit online HERE, or contact
                       Amy Brainard, ASAS Chief Development Officer at or (217) 729-7600.