Public Policy
The ASAS Public Policy Committee was formed in 2009. The purpose of the committee is to help ASAS shape public policy and public opinion on current issues affecting farm animals and companion animals. In 2010, members of the committee began meeting with representatives from federal agencies (USDA APHIS, USDA NIFA, EPA, FDA CVM, USAID) to build relationships. The goal of these meetings is to make federal agencies aware of the scientific expertise and resources available within ASAS that could be used to develop science-based federal policies affecting poultry and livestock production.
ASAS "Snack and Fact" Briefings
One of the foundational reasons for creating the animal agriculture magazine Animal Frontiers
was to share issues in animal agriculture and animal science with a
broader audience. ASAS, in conjunction with our partners AMSA, EAAP and
CSAS, distributes Animal Frontiers electronically and in print format to various governmental groups.
In addition to this service, U.S.-based authors visit Washington, D.C. and present information from Animal Frontiers to congressional staffers on Capitol Hill. These events are called ASAS Snack & Fact briefings.
ASAS Grand Challenges
The Grand Challenge documents were prepared to clearly articulate our
priorities, to provide science-based information for shaping public
policy, and to enhance future funding for research and education
programs in animal science.
ASAS Policy Statements
Public policy statements adopted by the American Society of Animal Science.
View statements
Public policy statements from agricultural societies:
Crop Science Society of America GMO statement