March 20, 2022

ASAS Undergraduate Scholar Recognition

The American Society of Animal Science would like to help you in recognizing your outstanding animal science students.

Procedures for the ASAS Undergraduate Scholar Recognition can be found on the ASAS web site at the following link:

Briefly, students must:

  • be enrolled in an animal science curriculum,
  • rank in the top 10% of their senior, junior, or sophomore class,
  • be of good moral character and intend to pursue an animal science career, and
  • members of ASAS (a $10 membership fee brings all ASAS benefits to the student)

Please send your list of nominations via e-mail by April 25, 2022 to:Melissa Burnett,

Please note that students must be a member of ASAS before the society will provide recognition, students can join ASAS online or their nominator could provide their membership fee. The cost for Undergraduate Membership is $10.

Thank you for helping ASAS recognize your outstanding students and our future leaders in Animal Science.

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Dr. Mike Tokach
ASAS President