May 02, 2024

Interpretive Summary: Sow serenity: automatic long-term measurement of lying behavior in crates and free-farrowing pens using 3D accelerometers

Interpretive Summary: Sow serenity: automatic long-term measurement of lying behavior in crates and free-farrowing pens using 3D accelerometers

By: Maximilian Knoll, Lorenz Gygax, Edna Hillmann

We analyzed lying behavior of sows using sensors, focusing on crated versus free-farrowing sows from pre-parturition to weaning. Lying behavior varies in this time following the needs of the sow and her litter. In a natural environment, sows increase activity 14 d post parturition, which we expected to be also evident in housed sows when they are allowed to move freely. Validation with video data showed excellent agreement for duration and frequency of lying. In crated sows, the number of lying bouts peaked around parturition, decreased after parturition, and then gradually increased. In free-farrowing sows, lying down occurred less often before parturition, but increased by day 20 compared to crated sows. Both housing systems showed prolonged lying periods from 18:00 to 00:00 hours. Crated sows had reduced lying times before parturition and lied longest post-parturition, which decreased until day 5 and then increased toward weaning. Free-farrowing sows had similar nocturnal patterns but persistent lying times that increased prior to parturition and decreased prior to weaning. Overall, the study highlighted the accuracy of accelerometer-based lying behavior classification and showed that free-farrowing systems benefit lactating sows not only around parturition but also toward weaning, facilitating activity during the nest-leaving phase.

Read the full article in the Journal of Animal Science.