June 20, 2024

Interpretive Summary: Disrupted one-carbon metabolism in heifers negatively affects their health and physiology

Interpretive Summary: Disrupted one-carbon metabolism in heifers negatively affects their health and physiology

By: Matthew S Crouse, Ronald J Trotta, Harvey C Freetly, Amanda K Lindholm-Perry, Bryan W Neville, William T Oliver, Carrie J Hammer, Jessica G Syring, Layla E King, Tammi L Neville, Lawrence P Reynolds, Carl R Dahlen, Joel S Caton, Alison K Ward, Robert A Cushman

The feeding of one-carbon metabolites (including methionine and B vitamins) has been shown to improve fetal growth and milk production in species such as mice, sheep, and dairy cattle. Extending this to beef cattle around the time of breeding is a growing area of research. Our group previously determined that one-carbon metabolite supplementation to beef heifers altered the abundance of circulating methionine-folate cycle intermediates in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, we aimed to determine a whole-body response to one-carbon metabolite supplementation in heifers by measuring the effects on specific physiological systems as well as a total systemic response. We determined that treatments that negatively altered the methionine-folate cycle yielded a fundamental negative whole-body response to supplementation.

Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.